Is there a minimum amount you can rehabilitate in student loan?
Date: Thu, 01/29/2009 - 16:06
Is there a minimum amount you can rehabilitate in student loan?
Hi, I contacted a ca today on my loan in default and asked to rehab my loan. The guy told me I could ot rehab my amount (1800) and I should pay 145 a month to get my loan paid. Is this legal and will this repayment show the loan rehabed or paid default. The loan went in to default this week, I lost my job 1 month ago what can I do and what is a reasonable payment.
On a $1800 balance, your standard payment would be $50. $145x
On a $1800 balance, your standard payment would be $50.
$145x9 would put you belowthe $1000 minimum balance remaining to be rehabed.
Is that a good or bad thing as far as the credit rating aspect g
Is that a good or bad thing as far as the credit rating aspect goes. Can I call back and offer this amount and do they have to comply as i want to get this taken care of.