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Phoenix Debt Management

Submitted by on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 09:55
Posts: 202330

:cry: On April 15,2009 my husband and I filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. This PDM keeps calling our home after being notified of the filing. After i got home from work yesterday, their number was on our phone, so i called it back, ready to give them once again our Attorneys name and number and the Case number. This chick on the other end plainly told me she did NOT want our Attorneys info or case number. Went on to tell me the law did not apply to them and never will. Said her office was garnishing my wages, filing a judgment against me and is the process of putting a lien on my home. I know she is full of it, but it gets old after awhile. I have even went as far as to put my Attorneys info and case number on my Voicemail. So today i did 2 things, I reported them to the FTC and my states Attorney Generals office, I also notified my Attorneys office of the Calls. Does this company think they are above the law?? Has anyone else had problems with this company before? If anyone knows how to get them to leave me alone, please advise. Thanks

If you filed bankruptcy, Chrissy, then the law does INDEED apply to them, and they are trying to avoid the law by scaring you into paying them.

You did the right thing by notifying your attorney's office, the FTC and your States Attorney General's office about this. A bit of advice - the next time they call, let them know that you have advised your attorney's office of their ILLEGAL actions, and that you have advised the FTC and your States Attorney General's office. They'll likely hang up on you before you finish the sentence, but at least you've advised them!

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 17:00


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

bette yet check your state laws in regards to recording calls.get these humanoids on tape and the BK court will deal with them in an appropriate manner.

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 19:28


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I also agree you did the right thing. It is scare tactics. I can't imagine those people liking their jobs? I'm sure they just do it because they have to. I'm about to file for bankruptcy. However, I changed my home phone number. I asked my attorney if I need to give my new number to my creditors. He said there is no reason no, and it would save me a lot of headache... only thing is, most of them probably have my cell phone so I guess I'll have to just let VM gets all the calls. I may have to manually delete a ton of VM, but it's better than having to argue with them live.

Submitted by on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 20:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )