Getting a CA to do a Pay for Delete
Date: Sun, 02/22/2009 - 14:21
Getting a CA to do a Pay for Delete
Question 1: I know the CA is in no way obligated to settle for a PFD, but I really want it because it is really screwing up my credit and am willing to pay the full amount if they'll do a PFD. So, would I maybe have better luck if I sent a PFD letter rather than just asking someone over the phone?
Question 2: If I still can't get the CA to do a PFD, might I be able to contact the original creditor (a college) and tell them that I will pay them the full amount as long they tell the CA that it was a big misunderstanding or something and they have the CA delete the negative reportings from my credit report? They are a greedy Christian college and their business office will do anything to get money.
Basically all I want is to get that crap off my credit report because I have an otherwise very good score/report and that one thing is really bringing it down. I'll don't care if I have to pay the full amount because it's only $800.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
1) If you're willing to pay in full, they might very well delete
1) If you're willing to pay in full, they might very well delete. To a CA it is all #'s (how much $$ they collect), so giving them the full balance might sway them to delete.
2) As far as contacting the OC, it depends whether they still own the debt (or did they actually sell the debt to the CA)? If they sold it, they can't do anything any more. However if they do still own it, they can recall the debt from the CA, in which case the CA shouldn't report it.
3) Lastly, once the CA is paid, they usually don't want to waste their time investigating credit disputes. Usually after they're paid, you can dispute the tradeline and they will most likely delete it rather than verify it as accurate.
Schools as a general rule do no sell their debts nor do they do
Schools as a general rule do no sell their debts nor do they do pay for deletes. They hold transcripts basically as collateral.
Thanks for the input guys, but I'm confused as to why my thread
Thanks for the input guys, but I'm confused as to why my thread got moved to the student loan consolidation forum. It really has nothing to to do with loan consolidation and is purely a question related to collection agencies. I wanted some input from the fella's that really know a lot about collection agencies, and in this forum it won't get that traffic.
Could you please move it back mods?
Student debt is a whole seperate category with a whole differ
Student debt is a whole seperate category with a whole different set of rules and regs. Even tuition accounts and school debts have different rules like no SOL. Most information given in the regular collection agency category will not apply.
but I'm confused as to why my thread got moved to the student lo
but I'm confused as to why my thread got moved to the student loan consolidation forum. It really has nothing to to do with loan consolidation and is purely a question related to collection agencies.
The forum should really be called student loans and educational
The forum should really be called student loans and educational debt.