DV for CA collecting student loans
Date: Thu, 02/26/2009 - 15:16
DV for CA collecting student loans
Should I send them a DV to buy myself some time to work with the Ombudsman and get loan consolidation going????
I would love to make them jump though hoops for a bit.
DVing will likely result in your account being thrown immediatel
DVing will likely result in your account being thrown immediately into garnishment....it is seen as a stall. Besides, they can get the prom note in less than a week.
It really doesnt matter what state they live in. It is a federa
It really doesnt matter what state they live in. It is a federal loan.....laws are the same for all borrowers under the HEA.
Read his first post....it refers to another post. He owes to Edf
Read his first post....it refers to another post. He owes to Edfund which is the California Student Aid Commisiion.
wouldn't CAlifornia Student Aid Commission be a state loan, not
wouldn't CAlifornia Student Aid Commission be a state loan, not federal?
CSAC is a FFELP lender...Federal Family Educational Loan Program
CSAC is a FFELP lender...Federal Family Educational Loan Program.
Soaplady is correct. CSAC is the guarantor for my defaulted loa
Soaplady is correct. CSAC is the guarantor for my defaulted loans.
Is it a good idea to send a partial CND to be contacted only via
Is it a good idea to send a partial CND to be contacted only via mail?
This would give me good history and elimante the he said/he said stuff.
Any cease is a bad idea....they will not communicate via the mai
Any cease is a bad idea....they will not communicate via the mail except for standard dunning letters. C&D's mean a quick trip to garnishment.
Thanks, I am just getting frustrated as they are not wanting to
Thanks, I am just getting frustrated as they are not wanting to move away from the 10% down payment and I have a few days to wait until the ombudsman office "may" call me back.
I just don't want to end up in garnishment before I have a chance to rehab.