Tax Offset????
Date: Thu, 02/05/2009 - 05:40
Tax Offset????
Hello, would I know if a tax offset had been put into place or would they just keep my taxes? I didn't get anything so I am praying that I get my refund. The CA told me that it hadn't been done this year, a couple weeks ago, but it would be done next year if I didn't start paying. I am currently paying, however they were untruthful about so many things I don't know what to believe. Also, how long will it take to hear from the Ombudsman, I spoke to someone on 01-26-2009 and they told me they would call me in about a week. They are trying to lower my monthly payment. Thanks
Liens are filed by the guarantors in November. Each guarantor
Liens are filed by the guarantors in November. Each guarantor has different requirements to be excluded from tax offset...some require you just to be in repayment, others require a specific amount to be paid over the year. If you were not in repayment prior to november, I wouldnt count on getting any money back. Check the IRS site...there is phone number you can call to find out if there is a lien against you.