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It Can Be Done

Date: Thu, 02/26/2009 - 06:52

Submitted by RoxyNY
on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 06:52

Posts: 4178 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 7

It Can Be Done

As you can tell if you look under my avatar, I have been trying to get out of pdl hell since August 2007. I think I had 11 or 12 internet pdls and I ended up with storefronts at almost every one in town...7 of them. Talk about not being able to manage money.

I joined the site and began fighting the internets. It was a long scary frustrating road of dealing with the pdl companies and then the collection agencies they referred me to. I was not sure what to believe or how to go about getting out of the mess I had gotten myself into. I was scared I would get sued or worse, arrested. The people here gave me great information and were there when I was so frustrated and scared I thought I could not do it. It was alot of letter writing, emails and phone calls but in the end it was worth it. It took about a year but I managed it. The calls stopped and my credit report so far is good. (Although i do check it regularly to be sure no little nasties pop up). Occasionally a new CA tries to collect but I have the letter down pat and think nothing of firing one off when needed.

In June 2008, I began working on the store fronts. You can not do an EPP where I live. My options were pay them off, they would kindly break the principle into 2 payments or I could pay them down every 2 weeks. I decided to pay down on them as much as possible every 2 weeks...wich turns out to be alot when you have 7. Today I am on my way to pay the last two off.

I owe so much to the people who helped me, some of which are still here and some of whom are long gone but not at all forgotten. I have tried to be here as much as possible to help others, but of course between working and going beack to college for another degree, my time is so very limited. I check up as much as I can and read the posts and throw in my two cents when I can....but remember this....

It can be done. The fight can be fought and won. It is evident in all the people who post their successes, the posts regarding the changes in laws and in the posts of people asking for help. When you feel like you can not do any more, or you are scared and frustrated...remember all of those on this site who have battled and won. For my story is just one of may successes there are on here. God Bless and good luck...hang in there.

amen can be a long process,but you can do this.i also am grateful to this forum for giving me the info i needed to fight the ipdl's and the CA'S.also the rent-a-lawyers that would occasionally pop up.again remember.just about everyone here has been through this can do this and be pdl free. btw,how are you roxy?long time no see.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 06:58

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Roxy! good to see you agian, I have missed you! You are so right-it can be done.

It does take some time and effort and persistance, but I did it also.

I think the important part for me was becoming educated in debt, credit and consumer rights. When I came on here, I thought just because they said it made it true and consumers had no rights or power.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and there are solutions here to get to your goal--Congrats Roxie!..karen


Submitted by Bossy4455 on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 07:05

( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )