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NCA/My Cash Now

Date: Tue, 02/17/2009 - 09:12

Submitted by kak213
on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 09:12

Posts: 91 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 11

NCA/My Cash Now

Finally some good news on the illegal PDL homefront.
My Cash Now eventually sold my debt to NCA (Nat'l Credit Adjusters) who were both rude and harassing.
I filed a complaint with the ACA (American Collectors Association)against them.
When they were challenged, they basically lied about everything.
They also claimed I never asked for validation of the loan or the original lenders license to lend in the US. I faxed this to them and had my fax confirmation as proof that I indeed did request it back in Aug. 2008.
I was notified through the ACA that NCA was removing their bad mark from my credit report and also marking my account as being paid in full.
So, everyone who is at their wit's end, don't give up and keep track of everything.
Being organized and persistent will pay off in the end.

Wow, good for you Kak213, I'm going thru same thing. Just got done sending my cert letter to NCA regards to mycashnow


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 11:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

mycashnow, paydaymax, discountadvances, paydayspot, credit protection depotmycashnow, paydaymax, discountadvances, paydayspot, credit protection depot, supportseven, basenine, logic marketing, and accountpros

for those of you who can never seem to pin this company down its main office is located at 5962 brainerd rd, chattanooga tn. and also has one office in costa rica. if you read the web agreement, its states they are located in grenada, antiqua, and other offshore spots.....not true. they do however funnel all funds to and from customers thru a bank in panama.

the credit protection depot is the collection agency who tries to recover funds. by law since they are listed out of the country, u only need pay the principal balance. the only way to keep this company from debiting ur acct is to call in, and chg ur bank acct # or to close the acct all together w ur bank, u should also chg ur reference ph #s bc they will call them.

this company is made to seem very large and hard to find. when infact they operate from an unmarked building beside a biglots in chattanooga. there are less than 30 people who take calls from all 4 companies, mycashnow, paydaymax, discountadvances, and paydayspot.

sitting less than 10 feet away are the people who work for the collections department for all 4 payday loan companies. there are only about 20 of them.

these people can only read scripts given to them verbatim off proprietary software. they are not allowed to give any other info. the company is so secretive that when the employees go next door to the biglots or a restaurant, they arent supposed to say what kind of work they do.

because of lawsuits, these payday loan companies dont operate in 13 of the 50 states and even had to move their location in reno, nevada to costa rica last summer.

also you should know they dont lend to people on any type of disability, self employment or military personnell. so if ur denied for that reason, its not because you have bad information, its just because they dont want to lend to you.

also you should know that if you dont pay, you will be reported to teletrack which is system for companies who dont do credit checks, but it wont affect your credit AT ALL. and no legal action will be taken against you, no matter what they say, they'll just note ur acct so that you cant apply anymore.

any other questions? feel free to post.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 08:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

oh my gosh..what a rip off.
all they do is debit my account.
it was not even me who applied fortheloan.i was robbed of all myinfo and somehow they got a holdofit.
my bank account went to 2600 in the rears and now the bank is after me.
they never put money into the account, just take it out.
what a mess


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 21:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just had the same thing they had NCA CALL ME and thw person Bren Hughes told me I had to pay the balance and I questioned him where my origanial documents were and he told me he couldn' email them that he would send them along with and affidavite to court and the will be garnishing my wages. That I would het charges 1000.00 extra and have to pay 1700.00 I advised him I was filing bankruptcy and he said I signed a form stating I canot file bankruptcy on this loan. I called back 3 times got hung up on then a girl answered and was very rude, said I agreed to this I said where did I sign this info I'd like a copy, and she said we don't have that, I also asked what state they are from she didn't know that either. Said my account was turned over to them first of all they cannot send you to court without be summonsed and you have to be served the summons, Also a certified letter has to be sent to advise they are summons to reach you. What out. they will harrase you The guy would not take my attorney's info.said they don't do that.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/14/2009 - 15:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Never!!!!!!!!!! use these online loan companies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These people are making MILLION-MILLIONs off unfortunate consumers!!!!! like momma sd nothing is free and if it sounds too good to be true,then its not.stop buying houses for them,car and college educations for their kids.they really are making M I L l i o n S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 23:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You do pay high interest on payday loans. But if you have bad credit, there are occasions payday loans are your only option for a loan. We have used most of the companies listed and have been treated well. However, if one takes out payday loans and cannot repay them, you are required by law to at least pay the amount borrowed back, minus the interest, but you will not be able to borrow again. I am very happy for us that payday loans are available, and have been a lifesaver for us. Yes, it is heck repaying w/high interest. Obviously never having to get any loan is best policy, but sometimes if furnace breaks down or need to have fuel in winter immediately, if used wisely if you properly budget your repayments. After so many loans are successfully repaid you can receive a lower interest rate. We are in that category now. Banks legally steal from you at a much higher rate if you accidently bounce a check, or even if the money is in your acct and they only give you access to $100. etc. In our bank you could have 5,000- 10,000 deposited in your acct but you will only receive access to 100. the first day. If your deductions go over your available 100, they deduct at least 38.00 then this makes you short and then they do it again and you have NO OPTIONS.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 22:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am trying to gather information on my loans and the companies. I went to the My Cash Now site and entered my log in information and this is all that came up "At this time, MyCashNow is not offering loans in the state of Maryland."
HA! should I continue with my campaign against THEM or just have a quiet victory?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 13:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am trying to gather information on my loans and the companies. I went to the My Cash Now site and entered my log in information and this is all that came up "At this time, MyCashNow is not offering loans in the state of Maryland."
HA! should I continue with my campaign against THEM or just have a quiet victory?

Please, DO carry on!


Submitted by Shazzers on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 15:54

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )