Clearing off deferred Student loans
Date: Wed, 12/14/2005 - 15:39
Clearing off deferred Student loans
First off I had 5 student loans through citibank that went derogatory,
Then they were purchased/taken over by the dept of education that went derogatory,
Finally I have consolidated then loans and am paying on a regular basis...
But the problem that I have is that now I have 10 bad reports on my credit file...How do I get them removed?
Dwayne, Welcome to forums. It is always suggested to prevent
Welcome to forums. It is always suggested to prevent derogatory information enter into credit file because negative notations stay in credit record for 7 years. You should have tried to rehabilitate your student loans before entering into consolidation program. It could help you to remove these scars. Rehabilitation makes default student loans current thus helps to raise your credit score.
Since you have already consolidated your loans and the default accounts have started to be paid off, your credit record will begin reflecting it certainly. Consolidation process will boost your score also. Best of luck.
so how can I have the past original creditors removed?
so how can I have the past original creditors removed?
It seems that all your loan accounts have been reported twice. C
It seems that all your loan accounts have been reported twice. Contact credit bureau and dispute the entries.
Also ask your consolidator to report the current status of your loan accounts to the credit bureaus.
Quote:so how can I have the past original creditors removed?
so how can I have the past original creditors removed? |
Your past creditors are removed from your record when your acc is reported by the new creditor. That's it. If older entries stay there, dispute it. CRA will investigate and rectify the errors. Or you can follow what bryn says...ask your latest loan holder to report the accounts, it can help you remove older entries.
Thanks all, I really did not know that... The new financers hav
Thanks all, I really did not know that...
The new financers have been reporting to the credit bureaus for the past 10 months. But are they the ones I need to talk to to have the old ones removed or the credit bureaus?...which is the best to clear?
dwayne,Please go through my first post in this thread. Conso
Please go through my first post in this thread. Consolidation without Rehabilitation cannot remove your past negative entries. It will be there in your record for 7 years. However once your default accounts are paid it will be marked as ???paid charge-off??? which is better than ???charge-off???.
You can dispute multiple entries for the same account as you have mentioned that there are 10 negative entries for 5 student loans. Get the information on how to dispute with credit bureaus here-
Please keep informing us in future.
You can browse through the letters section in this website and p
You can browse through the letters section in this website and pick up a sample dispute letter. Or you can also catch a look at the ebooks section
dwayne- as having a student loan with late pays, once i consila
as having a student loan with late pays, once i consiladated with the same lender, after a few weeks when new loan was reported i simply just disputed the old ones with cra..please note my loans never went into defualt just late pays then in deferrment...but once i disputed they put em in the satisfactory section of my cr..don't know why but thats how it happened...try that it might lender was sallie mae and still is just with new consolidation loan..worth a try..good luck..
People ...these are student loans....regular reporting rules are
People ...these are student loans....regular reporting rules are NOT the same!! The lenders are required by federal law (the higher education act) to report all lates for 7 years. Bogging the lenders down with invalid disputes could and does backfire....they might look closer at the accound and decide that 30 day late is actually a 90. So becareful with invalid disputes, the "just because I want it off my credit report".
yes dwayne soap is right about the higher ed act reporting of lo
yes dwayne soap is right about the higher ed act reporting of loans, however to be more precise in my case..the loan company was still reporting a delinquent balance after the loan was i DID have a valid reason of inaccuracie to a result of such, the loan slipped into the satisfaction section w/ no neg late reported anymore..for what reason, i dont know..maybe i was lucky..
Student loans
I messed up back 2004 and have late payments on my Sallie Mae student loans which I have since paid off. I live in CA. Is there any way to clear these off of my credit report? These are the only "bad" things I havd and I want to get them off.