Disabled Senior & 20yr Old Loan that wasn't discharged?
Date: Mon, 05/25/2009 - 16:35
Disabled Senior & 20yr Old Loan that wasn't discharged?
not been employed (or employable) since and just recently discovered that my student loans were not discharged 20 years ago even though I had applied for a discharge and was never again contacted by FSA. It was through my inquiry in applying for a home mortgage that I discovered this.
I'm told that my loan was not discharged for lack of documentation (maybe lost or misdirected?) and that I will have to start the process all over again, and again wait 3 years for a discharge. At my age 3 years is a long time and will be beyond my ability to buy (or maybe even need a home) since right now I am a single dad raising a 13 year old who needs a place to live.
I need help!
Being on SS disabiltiy is often not enough to discharge a studen
Being on SS disabiltiy is often not enough to discharge a student loan.
That's also my understanding which is why I sent the form requir
That's also my understanding which is why I sent the form required by FSA in 1990. My other question is why was I not contacted by FSA to either deny or accept my discharge reuest? By not contacting me for almost 20 years the interest and penalties on this loan are in excess of 200%
FSA? The paperwork should have gone to your guarantor which bac
FSA? The paperwork should have gone to your guarantor which back 20 years ago would have probably been a region FFELP guarantor. Qualify for a disability discharge has always been difficult and this should have been something you kept on top of.
Wait - you're a single dad of a 13-year-old, and you're a 68-yea
Wait - you're a single dad of a 13-year-old, and you're a 68-year-old disabled retiree looking to buy a home?
You need to re-apply for discharge immediately. Get your doctor to sign the forms, because your 3-year waiting period starts on the date the form is signed.