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Back Taxes over 10 years old....

Date: Wed, 01/14/2009 - 14:59

Submitted by anonymous
on Wed, 01/14/2009 - 14:59

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 9

Back Taxes over 10 years old....

I had not filed a tax return since 1998 and the IRS hit me last year, and as a result I entered into a payment plan with the IRS in mid 08. They went back 10 years on me to 1998 which happened to be the largest amount I owed in total. They threw out three years they actually owed me because we can only go back three years as citizens (that's a whole nuther rant!). Anyway, my question is, that since they apply my monthly payment to the oldest amount owed, can I now drop the remaining 98 amount off my total in order to bring my payment down? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Can you clarify?

Are you asking if since we're now in 2009 the 1998 amount should be dropped? If so, then the answer is no. The statute of limitations is 10 years from date of last activity - that means if they did the initial discovery in 2008 (which they apparently did since you entered into your agreement in 08) then the clock has restarted for 1998 and all the other years they did discovery on. So the 1998 discovery will now be active until at least 2018 assuming there is no new activity

Sorry if this doesn't answer your question.


Submitted by nyteri on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 13:16

( Posts: 24 | Credits: )

Lots of misinformation here.

1. The SOL doesn't start until you file the return. IRS is collecting on a Service Filed Return (SFR) which gives you the highest possible tax liability. get the returns filed and you would be surprised how much the amount owed can come down.

2. The AUDIT SOL is 3 years from the later of the due date or the filing date of the return, not ten. The SOL for COLLECTION is 10 years from assessment, but only on an actually filed return. SFR's don't count (see #1 above). payments do not extend this SOL, so even if you make a payment in year 9, day 364. the SOL expires the next day.

3. NASCAR - there is no way nonfiling can be tax evasion because one of the elements of the crime of tax evasion is a statement that is made to impede the collection of the correct amount of tax. Nonfiling is NOT a statement - it is silence, and silence cannot be construed as evasion.

4. The 3 year SOL for payment of a tax liability is Statutory and it is enforced to encourage prompt filing of tax returns. After all, whose fault is it that you didn't even file a return to get the refunds? IRS fault? No, the taxpayer's.


Submitted by Flyingifr on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 06:58

( Posts: 56 | Credits: )