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Submitted by on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 19:07
Posts: 202330

my ex has filed bankruptcy on our house that we still own jointly. he filed in florida and I live in georgia. What can i do to save the house . i never signed any quit claim papers on house. He also has stopped the alimoney that payed the mortage. i am over 70 and cant afford an attorny. any ideas

Welcome to our forum Bbmikos. :D

Sorry to hear your problem.

In case of joint debts, bankruptcy filing by one can affect credit score of the other.
There are two options: -
i. Refinance the house in your name from your ex-spouse.
Or, ii. Sell off the house.

If neither of the above two is an option then you may follow the points mentioned below to save your credit: -

Submitted by phoenix on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 21:55


( Posts: 1445 | Credits: )

sorry to hear your exx-husband too filed bk in 02. since it was included joint assets, I was hounded like a hawk. his creditors came after me for all amounts due dispite the courts dividing of the assets and bills. too bad too sad they were mine after he filed. i tried to pay them off for about a year and a half, but unfortunately ended up filing a years or so later.
*back to your question* the creditor/bank for the house will come after you. However, they can't do anything while the case in the courts. So they are gonna come after you right away, it will take several months. But once his bk is either dismissed or completed, they may come after you for payment. Unless, he included the loan in the proceedings and reaffirms the debt, which i doubt because he himself would not benefit from it...good luck and best regards...

Submitted by on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 13:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )