GHS Solutions: Do debtors like working with them?
Date: Wed, 11/12/2008 - 11:48
GHS Solutions: Do debtors like working with them?
Hi - after poking around here for weeks and not being able to get Chase to settle with me I am considering outside help. Anyone have experience with GHS? They actually approached me in a letter and I saw GHS Solutions BBB accreditations. I also saw TASC, USOBA info on their web site.
Thanks. Kay
GHS Solutions management
Did you research GHS Solutions on the BBB? Did you try a search on Google? Those are good places to start.
GHS Solutions complaints
Sullman , this site doesn't allows solicitations. You have already tried to pitch this horrible company on another topic. Debt Zero ..aka has an F rating with the BBB.
ghs solutions
GHS solutions complaints:
I am looking for anyone with experience with GHS Debt Solutions. I can't seem to find anyone who has actually used them to get their debt settled.any help out there??
GHS Solutions scam
Hi Debtor,
They probably are a new company. They are a member of TASC so they should be alright. There is not a lot of info about them on Google.
GHS Solutions rip off!!!
GHS solutions complaints:
run! Don't get involved with GHS! They want access to your checking account for automatic payments to their company. I have been involved for over 7 months and have received NO help from them. They have contacted not one company on my behalf and I am now being sued. They have an F rating on the BBB site. Find another company! I don't even receive any contact from my rep any longer after questioning what they have done for me.
GHS Solutions BBB report
Well unfortunately the BBB disagrees with you.
A+ rating!! In business since 1999 and on BBB since 2002. ZERO COMPLAINTS!
That has to be a first!
So, Texas, file that complaint! With both the BBB and the FTC.
GHS Solutions Inc
maybe you should read better, the link is about ghs, if you read the whole thing it even gives you the website and explains what they do....
Should I take ghs solutions offer?
credit cards companys want 2 settle 4 entire amount.At least ghs will take payments. Dont know what to do. It has made me an offer to. Are GHS Solutions rip off reports true?
There is no truth in GHS Solutions scam
There is no truth in GHS Solutions scam
I just finished there program and im completely debt free i have heard of some debt settlement companies being scams but ghs has done nothing but helped me. SO GHS SOLUTIONS RIP OFF REPORTS ARE NOT TRUE.
GHS Solutions rip off reports
who are you al pacino?think that by screaming your point is more valid?think again.
GHS Solutions
I work another settlement company and got a call who contacted us and GHS Solutions only a couple days ago. Then he said he got 3 different people calling him who said they got his information from GHS Solutions...He wasn't too happy that maybe they sold his information to another company.
GHS Solutions
This company is one big scam. They have taken over $3000.00 from me and did nothing. I finally contacted the companies myself and setteled with them for less than GHS could have. I asked for some of my money back and they told me to take a walk! They are utterly useless! Save yourself pain and money and stay away!
My response to you is do your homework it is easy with the adven
My response to you is do your homework it is easy with the advent of the internet. The company you choose will either make you or break you. I am an activist of sorts and do not like to see people get scammed.
There are much better all around debt settlement companies for you to work with, I recommend an attorney backed solution. Attorney's can deal with the original creditor, arbitrators can not. Arbitrators create the hassle of waiting for the debt to age for 3 aggravating months, causing additional inconveniences for you and your situation.
Don't take short cuts with your financial well-being contact an attorney based company. Please!, please! heed the warning!
I hope this helps!
Ok Here is the scoop for all you skeptics
GHS is Accredited with TASC and the BBB. When you type in GHS and the zip code where their office is located at 32955 in the BBB's website it gives them an A+ rating. It is listed as GHS aka Global Marketing Group of Central Florida. They NEVER have access to your money. They set up a savings account and directly debit the monthly payments into a checking account only in your name. I dont know what the guy is on who wrote that glog but he is not enrolled with them because they explain all this and when you sign up you have to sign a 15 page contract that shows the savings account info like on 4 different pages so that guy obviously has some kind of learning disability if he truely is with GHS. 2nd you cant get sued for UNSECURE DEBT!!!!! Come on. 3rd depending on how much debt you have with one creditor it could take a year to get enough money into the savings account to make one lump sum payment to the creditor. GHS is the real deal. They are not out to get anyone. They have been around for 10 years and it also states that on the bbb website. This is an easy decision.
