Good Faith Payment to Start Rehab?
Date: Sat, 01/24/2009 - 05:42
Good Faith Payment to Start Rehab?
My husband is in the process of beginning a rehab program with CA DCS for a defaulted student loan of 15K. While he is able to afford the monthly payments they have suggested of $200, they are bullying and almost forcing him for a "good faith payment" of almost $2000! He got them to come down from that a little bit by begging and pleading, but is this normal? How can we handle this? He's not running away, just trying to work out a rehab program. Thanks.
No downpayment is required to enter into the rehab program. The
No downpayment is required to enter into the rehab program. They can ask,but they cannot make it a condition of rehab. If they tell you it is required, ask them which section of the Higher Education Act requires it.