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bk7 attorney harrasing before go in front of the trustee

Submitted by on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 09:31
Posts: 202330

Getting ready to go in front of the BK7 trustee when my attorney, the one I paid to protect me, said that you're abusing ccs and they will file charges against you. I started shaking...
Is it normal? It looked like someone just took my money and smacked me across my face. For four months we were working with my case and never was anything like that said to me, or warning for the consequences which weren't true to begin with. :shock:

and they are good at it. I posted something in there in that regard

Submitted by on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 10:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

people come here to say the truth that's why their name is hidden. What's the reason to lie?

Submitted by on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 16:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I for one don't buy this. Unless the consumer was ACTUALLY mis-using the credit cards...and even then, why would your attorney say the credit cards would "file charges against you" when you are already filing bankruptcy?? A bankruptcy IS a legal action which is why it takes place in a courtroom and why you need an attorney (in most cases, unless you're brave enough to file on your own).

Guest, do you know anything about bankruptcy? I'm not saying this to be harsh, I'm actually asking you - do you? If you did, you would know that any "charges" a credit card company could make against a consumer would be discharged by the bankruptcy. can they file "charges"??

Not to mention that a credit card company can't "file charges", so to speak - they can take a consumer to court and get a judgement against them and garnish their wages. But again - if they do that, the bankruptcy negates all those actions and discharges the debt.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sat, 05/02/2009 - 15:31


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Trolls need to stop worming their way onto these sites and trying to scare people have to death. Just because you file a bankruptcy does not mean you will be in legal trouble with cc companies. All they can do if you fail to pay, or not go thru bankruptcy for instance, is sue you for the amt of the cc., you cannot, I mean cannot go to jail for not paying debts...that's ridiculous. I filed for bankruptcy several yrs. ago and my attorney was extremely helpful and full of information. It seems the older I get, the more mean spirited some folks seem to get, and it's ashamed that the issue of money can make people do some pretty terrible and wicked and underhanded things to their fellow human beings just to get their hands on a dollar bill, which is an instrument ironically, that you cannot take with you when your time comes to leave this world. You enter the world with nothing, (no gold, no silver, no autos, no material wealth) and that is exactly the way you leave it, with nothing. It's ashamed because so much precious time...90% of the earth time that we are each allotted down here, appears to be wasted on material matters such as money, possessions etc..., when in reality, we were not created for this, and these are not the true purposes behind the existance of man. Excuse the existentialism, but various issues make you think.

Submitted by meircats on Sat, 05/23/2009 - 20:36


( Posts: 91 | Credits: )

the first post is not saying that the credit card companies are threatening but the bankruptcy attorney and the trustee are the one who are threatening the author of this post.

You guys misunderstood it... the bk trustee didn't tell me that they might arrest you if you don't have any proof of spending the money. Which by the way, he was supposed to advise from step A to Z. That's it. And bk trustee is going even after that time than there was no debt at all. I gave the money away when I had it and had no debt. Two years after I started again accumulating credit card dept. Is it clear now?

Submitted by on Wed, 05/27/2009 - 05:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Why are you so insulting to people in here???? Whoever comes in here has problems and think that this website will help a little...
Why are you being so mean? and very misunderstanding?
If you can't help don't insult. Or maybe this is what you do to get paid off?

Submitted by on Wed, 05/27/2009 - 07:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )