Can I reconsolidate my consolidation student loan last year?
Date: Sun, 02/01/2009 - 18:56
Can I reconsolidate my consolidation student loan last year?
Now, the interest rate of student loan is lower than last year. It's about 4.25% . Can I reconsolidate my consolidation 's student loan of last year. I mean if I can reconsolidate my consolidation student loan, then the interest rate will be reduce from 6.8% to 4.25 %. Please give me your recommend if you know some. Thanks and have a nice day.
Just wanted to acknowledge your post. Soaplady is our resident
Just wanted to acknowledge your post. Soaplady is our resident SL Guru. Please be patient, I'm sure you will have an answer soon.
nope, you can't. The only way to reconsolidate is if you have
nope, you can't. The only way to reconsolidate is if you have an additional loan to add. Even then, your interest rate would be based on a weighted average of your current loans. Your original consolidation would have been based off your weighted averages.
Thanks Soaplady
Thanks for your answer. If they don't allow student to do bankrupcy , no interest reducing, all their paid check go to the student loan. How to get off the student debt? Thanks very much and have a good night.
Do you qualify for any type of loan cancellation? Teacher?
Do you qualify for any type of loan cancellation? Teacher? Public servant? (read the top of the forum for details on public service loan cancellation.)Have you looked into lower payment options?
There is not much you can do about the private loan other than possibly picking up a second job and working hard on getting it paid down quicker.
Thanks Soaplady
Thanks very much for your suggestion. I try to look for any type of loan that qualify for loan cancellation. Unfortunately, there is no type of cancellation loan apply of my case. If I got a public servant job, then it just qualify for the one who consolidate their loan after october 1, 2007. However, my loan was consolidated on August1, 2007 which was before that time.
I am trying to apply my job into the public service in order to have a loan cancellation. I don't know if it works or not in my case. Thanks very much for your help. I am really appreciate with your time and your answer and have a good night.
You didnt read it right... Only payments made on or after Oct
You didnt read it right...
Only payments made on or after October 1, 2007 count toward the required 120 monthly payments. (Borrowers may consolidate into Direct Lending in order to qualify for this loan forgiveness program starting July 1, 2008.)
Is your consolidation loan with direct loans?
Thanks Soaplady
My consolidation loan with the next student loan; not with direct loans. Would you give me some suggestion. I love to read your opinions. You are a great person. Thanks alot and have a good night.
You have a FFELP federal loan and you can get lower payments....
You have a FFELP federal loan and you can get lower payments....called income sensitive. If you can qualify as a public servant under the Public Service loan cancellation, you can reconsolidate with Direct Loans. Again, read the sticky on cancellation and jobs that apply.
Thanks very much Soaplady
Your ideas are wonderful. I like to read every single words for your suggestion. It help me alot . I will read the sticky on cancellation and jobs that apply and figure out which one is the best for my case then I follow it. thanks very much and have a good night. I wish you a good health and a happiness in the year 2009.