Unable to pay student loans
Date: Sat, 11/01/2008 - 11:44
Unable to pay student loans
You have to pay the private loans too and they are more difficul
You have to pay the private loans too and they are more difficult as they generally have no or limited deferment or forebareance priveleges...it has nothing to do with having a cosignor. The only thing he can do is see if they will offer a lower payment or increase his income by working a second job. You do not want to let them default....it will ruin both his and his dads credit plus the private loans will sue both of them for the balance.
Does he make enough to at least pay the private loans? If he ca
Does he make enough to at least pay the private loans? If he can at least meet the monthly payments for the private loans, he can file for income sensitive payments on the federal loans.
Otherwise he'll have to take Soaplady's advice and find a way to increase his income. Sell stuff on ebay, take online surveys for cash, work at a gas station a couple days a week, anything to bring in more money.
Has your hubby consolidated his federal loans thru the Direct Lo
Has your hubby consolidated his federal loans thru the Direct Loan program? Basically the DOE...they have income contingent repayment.
i have become disable i ran out of al the deferments i could get
i have become disable i ran out of al the deferments i could get now am disable but wont get disability for the past three years i keep getting calls a letters from sallymae telling me that my loans are in default but is stressing me out like crazy i dont have a job i cant pay them but they dont care i graduated but still cant find a job i graduated from ITT TECH anyone who heard from them will tell you hu? i dont know what to do no job very ill with a neurological decease but they still wont live me alone or give me any more time