student loan
Date: Wed, 06/03/2009 - 16:02
student loan
No, the debt collector cant but that doesnt stop the guarantor s
No, the debt collector cant but that doesnt stop the guarantor suing you and freezing them. Federal loans will sue those who are self employed.
Is there anyway to protect the company financials? When I try to
Is there anyway to protect the company financials? When I try to work out stuff on the phone to get a payment plan, they ask too many personal questions that I won't answer on the phone, in return they won't work with me. They want me to verify birthdates and so forth.
Sorry, but with federal loans they have access to your financial
Sorry, but with federal loans they have access to your financials. If they sue you the IRS will provide them with whatever you need. Verrifiying birthdate?? Come on...that is peanuts....that was on your original application. My suggestion is to cooperate and give them the info before they are forced to snoop.