An attorney will cost you $3000.00 alone before they could even try to settle any debt to you. Also how did GHS take your money if it is going into a savings account that i in your name only? They cannot go into someones account and just start withdrawing money poeple. They sure as heck would not have a a+ score with the BBB. I think you guys must be with other debt settlement companys just trying to bash them because they are running circles around you. Wow.
GHS Solutions
GHS Solutions is an Accredited Member of TASC, members of USOBA, IAPDA, and members of the BBB. This is a very credable company. I have enrolled and many of my family members too. I have no complaints. I suggest as a client you need to do your part and keep in contact with your represantive or their customer service. Does you credit card company contact you all the time for payments and are they really helping you? Settlements do not happen right away and you have to have money available for a settlement. The goal is to get out of debt within 4 years. If you can not keep up with you payments then this company is good choice to help you with your financial problems.
good company
i found them to be professional and available to me most of the time. so far, almost all of my debt has been still waiting on a couple to settle. no complaints here...i would reccommend them.
Do not use GHS, I was with them for 8 months, being told that th
Do not use GHS, I was with them for 8 months, being told that they could prevent law suits etc etc etc well I got a summons from one creditor and they had no response for it! I
Don't trust GHS they have stolen money from me since 2008 a year
Don't trust GHS they have stolen money from me since 2008 a year later and they have not negotiated 1 account now I have a garnishment and judgment against me and filing for bankruptcy because of them costing me thousands in late fees and court fees. They were happy to collect $ 11,000 from me but not give it back when they didn't do anything for one whole year.
I found out that GHS customer care people are writing these post
I found out that GHS customer care people are writing these post they are not a trust worthy company I gave them a year to negotiate and they did nothing and everytime I called they couldn't find my account. They lie and say they have a 99% success rate that is not true if you don't believe me check out the open complaints against them with the BBB since they opened in 2006. They will set up an account and deduct the money from you every month as a fee and a savings account that is to pay off your creditors. So when I was served I notified GHS, when they won the jugdment I notified GHS when I got my wages garnished I notified GHS so as they are collecting my money and their service fees for doing nothing and they proceed to tell me there is nothing they can do. I am out $ 11,000 from GHS and they won't send it back.... DO NOT TRUST GHS Solutions!!!!!
Jenn 1983..... Yes you can be sued for unsecured credit card deb
Jenn 1983..... Yes you can be sued for unsecured credit card debt that is called a judgment and they garnish your wages.
GHS a scam or Deliverer?
We have been with GHS for 3 months to date, and they are collecting the money from account, but I have not heard from Customer Service Reps.
I have been contacted twice by GHS rep. saying I applied on line for assisatnce on line (I am already in the program)
2. Another call from a GHS rep trying to solicite by acct...I am not undestanding, why would another represenative try to get the business when we are already withe the company?
I am sure the data base should reflect all that information, since GHS is withdarwing money from our account on a monthly bases.
3. I have a "Feeling" and I am praying that they have honorable intentions, and these TWO GHS SOLICITOR calls were handled.
4. I am looking to hear from a customer service representative on status, to date "NO ONE HAS CALLED". ONLY CREDITORS!!!
5. I was able to contact our personal representative Ryan Knack who informed me that the second caller was due to an "electrical storm in Florida which blew power out and transposed data bases?"
e have been with GHS for 3 months to date, and they are collecting the money from account, but I have not heard from Customer Service Reps.
I have been contacted twice by GHS rep. saying I applied on line for assistance on line (I am already in the program)
2. Another call from a GHS rep trying to solicite by acct...I am not understanding, why would another represenative try to get the business when we are already withe the company?
I am sure the data base should reflect all that information, since GHS is withdrawing money from our account on a monthly bases.
