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So what can I do now?

Submitted by on Mon, 12/22/2008 - 07:14
Posts: 202330

A little backstory;

In college I received a citifinancial credit card. After raking up about $100 of debt, I realized I couldn't pay it, and had my mother take care of it for me. However, my mother had citifinancial issue a credit card in her name with my account number without my consent or contract. After I came out of college, I took a look at my citi account, and realized that my mother had charged over $8000 to the account, and that the account had fallen into collections. This was back in 2006.

I received a subpoena back in January of 2008 stating that I have a court case in December. The court case was supposed to be today, but it turns out that there was a summary judgment issued against me back in August. I filed a motion to vacate this judgment, but the judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff. I never received any notification of this. I haven't received any notification of anything since the summary judgment was filed back in July. I was prepared to go to court this morning, but called the courthouse instead. Needless to say, the news really put a damper on my morning...

So what do I do now? I'm in sales barely scratching a living due to the economy, and I was considering getting better paying job. However with this judgment hanging over my head, I'm afraid to try to work someplace else because they may snatch funds out of my account.

I was considering bankruptcy, since that would wipe the slate clean, but I own no assets so I don't think that would fly very far. I also can't afford a lawyer, and all the free consultations I've received on this matter have been a joke. Most of the lawyers I talked to clearly wouldn't give me good advice unless I handed over some money, which I don't really have.

Thanks for reading, any advice would be helpful in this matter.

If all you have is the money to survive on right now... I wouldn't worry about it. When you get enough money saved up to see an attorney, file bankruptcy then and that will relieve the judgement and any bills that you are behind on.

Submitted by on Fri, 01/02/2009 - 18:53

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