i won!
Date: Thu, 05/14/2009 - 09:56
i won!
How awesome!!!! Congrats!!!! Would love to hear your story, wh
How awesome!!!! Congrats!!!! Would love to hear your story, what the issue was, and the steps you took.
Congrats again!
Congrats! And yes...please do tell us your story...we'd LOVE to
Congrats! And yes...please do tell us your story...we'd LOVE to hear it and learn from it!
btw...who was the JDB?
i have been dealing with the usual jdb for a charge card debt..i
i have been dealing with the usual jdb for a charge card debt..i sent dv letter w/ cease& desist..jdb just sold the account again and again. this account has been sold i swear 5 different times until my friends at nco obtained it last year. after i got dunning letter i sent them the dv letter, they chose not to respond..at all..BUT continued to try to collect the debt and updated my cf. i sent letter after letter they completely ignored my requests. they called everyday at my dads house for me and at my own home and work despite c&d. with that said, i bought a phone recorder and started logging their calls at home and my dads. my supervisors did the same in an affidavid for work related phone calls. they continued to collect the debt and filed suit against me for a debt outta sol and i counter sued for numerous fdcpa violations. judge wasn't very nice to em and he told me he another similar case pending with them currently and advised them to follow the law! NCO, my new friends love me! Do you think i outta sell the debt like they do? Anyone want to buy? ha ha ah..i seriously doubt i'll ever see it anytime soon b/c nco rep was planning to file appeal....the judge told nco, that if all of their consumers were to bring actions against them for thier blatent disregard for the law, then they too would be out of bussiness..but its still a nice victory..i really have alot of filing and organization, and about $60 bucks in 2 voice recording systems--look at the profit! i did learn that documentation of the situation is equally as important as the violations themselves...Get Organized people and when debt buyers push-you need to push harder-but do it legally!!!!
the whole funny thing about this is, the original debt was from
the whole funny thing about this is, the original debt was from when i went to college in 1995-wow way back-but it was only for $800 bucks-they have just paid me 5x that! also, in the hall way, i asked the attorney if he thought the fdcpa was a joke(thats what they told me 6 months ago)..and he wouldn't even look at me!! just so funny the whole thing-they think they are above the law even after you spank em in the courtroom..total american trajesty-i don't see why these bussinesses are even legal it seems more like extortion to me..but it pays well if you can document your issues and have more than one party entity document also..preponderence of evidence is US in this round.....
Way to go!!!! Congrats!!!! That is such an awesome story :D I l
Way to go!!!! Congrats!!!! That is such an awesome story :D I love it!! I think I would have had to ding them with that little comment in the hallway also lol.
It is definitely extortion in all but name. If more people would
It is definitely extortion in all but name. If more people would do this (file suit and defend themselves and their good name) then these CAs would be too afraid to violate the FDCPA and the FCRA - but as it stands right now they don't have much to lose.
Congratulations on your victory! It reflects not only on your integrity, but the lack thereof of the collection agency involved.
Thank you!
If you'd like, please stick around and help others who are in the same situation and don't know what to do. We would appreciate that, and so would they. I am so glad that you came back to let us know the great news, and I hope that things will go well with you.
i would LOVE to stick around and help others..my attorney involv
i would LOVE to stick around and help others..my attorney involved in this case actually directed me on what to do for months before we actually filed in my state. this was definately a long drawn out process and documentation is the key here! i have numberous papers and hours of phone call recorded. IT is imperative to document all involvement with these companies. your paperwork and time involved, really can pay off..and to those who wanted to know, yes the debt WAS mine! but not w/in sol..so the laughs on them!
Hi, I need a little advice! I don't have any business with them
Hi, I need a little advice!
I don't have any business with them, but they keep calling me every single day and leaving messages ....I tried to talk to them and wanted to find out what they want or who are they looking for, but they were very rude and even told me that they are not calling this (mine) #... so what can I do for stop them to calling every day....????
i would check your credit report to see if they are listed as a
i would check your credit report to see if they are listed as a collection. you can check it for free at annual credit report.com..
If they are there, send them a debt validation letter, which requires them to tell you about the debt. meaning original creditor, amount, account number ect..
if they still call you,simply send them a cease & desist letter which should say they are not permitted to call your number or contact you by any means except mail. also, important to mention not to call at work either...BUT keep copies of everything you send them and send it certified return reciept mail..you never know when it will be important to have copies..
good luck-remember keep all of your documents pertaining to thes
good luck-remember keep all of your documents pertaining to these scumbags-they have the tendency to loose anything you send them!
I have a question... If I already have a court date, does a col
I have a question... If I already have a court date, does a collection agency still have the right to call you or is this breaking some rule.
Before you can be recorded you have to be told, such as "this ca
Before you can be recorded you have to be told, such as "this call may be recorded,etc.", then you can make the decision to continue or hang up. That, to me, would be the protocol, if I wanted to record them. Were they knowledgable of the fact that they were being recorded? I would like to know, for legal reasons. I'm totally on your side, just curious.