Cash Direct Express - Good News
Date: Tue, 02/24/2009 - 13:11
Cash Direct Express - Good News
It took some work on my part, but I didn't back down and didn't let them bully me. I didn't even have to resort to a claim with the BBB or with AG, or anyone. All I did was mention that if they didn't honor my request, they would be filed by the end of this week. I sent my last counter offer on 2/20, how fast they responded.
I basically reminded them that GECC is a member of CFSA and that I would file a complaint with them, and that I would pursue ACH Processor complaints as well as AG complaints if I did not hear back from them by the end of this week....
My advise to everyone! Stick to your guns when dealing with these folks.
Here is the contact information I used in case it might help someone else.
customerservice @, twatson
kmball,I havea question.I live in PA and had a $400 loan with th
kmball,I havea question.I live in PA and had a $400 loan with them.I have paid $324 in fees.I asked for a payment arrangement and was told there was nothing they could do.I put a hard block on my account and they can't withdraw money.Friday they were unable to get money from my acct.I got a call at work today from a collection agency with the number 866-864-8030 stating they were representing cashdirectexpress.They got real nasty and I asked for the physical adress and the license #.The lady refused to give it to me and said she was contacting my work and a lawyer and she hung up on me.Are they trully legal and what is the CFSA? I AM GOING TO SEND AN EMAIL/LETTER BUT I DON'T KNOW IF THEY ARE LEGAL. THE WEBSITE SAYS LICENSED IN DELEWARE BUT THE LADY REFUSED TO TELL ME IT AND SHE SAID I CAN'T HAVE A PAYMENT PLAN.ANY RESPONSE APPRECIATED.
I am in Arizona and they have to be licensed in Arizona in order
I am in Arizona and they have to be licensed in Arizona in order to do business even over the internet. When I threatened to contact The Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA) they backed down. Part of that membership is that you are going to abide by all state laws, etc.
Don't back down, I don't know what PA laws are, but they are 100% illegal here in Arizona due to Arizona required a license for internet lenders.
Thank you,I did contact cfsa and made a complaint,I did not rece
Thank you,I did contact cfsa and made a complaint,I did not receive a reply yet..Pa laws when I took this loan was the company had to be licensed in the state the company was in.I think they must be licensed in Deleware because they are part of GECC.PA law has changed now and PDL co have to be licensed in PA and none are.I filed complaint with BBB and FTC regarding the collection agency they are using,alliance asset management.Thank you