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How I made more than $500 in 1 week

Date: Mon, 06/01/2009 - 05:59

Submitted by success4resource
on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 05:59

Posts: 74 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 39

How I made more than $500 in 1 week

Before I start, I just want to add that this is not a spam or a get-rich quick scheme to make million within 5 mins kind of thing.

With experience, I will tell you how I made $500 just last week.

I took a 5 days leave and with a little planning by last friday, I got my $500 and a little more.

All it took was a little planning and the saying "If you fail to plan, you plain to fail." is very true

I did a little research and found that companies pay $100-$$150 on flyers distribution.

Since I had no overheads to pay, I called up a few Small business and offered to do it for just $30. I targeted Food catering,Pets store, Hair Salons, provision stores and restaurants.

Although the result was not exactly how I expected but I got about 8 customers- mostly food catering and small provision stores. It took me over 7 hours worth of work and on the first day I made $240.

I tried to repeat the process on the second day but only had 3 customers and figured I did not want to waste my time doing it.

So I called up small business firms and SMEs and offered another service. I told them that I will advertise their products, websites etc.. on classified ads, add their company profile on Forum Signatures and even mention about them on popular social networking sites all for a fee of $20.

I told them that if they do not have costs to advertise, this will be duly effective. At the end of the day, I will show them what I did and which sites I went to advertise and they were pretty happy about it. (I just love the internet)

There were a lot of rejections at first but eventually a few small business firms did consider it. I had 6 clients. It took me the whole day and I worked till the night. On the 2nd day, I made $120. In total, $360 within 2 days (You can PM me to know what websites to use)

In my area, Car washing is expensive as it could amount to $50 to $65

Thus, on the 3rd day, I went to houses offering to wash their cars for only $10 and the response was great, of course your hands will ache but hey I think I had made about $65 for that day (I gave discounts to old folks)

Total after 3 days: $425

The next day, I went through some ads in the newspaper and found lots of house cleaning firms charging from $300 to $1000

Now this takes dilligence and the ability to handle rejections. I went door to door within my residential area as I was armed with brooms and mops and cleaning utensils.

I charged $40 for 4 hours of cleaning and I managed to get 2 houses (my neighbours)

Total after 4th day: $505

On the Fifth day, I was not in the mood to think what else I could use to make money so I repeated the flyers distribution
I had 5 customers

Total after the 5th day: $655

I know that these are hard works but if you are truly desperate need of money by end week, well it pays the bill.

Its just my 2 cents worth of sharing...

Hey bea2ls,

Yes, it work.

There are rejections at first but if you target to get even 6 customers per week, you will make a small profit.

(1) Do your research
(2) Plan your actions
(3) Execute your plan

But it only works for small business though..

Good luck and let me know yea?


Submitted by success4resource on Tue, 06/02/2009 - 07:34

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )

My sister-in-law did something similar for a while -- some company was paying her to drive around and put signs in peoples front yards (I'm assuming they gave permission ??). She would have to take pictures and submit them as evidence she placed the sign, then they would pay her like $5/sign. She would take a day or two per week and just do this, and I think she said she made like $5-600 per week.

The only problem was they had her going into some pretty bad neighborhoods (by herself), so my brother made her stop doing it.


Submitted by DebtCruncher on Sun, 06/07/2009 - 12:33

( Posts: 2293 | Credits: )

Great ideas, the only problem is in some cities you cannot distribute flyers unless you put them in people's hands; which I know from experience that does not happen often. Where I live in CA the police can actually get the flyers you have placed and fine the company for EACH flyer...sad but it happens. So just be careful if you take that route.

I tried the car/house cleaning and got 0 responses from more than 75 houses...I gave up.

I'm not savvy enough to talk small businesses into letting me advertise for them, I don't think.

Again, thanks for the testimony :) I'm sure some folks will get some $ from these great ideas.


Submitted by on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 09:00

( Posts: 6 | Credits: )

Hey gamer,

Sorry to hear that.

Maybe, I could list down a few Home based business that would hopefully be of interest to you

Virtual assistant-There are a few SMEs that need to hire a support person on an as-needed basis or per hour basis

Photographer- There are various companies looking for photographers. If photography is your passion, well go for it

Cleaning Service- You can target House cleaning, Office cleaning and even Restaurants are in great need of daily thorough cleaning and can be a great source of steady clients.

Good Luck


Submitted by success4resource on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 21:39

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )

i wish i could get some of these ideas to work for me, but i doubt i would get any buisness.. money has been so tight lately, i need rent in like two days but i have to face that or getting my lights turned off (which, per my lease is also a reason for eviciton). my phone is already shut off, my cable goes off tommorow.. lol sorry for complaining.


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 11:30

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

yes these are some great ideas but sadly with the economy in the crapper no one is paying for this sort of stuff right now. All winter i cleaned houses and all of them couldnt pay me any longer the small fee i charged (20.00). businesses are closing left n right. All the other cleaning ladies i know have ran out of work also and the poor kids trying to fundraise by washing cars are standing in empty lots.

