wage garnishment in texas for student loans
Date: Tue, 12/30/2008 - 10:51
wage garnishment in texas for student loans
Student loans can garnish in all 50 states under the Administrat
Student loans can garnish in all 50 states under the Administrative Wage Program so their threat is real. They can get 15% of your disposable wages. My suggestion is to ask for a rehab...no down payment is required under the law. You are then entitled to "reasonable and affordable" payments under the Higher Education Act. They must do a financial statement over the phone including your entire household income.
How much do you owe??
If $250 is 15% of your disposable pay, then yes they can!
If $250 is 15% of your disposable pay, then yes they can!
stopping wage garnishment
for the past 3 months my wages have been garnished is there any way i can get out of the wage garnishment?
Is this for a student loan? Did you respond to the 30 day garni
Is this for a student loan? Did you respond to the 30 day garnishemnt notice for an appeal?
i have been making a payment, small but still a payment towards
i have been making a payment, small but still a payment towards my student loan. i'm being told they can still garnish my wages. is that true?