Student Loan
Date: Tue, 12/30/2008 - 16:24
Student Loan
I had student loans in the early 80's. I paid one but defaulted the other. I declared bankruptcy in 1990 and it was released. collection agencies claimed it was impossible. They finally started calling my work and threatening me so I started a pmnt plan. After about 10 months and lots of research I wrote a letter with copies of my Bankruptcy to the Dept Of Ed. They released my obligation and said it did go through in Bankruptcy - the last year it was allowed. I was extremely happy but they also told me since I "voluntarily" hgave those payments I could not get the money back. So, where does the money go? Can I pick someone to help out? This just seems ridiculous when I was told for 20 years there was no such thing as a Bankruptcy with Student Loans.
never take any ones word face up, do your own research. Their i
never take any ones word face up, do your own research. Their is a person here called Soaplady. She is a god send to many here. I hope that she will be along soon to help you.
Bankruptcy laws changed to no BK in 1998. Prior to that you had
Bankruptcy laws changed to no BK in 1998. Prior to that you had to be in 5 or 7 years since the loan became due plus you had to meet the conditions of the 3 part Brunner test in order to qualify for a bk.
If you did in fact qualify, making payments after the discharge are not refundable. Your attorney should have taken care of this for you.