Won't be on much until Tuesday
Date: Thu, 05/28/2009 - 04:12
Won't be on much until Tuesday
Have a wonderful experience in the Gulf. Bon voyage :D
Have a wonderful experience in the Gulf.
Bon voyage :D
Never been to that part of FL. Love Destin and Ft Walton Beach.
Never been to that part of FL. Love Destin and Ft Walton Beach. We were there between hurricanes in Sept 04 and I think it was Gustav that destroyed the beautiful white sand beaches in Destin. But they had it back in fine form for spring break '05.
I have never gone this far south either ....I grew up vacationin
I have never gone this far south either ....I grew up vacationing in clearwater and then the usual trips to orlando. Meeting up with some friends without my kids...dont wanna see the "mouse" this trip.
Can't blame you for that. I love kid free vacations :twisted:
Can't blame you for that. I love kid free vacations :twisted:
I am back....sun burnt and all. Really hated leaving florida bu
I am back....sun burnt and all. Really hated leaving florida but it does look like I will be relocating there in the next couple of years.
You should consider chartering a boat and doing some deep sea fi
You should consider chartering a boat and doing some deep sea fishing. The Gulf of Mexico has some fantastic fishing .
Pretty happy eating the fresh fish in the local restaurants.
Pretty happy eating the fresh fish in the local restaurants.
Hope you enjoy. I just returned from a trip to Montana, unexpect
Hope you enjoy. I just returned from a trip to Montana, unexpected death. We got home today.
I am happy to read your trip went well. I am headed there this
I am happy to read your trip went well. I am headed there this week of a much needed two weeks of rest and relaxation in between semesters. :D
I will be soaping my brains out for the next 2 months to start p
I will be soaping my brains out for the next 2 months to start planning my move. I will be going down again for another week at the end of august before school goes back for the girls....ideally I would like to be down there before the snow falls here in Minnesota again but that is unlikely to happen.
Wow...that is a change. I can understand wanting to be there be
Wow...that is a change. I can understand wanting to be there before the snow falls. I ejnoy Florida...it is the heat I am not so fond of. :D