Date: Wed, 02/11/2009 - 11:01
This is a great forum. I just want to take the time out to give appreciation to everyone who has giving their time to respond to real people facing real debt problems. Sharing your experiences helped me and I became more informed on becoming debt free. This site help me realize that I am not in this alone. I pledge to share my experience for newcomers who log-on for geniune advise, just as the people on this forum has done for me. Again, Thank You and God Blessed. :wink:
I second that notion. I wasn't even aware that there was a stat
I second that notion. I wasn't even aware that there was a state law regarding the PDL's until I found this site and I consider myself pretty informed. This website/forum has been such a big help in getting me out from under the illegal loans for which the principal had been paid several times over.
Yes i totally agree this forum is trully amazing and the people
Yes i totally agree this forum is trully amazing and the people here and absolutely great and nice with great information and advice!