3. I have a "Feeling" and I am praying that they have honorable intentions, and these TWO GHS SOLICITOR calls were handled.
4. I am looking to hear from a customer service representative on status, to date "NO ONE HAS CALLED". ONLY CREDITORS!!!
5. I was able to contact our personal representative Ryan Knack who informed me that the second caller was due to an "electrical storm in Florida which blew power out and transposed data bases?"
bbb rating as of 8/26/09 is D+ I dont think I am going that ro
bbb rating as of 8/26/09 is D+ I dont think I am going that route. I can and have done bad by myself.
one must consider that you must do your research yourself. Anyo
one must consider that you must do your research yourself. Anyone can just get on the internet and post anything. They could be disgrunteled employees or customers you never know that is the great thing about the internet everyone is pretty much anoynomus.
Do your homework and research and then search some more finding a good company should take time and effort to be sure you are not getting scammed. This could be a perfectly good company with horrible employees/customers that are mad that they got sued, or they could be a horrible company with employees stating they are customers. you never know but keep in mind during settlement NOONE can keep you from getting sued.
Its the name of the game and the way to not get sued is to get it done as soon as possible. No company can garuntee that you will not be sued best thingthey can do is try to negotiate it and come to a agreement before it goes to court.
good luck and be sure you make sure you do your homework!
crap! that was my post above. Im not sure what happened i was s
crap! that was my post above. Im not sure what happened i was signed in i have crappy dial up so sometimes i have problems with this site!
Worst company ever!
Dont do anything ever with this company! They will solicit you literally 10+ times a day once they have your contact info. Then insult you when you tell them to quit calling. They are a scam company that claims to send letter to credit bureaus, but actually draws it out to get more payments from clients. THIS COMPANY BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!! Garnier, the sales rep is a complete douche bag!
ghs is a settlement company. If anyone knows how that works it t
ghs is a settlement company. If anyone knows how that works it takes time to settle your debts out with your creditors. Like 4-8 months, before your account has enough money in it to actually confront the creditors!
GHS is NOT accredited by the BBB. I am going thru the BBB to try
GHS is NOT accredited by the BBB. I am going thru the BBB to try and salvage whatever I can from these scam artists!!!!!
same thing happened to wife and I
Originally Posted by Anonymous GHS solutions complaints: run! Don't get involved with GHS! They want access to your checking account for automatic payments to their company. I have been involved for over 7 months and have received NO help from them. They have contacted not one company on my behalf and I am now being sued. They have an F rating on the BBB site. Find another company! I don't even receive any contact from my rep any longer after questioning what they have done for me. |
we are going to the attorney general about them they made us go broke and collections and summons,they did not one arbortration ,I had to do it myself
Whoever wrote"Heres a scoop for all you skeptics" is OBVIOUSLY a
Whoever wrote"Heres a scoop for all you skeptics" is OBVIOUSLY a poaid employee. Dumb ass. The company is NOT a part of the BBB. I do have an open case going thru the BBB regarding them tho. ha. And I alsop have one going with the FEderal Trade Comission. For 6 months they have taken a payment each month, NEVER called my creditors or paid them a dime! Now, my credit is AWFUL. Before I let them take over (ha, what a joke!) I had paid my cards on time and still had a 780 credit score. Hubby got laid off and we wanted to avoid bankruptcy. The comp. said they would NOT give me a full refund, perhaps a third. WTF? Consumers beware!!!!!!!
this is not a good company
i have paid this company to help consolidated my bills they have not help me in any way
now i am being garnished of 200.00 2 x's a month, lawers are involved with the credittors that hired them. i am a single parent trying to support my family with no welfare or child support help. when i called them regarding what had happen they apparently cannot represent me in court or fight for me. i have to pay to hire a attorneys to represent me where am i suppose to get that type of money. who knows if i'm going to be homeless in hawaii because of them with my children.
i may still use ghs but it took me months of talking to scott ov
i may still use ghs but it took me months of talking to scott over at ghs to get the picture that i wasnt ready yet. he called daily and left messages! persistent!still trying to figure out other options.
