How can I stop Sallie Mae from contacting me?
Date: Thu, 01/08/2009 - 17:44
How can I stop Sallie Mae from contacting me?
I sent a inschool deferrment request since I've gone back into school but I assume it hasn't reached them yet.
How exactlly can I request that they not contact me via my cell phone anymore?
Do they have another contact number??? Ceasing does not apply t
Do they have another contact number??? Ceasing does not apply to the OC. Your prom note requires they have contact phones for you.
Honestly, ceasing Sallie Mae would probably end up with them defaulting you. Obviously you have not filed your deferment request timely.
Work with Sallie Mae instead of avoiding their calls. I made th
Work with Sallie Mae instead of avoiding their calls. I made that same mistake years ago by assuming that they received my deferment papers and they never did. My loans ended up defaulting.
Do you have access to a fax machine? Most loan companies allow you to fax paperwork to them. It's a lot faster and more convenient then relying on the USPS
I never get a person. They never leave a voicemail and when I an
I never get a person. They never leave a voicemail and when I answer there's nobody on the line.
My cosignor just spoke to them a week ago and payment was setup TOMORROW.
This was posted by someone named roxette on this forum back in t
This was posted by someone named roxette on this forum back in the day. I just need to know what to put in the written request?
"send a written notice to stop contacting you by phone and they need to correspond only through letters. Please send your letter through certified mail requesting for return receipt. They are required to stop calling you after they receive your letter."
This does not apply to the original creditor. Besides if you ce
This does not apply to the original creditor. Besides if you cease a student loan holder, you are asking to be defaulted on. Dont do it. You are asking for trouble.