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can we sell or buy anything after filing, but before 341 meeting?

Submitted by on Wed, 04/01/2009 - 12:52
Posts: 202330

We are just starting the process and I have a few of questions:
We were going to sell an older model car that we own (worth about $2000) and turn around and buy a different car. It would basically be an even trade (we may have to come up with a couple hundred dollars). We just filed Ch. 13 yesterday and the lawyer says we should wait.
Can we have a garage sale while waiting for the 341 meeting?  We would only net about $500 worth of household goods, but need to get rid of extra furniture and things before our house is foreclosed. 
We are unsure if we can sell (or buy anything)???  Our daughter's 18th birthday (and graduation) is coming up...