getting a student loan out of wage garnishment??
Date: Mon, 05/18/2009 - 05:48
getting a student loan out of wage garnishment??
You can rehab it by making payments over and above the garnishme
You can rehab it by making payments over and above the garnishment....that will take 9-10 months.
so let the garnishment continue and make a seperate payment myse
so let the garnishment continue and make a seperate payment myself? How much should my payment be and to who should I send it?
You will need to set that up with the CA or guarantor who is gar
You will need to set that up with the CA or guarantor who is garnishing you. It will be a set amount.
It is not a matter of "if" it is is is p
It is not a matter of "if" it is is is part of the higher education act and is on the Department of Education website.
Have you ever called them to ask? Did you respond to the pre garnishment notice? Most people dont call once being garnished to find other solutions. Since they had to resort to an involuntary payment, they dont call to offer you options.