I just spoke with a gentleman today at ghs solutions who sounded
I just spoke with a gentleman today at ghs solutions who sounded very confident and optimistic about helping me. Our first conversation he stated how I would be debt free in 36 months. I was unable to continue my conversation with him at the moment but agreed for him to call me back later in the day so that I would be able to give him my full attention. Sure enough he called back at the specified time and I let him do his spill. I did as much information search on this company and see too many complaints and horror stories, but I did not share this with the agent, to make a long story short, after he finished his pitch, I told him I decided against allowing ghs solutions to help me. After a matter of minutes, I felt like I was talking to a debt collector, he became very demanding and rude. I kindly told him "thank you and I appreciate him calling me back" and his response..."no you're not, because if you were you would be doing business with us. I'm scared for you, you're going to get yourself in trouble...did someone sweet talk you to do business with them? ...blah, blah, blah"
WOW, I thought, I'm glad I declined services with ghs solutions!!!!!!
ghs solutions agent became very rude and nasty towards me when I
ghs solutions agent became very rude and nasty towards me when I declined their services. I'm glad I didn't give them my information!
I'am thinking about using GHS but am skeptical now because they
I'am thinking about using GHS but am skeptical now because they said they had tried to fax me info on them and they said they e-mailed me and my sister and we both NEVER recieved any e-mails from them after several atempts. Seems fishy to me.
GHS Rep: Richard Ext. 116
He has explained the program in detail to me, faxed me the contract so that he and I could go over it with a fine-tooth comb, helped me decide what payment and term were best for me and even explained that they will occasionally will allow you to miss a monthly payment to them if something on your end goes wrong (how many creditors. will do that for you?). Very supportive; I suggest you contact him; he's a professional.
A Rated BBB Debt Settlement
Originally Posted by Anonymous GHS solutions complaints: Hi - after poking around here for weeks and not being able to get Chase to settle with me I am considering outside help. Anyone have experience with GHS? They actually approached me in a letter and they have the BBB, TASC, USOBA info on their web site. Thanks. Kay |
If you are looking for Debt Settlement give me a call 3474451762 my name is Luis Martinez I am a Financial Consultant at Crusader Consumer Services. We are a BBB A rated accredited business and here is our website on there is a link to the BBB and you can see our profile. Also you can see that we have been awarded a Gold Start by the BBB for having zero complaints in the past 3 years. So if you are serious and ready to get out of debt here is the first step.
Luis Martinez
Financial Consultant
If you are looking for Debt Settlement give me a call 3474451762
If you are looking for Debt Settlement give me a call 3474451762 my name is Luis Martinez I am a Financial Consultant at Crusader Consumer Services. We are a BBB A rated accredited business and here is our website on there is a link to the BBB and you can see our profile. Also you can see that we have been awarded a Gold Star by the BBB for having zero complaints in the past 3 years. So if you are serious and ready to get out of debt here is the first step.
Luis Martinez
Financial Consultant
I might as well given my money to the nearest street corner crac
I might as well given my money to the nearest street corner crack ho! At least I'd of known she woulda did SOMETHING with it!~ After mos. of payments and broken promises...they didn't do crap, I tried to get my money back and find a legitimate company. Those hoodlums are still keeping my money in a "secret" bank acct. Puleez! Have gone to BBB and all the others someone mentioned. So, we will see!
Stay Away!
Stay away from them, I gave them alot of money and still got sued by a creditor. They make alot of promises before they get you to sign on, then it's all downhill from there.
all i can say legally is I worked for them ... and if i had to s
all i can say legally is I worked for them ... and if i had to settle debt i wouldnt do it with them.
GHS Solutions
I have been with this company for a little over a year. I have absolutely no complaints about them. I thoroughly checked them out prior to signing up and in fact talked to the founder and CEO prior to doing so. They are reputable and responsive every time I contact them. Of course you should check them out on your own prior to making a commitment but I give them a thumbs up.