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May have to file Chap 13-better to settle some accts or not?

Submitted by arb on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 12:47
Posts: 147

I currently have 6 credit card accounts charged off with different collection companies contacting me about each and another that has had a judgement against me and I'm paying it off over 24 months to avoid wage garnishment.

I am primarily worried about two accounts because the balance is $11,500 on one and almost $13,000 on the other. I expect I'll be getting sued at some point on those because the balance is so large. I won't really be able to have money for a settlement, again because of the large balances.

So my question is, I can work on the smaller accounts and try to settle them but I'm wondering if I should just wait on that and let those accounts be included in the bankruptcy once it happens.

In other words, is it better to try and settle as many accounts as possible before BK or just keep my money, wait until I get sued to the point where I just can't make payments or settle and include it all in the BK filing?

I'm trying debt settlement, I've settled 5 accounts so far with another being paid as I mentioned above. Just worried I might run out of time before I get sued again. Can't give them money I don't have so might not have any option but declare bankruptcy.

What I would like to know is if bankruptcy becomes the only option, is it better to bring as much debt as possible to the table thus I should not try to settle anymore accounts or is it better to try and settle the smaller ones leaving only the larger ones open when bankruptcy is declared.

I'm really worried about one account in particular. It is with Nelson Watson for a Bank of America (FIA card services) account. I've called them to try and settle but we couldn't come close to an agreement. They were getting kind of nasty, giving me the guilt trip, pre-legal blah blah. I'm expecting to get sued on that one. Doesn't seem like either Nelson or FIA is going to make it easy. But I just won't have the money to settle for a long long time if they are going to play hardball.

Submitted by arb on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 21:02


( Posts: 147 | Credits: )

how many accounts do you have left in your program? if its only a few i would not think personally that it would be worth it. have you already had a judgement and if yes how was it ruled you pay it? garnishment, payments, lein? I would not fear getting sued. unless your considering they will garnish your wages and cant pay that.

Submitted by love_my_things on Thu, 01/29/2009 - 07:12


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