Great ideas, but no one is paying for anything these days that they could do themselves atleast not in this area anyway


Submitted by love_my_things on Thu, 08/27/2009 - 11:01

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

same here, love my things.. it is sad, i know a lot of my co wokers clean houses on the side but their jobs are getting smaller and smaller (people use their services less often or they stop all together).
i basically gave up on my part time job hunt.. nobody is hiring.. and i just became skilled at convincing companies (electric, etc. or my landlord) to wait a bit longer for their money, i do not know any ways to make more money in this economy really.. just a little bit here and there. that stuff does help but seems never enough :(


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 08/27/2009 - 11:05

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

it really stinks last winter i was picking up the slack with small stuff like that but it all slowly dwindled away. Im not sure what im gonna do for that extra cash but i will have to work something out. even that 20.00 a week cleaning for the old lady next door really made a difference. she felt so bad and i felt so bad for her she really cant do it herself and she is too proud to let me do it for less. she said she already feels like shes ripping me off. heck id do it for free for her but she must be on to me she dont even let me check up on her anymore.


Submitted by love_my_things on Thu, 08/27/2009 - 18:06

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

thats the thing honestly i would do it for free for her because i know she really needs the help but her pride has gotten the best of the situation. It has gotten so bad my mom could not afford her medication any longer(the co-pay) and wasnt taken it. I finally talked her into a medical trial that i had heard of so that she could get her medication for free. its sad because without it she could die. Its a shame that things have gotten to this point but this is were we are. and its not just some people its everyone i know right now. My grandparents let there house go back to the bank because they couldnt afford it.


Submitted by love_my_things on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 07:25

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

i keep thinking back to this post.. thinking of the flyer distrubution.. think that would work?? i always need the extra money and i missed a whole paycheck because i had to miss two weeks of work because of illness :( i was actually supposed to take a leave of absence but cannot afford to be sick right now.


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 10/06/2009 - 11:22

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Other contributors to debt: being laid off, fired, furloughed, taking care of elderly parent, disabled child/spouse. Having to take off to take them to doctors/social services, etc. Divorce, illness and so on. Then we try to keep our heads above water by doing stupid things like taking out payday loans, using our credit cards. Then the government taxes us to death.

That's why people have debt.


Submitted by aubrey on Wed, 10/14/2009 - 09:23

( Posts: 1203 | Credits: )

that was aimed at me but i will ignore it. ;) (though I will say that in my defense i did not say i do great at 30K a year, just that the poster whose rent and expenses is less than half of mine should do fine, though as in this case i do not know for a fact their situation, it just was an observation for making a budget)
but back to this post a lot of these ideas do seem great i just do not think they would work in a time like this when so many people are hurting :( i have known people who did similar things as recent as a few months ago but things slowed down so much since than.


Submitted by bea2ls on Mon, 10/19/2009 - 06:59

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

im with ya bea2ls! we make just above 30,000 and even though my cc debt is kinda manageable at the moment and we are doing by my calculations "ok" i would like to be in the "good" range. so i supliment my income with house cleaning, surveys, and other odd here and there things to bring in 10,20, or 50 dollars. it all adds up in the end. every dollar counts. but as i have mentioned i now have lost all the cleaning jobs due to they cant afford it anylonger. i may be picking 1 up this week though we will see!


Submitted by love_my_things on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 10:49

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

just a update, i think people are starting to get more confident because i started to get houses again! yeahhhh!!!!! i got one fall cleaning job last week brought me in 200.00!!! and got 3 people that called me to start thier weekly cleaning that i got to find the details about so im so excited!!! So these small jobs may be starting to pick back up again!


Submitted by love_my_things on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 06:04

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

That's wonderful, LOVEMYTHINGS!! Good to hear it. Also,..i want to point out something BOSSY had said (..paraprasing here..) 'it doesn't matter how much you make, income, etc. You can STILL be in debt.' true!! I DO know people who make quite a 'comfortable' income every year. However......i think TOO many people try to 'keep up with the Jones' kind of living. Some people are into matrial things instead of practical ideas, etc. (Just my '2 cents', of course).


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 04:09

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by sdchargers_63
.....i think TOO many people try to 'keep up with the Jones' kind of living.

And therein lies the rub. The best way I've found is not to worry about the damn Jones. Let them keep up with me. It's a fundamental attitude shift, for most folks. But it comes quite naturally to me. Must be my outlaw past...

I drive old cars, live in a cheap place, and do my own thing. And my family and I are happy and reasonably content. I've got friends that have to have nice cars and fancy stuff, and they're miserable, even though they make plenty of money. It's all a metter of priorities.


Submitted by unclewulf on Sun, 11/22/2009 - 19:51

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Icon
It's not about how much money you bring in, it's about how much money is being paid out. For most people, more money is paid out than what's brought in.

I don't think that thjis statement is true.Most people do not spend more than they bring in. If that is the case something is really wrong with either your income or what you are doing with your money.
Do not assume that everyuone is in the same boat as you


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/23/2009 - 05:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

well, regardless of why or how people got into debt, we are all here to fix these problems :)
this post has gone way off course, i think but honestly it is nice to see someone had an emergency cash plan that actually worked well for them. i only succeeded in this one time and it was kind of a fluke (i painted rooms in homes for extra money). anyone with any other ideas how to make extra money is always welcome.


Submitted by bea2ls on Mon, 11/23/2009 - 09:50

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )