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Check Resolution Services / CheckNGo

Submitted by on Fri, 12/26/2008 - 22:02
Posts: 202330

I took out a payday loan with Check N Go about a year ago, and now i have a civil judgement by a company called Check Resolution Services. I received a letter in the mail and thought 'ok, just another collection agency', so i ignored it since checkngo didn't seem to care, but then i got served a summons and had to go to court over a $770 balance, which is now on my my credit report as a judgement. how can i get this removed? and how can this compay check resolution services do this to me?

Did you show up for your court appearance? If so, what happened in court?

Submitted by on Sun, 12/28/2008 - 06:24

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Today I received a message from someone stating I have a summons that they have been instructed to deliver to me for Check Resolution for the amount of $558. When I called the phone number I was given in the voicemail message I was told that if I paid something immediately they would have the summons removed. I was told this was from me receiving money from Check N go in 2006. How can they do this ? I never received an actual letter in the mail from the collection agency. What can I do?

Submitted by on Tue, 01/06/2009 - 19:09

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Every state has different laws and procedures regarding small claims courts. The one I am familiar with, Wisconsin, all Check Resolution would have to do is file the complaint, a copy of the contract from Check n Go, a copy of paperwork showing that the debt was sold by Check n Go to them (which most payday loan contracts state is within Check n Go's rights to do), provide a copy of the bad check with the complaint and the contract, and the court will grant them a judgment. If you don't show, the court grants the judgment. If you do show, unless you have a reason why you do NOT owe the money as stated, the court grants judgment. Wanting to go on a payment plan is not a reason, the court will tell you to do that with the lender after court - and after they grant judgment.

There's no law in Wisconsin stating that Check Resolution has to send you anything by mail before filing it with a court, and if they have done so where you are, then there probably isn't anything in your state's law requiring them to do so either.

To the original poster - how can you get it removed? Pay it and get a satisfaction of judgment. Or file a motion with the court to reopen the case - which they will only do if you have some sort of evidence that you do NOT actually owe the money. Telling a judge that you didn't understand that you would end up with a judgment on your credit report or that you ignored mail from Check Resolution Services isn't going to get you anywhere with the court.

To the poster with the debt from 2006: If they are making you the offer to let you pay something now and they'll kick the case out of court, take it. Ignore them and they will end up with a judgment on your credit report, which is a serious kick in the FICO score.

I'm speaking as a former manager of a storefront lender that didn't sell our accounts to a collection agency - I sued them myself, got the judgments, and then proceeded with garnishing their wages. Don't let it go that far if you're being offered an opportunity to have the summons kicked.

Asking the question "how can they do this" at this point is, well, pointless. The system in your state apparently allows them to proceed, and they did.

Submitted by ymouse90 on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 01:42


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Submitted by on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 07:11

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Btw, ymouse90 this company Check N' GO uses isn't even licensed in WI to collect. I know first hand from someone in DFI, who has been working on my case w/ Check N'go.

Why should someone pay a collection agency that's not even licensed by the state? If they really want to pay, i'd work out payment arrangements directly with corporate office. Not to mention using scare tactics that are CLEARLY against fair debit collection acts.

Not to mention, collecton agencies MUST send something in writting 5 days after first intial contact.

Submitted by beli2005 on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 07:53


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how can check resoultions say they are going to file. i live in texas and they are a debtors state and did not defraud a bank by check. i payed on my loan for awhile and then i could not afford to. they need to quit calling and making threats. everytime they call they say the same thing i need to call by he next day and really don't even tell me who they are call for

Submitted by on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 12:17

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got a call from a man yesterday claiming he was a Processor for the National Attorney Network. stated he didnt want any money, just my statement. then proceeds to tell my that ChecknGo is filing criminal bad check charges against me (this was an internet-applied for loan) I'm in OH...anyone know if this is legitimate?? He knew way too much about me...knew i had no criminal record, etc. I'm worried. If I get arrested for this, I'll lose my job for sure. Advice please?? I'm kinda freaked out.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 07:35

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
got a call from a man yesterday claiming he was a Processor for the National Attorney Network. stated he didnt want any money, just my statement. then proceeds to tell my that ChecknGo is filing criminal bad check charges against me (this was an internet-applied for loan) I'm in OH...anyone know if this is legitimate?? He knew way too much about me...knew i had no criminal record, etc. I'm worried. If I get arrested for this, I'll lose my job for sure. Advice please?? I'm kinda freaked out.

they are not going to press anything.debts are civil is not legitimate at all.

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 08:12


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