I did it!!
Date: Thu, 10/30/2008 - 12:01
I did it!!
Thanks for everyone's help on here. I'm SO happy I found this site.
Way to go! Just keep plugging away at it, and before you know i
Way to go! Just keep plugging away at it, and before you know it you will be debt-free!!
keep us updated...this is only the beginning for you and persist
keep us updated...this is only the beginning for you and persistence is key to fighting off debt. Once you are out you will have learned a great lesson and be vastly more responsible because of it.
congrats, and as Bernie said, learn the lesson and managing your
congrats, and as Bernie said, learn the lesson and managing your finances will the the way forward!
In addition to settling that one i also just settled two more of my bigger accounts. i settled one for 1000 (originally 2250) and another for 500 (originally 1450).
i am soooooooo excited. 3 down and 4 more to go.
i'm so glad i didn't sign up for one of those settlement programs. this is so much easier and i've settled $4500 worth of debt for only $2000.
yay me!
I just called them and told them I wanted to settle. I hope I a
I just called them and told them I wanted to settle. I hope I am not trivializing it, but that's really what I did. I had to make a bunch of calls but it worked. What I will say though is that my accounts are all charged-off so the fact that they hadn't received payment in a long time, I think helped my pleas for settlement.
If you have any other questions atruefamilyx6 let me know. Hopefully once I am done, I can help others too.
Congratulation,your hard work give you success. :)
Congratulation,your hard work give you success. :)
I'm so glad to hear on Macy's settling! I was still dealing with
I'm so glad to hear on Macy's settling! I was still dealing with their internal collections department.... I have 9 down, 7 more accounts to go..... Trying to be positive, but it's all so stressful, especially after Zwicker & Associates called me on my Discover card.... This company worries me.
late fees etc
so out of that 4500 debt, was any of that late fees and interest? In other words, did you originally only owe a total of say $1000 BEFORE you stopped making payments, and they jacked it up with fees and 34% interest to $4500?