Date: Sat, 11/15/2008 - 19:00
Submitted by abbytroyer52107-d1
Sat, 11/15/2008 - 19:00
Total Replies: 9
I lost my job with what my employer at the time called..."lack of commitment" ( i was a teller) due to the fact that he knew i was taking a medical transcription course online because thats what i really wanted to do...
So even though i showed up for work all the time, did my job to the best of my ability (which until he was aware of my schooling, was far beyond good enough) i was fired for "lack of commitment"
So im getting married in May of next fiance has a decent job but lets not fool ourselves here... the economy is horrible and the cost of LIFE in general is just not looking good for mine, or anyone elses for that matter, bank account.
I dont know what to do...Im working so hard to finish my school and try to get a job as a medical transcriptionist, because they pay so good...but in the meantime while im learning... im hitting rock bottom.
My fiance right now cant afford to pay all the bills due to him being cut back on hours at work...(hopefully not getting layed off like the entire 2nd shift)
What do i do? ANyone know how to make some real quick in like the next week or so? Like $500 or so woujld be something sort of amazing just to let me know that i really do ahve some hope in life right now, because to be honest with you...
i dont blieve there is hope right now.
Replies are appreciated. THank You all for reading if you have made it to the bottom here.
Perhaps you could try selling some old gold jewelry you have (th
Perhaps you could try selling some old gold jewelry you have (the price of gold is very high right now), or having a garage sale, selling some items of value of ebay? I'm sure there are others with more advice, hang in there, this is only temporary, things WILL get better!
Hang in there, Abby! We're here for you. How are you fixed fo
Hang in there, Abby! We're here for you.
How are you fixed for time? Could you clean houses or some such?
Do you drive and have a reliable vehicle? What about running errands, shopping, etc. for shut-ins or people who'd rather pay you than do it themselves?
it'll be okay, i was in the same situation before - i found some
it'll be okay, i was in the same situation before - i found someone in the newspaper looking for a painter and i painted houses. i was probably lucky to find it. there is always hope - i've been there so many times and always end up okay. pay what you have to with the money you have. be upfront with who you owe and maybe try to make arrangements, it'll really be okay.
Where there is a will, there is a way. I cleaned houses. I als
Where there is a will, there is a way. I cleaned houses. I also keep my eye on Craigslist everyday. Often, under "General Labor" there are odd jobbs that last only a few days, and sometimes even pay under the table.
Believe you are rich and prosperity is with you. Best of luck to you.
Hi Abby,
I am sorry to hear of your predicament.
Truthfully, I was once at the rock bottom stage (in fact I was was almost at the bottomless pit)
To make 500 within a week or so is not impossible but it will take hard work. You did not indicate what skills you have, I will list in general.
Please allow me to contribute my few cookies worth..
(1) Article Writing- In the world of the Internet Marketing, the no. 1 important rule is content. If you have a flair in writing, I suggest you start looking for sites that needs Article Writers or some call it Content Writers or some call it Feature Writers (Names these days) You can make about $30 to $50 per article.
Normally, you will need to write from 5 to 10 articles and of course you will have a dateline to meet. Could make $300 to $500
(2) Web Designing/ Graphic Design- Also important in any website. There are many who requires web site designing and you could make from $100 to $1000 really depends
(3) EBay- Ahh.. the mother of all loads... The best cash generating site ever. I am making money from this site too...
I am sure you heard of the: One man's junk is another treasure
Start to sell your old items or even luxries you can no longer afford or need.
If for some reason you don't have any stuff to sell, source for wholesale items E.G Toys, Electronic items- Mp3,Mp4,Mp5,Mp6 (you get the picture) start selling in Ebay. Look for companies that don't require you shipping- meaning they care of the shipping and all you need to do is get sales. Just make sure you charge higher because the wholesale company will bill you
(4) Classifieds- Advertise yourself including and bolding your skills. Remember to give an estimate on your price
(5) Recycle- Start collecting Cans, Newspapers etc... With due dilligence you may make more than $500
I am sure there are many other ways you can make money-I wish you all the best
With this, I would end with Zig Ziglar's quote: Its not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life ;it is how well you handle what happens to you.
God Bless
how do you find companies looking for article writers? That sou
how do you find companies looking for article writers? That sounds interesting and something I can easily do in my down time?
The problem with making money online is that it takes awhile to
The problem with making money online is that it takes awhile to actually get paid. i have had good success with some online stuff but if you're pressed for time, the newspaper or craigslist is the better way to go.
that said, i am also interested in article writing, i just doubt it will get me money in time for christmas :(
Well, I will say that your first mistake was to let your employe
Well, I will say that your first mistake was to let your employer know about your schooling. Employers don't want to know that you're not planning on staying with them forever, lol. I should know. :) They want to believe you are committed, and in especially in this economy, you have to really seem like you are committed to the job even if you are not. For me, my husband and I are planning on moving next year, so I've been taking on some extra jobs and earning more income, and putting everything I can into savings, but does anyone at my job know I'm not planning on being here after next year? Nope. And it's going to stay that way until I'm ready to give notice. I have a good job and the pay is decent, but if they knew I'm not planning on sticking around for 5-10 years, they might just get rid of me, and we all need to work.