First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA
Date: Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58
First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA
I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.
I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!
What Method of Payment Should I use to pay my Settlement
Should i then send them a "money order" since they do so well at taking money?
are you nuts?
Do not EVER give ANYBODY your CC information, or bank account numbers over the phone, EVER. Anybody can call you and claim they are a collection agency, and you DID give these people permission to contact your bank, and you cannot "post date" checks legally to begin with, so when you gave them your checking account info, they could have gone in and asked for any amount they wanted. They apparently are not reputable. If you claim that those checks are supposed to be "post dated", then you will be admitting to a crime. It is not legal to post date a check (to my knowledge, unless they changed that).
My father is 80 years old and has an at least 10+ year old American Express debt that AMEX wrote off years ago. These scumbags call him daily, at least 3 times a day to harrass him because he is getting old and senile, and he will argue with them, and they must get a kick out of it. I found out about it while coming home for an extended visit. I have tried blocking their numbers, and they seem to have several because they always come back with a new number. The AG of Alabama (where my father lives) will have to be contacted about these people, which I am in the process of doing. I have also read that if you send these people notice in writing to stop calling you, since they are not the original debt holders, then they must stop calling you and if they don't, it's a $1000 fine per incident. I would be glad to have my collection agency start hounding them for $$ for a change.
Just remember, do NOT give any of your banking or Credit card or any information over the phone. These people are out to do one thing, and that's make money, which is why they used the $500+ check first. They want to get as much $$ as they can out of you, and they don't care how they do it. Just think if you had that much money in there, and needed it to feed your kids or family on, they don't care. You can't trust these scumbags. I hang up on them, block their numbers, and report them to my Attorney General. If enough people do it, they will be forced to stop their illegal practices.
Don't Speak to your bank
Your bank will be of no help in getting money returned. Once the collection has your money they have it. Unless he heavens open up and they voluntarily return it . Which will never happen. The bank cannot stop someone from taking your money if you have given them your account number. You only option is to close your account. Then reopen another one and never, never, never, never, "HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?"
a couple of things here
one drop the attitude as posting in caps is akin to if there is nothing in writing then all the person has to do is fill out a fraud affidavit and the bank will return the money and put an alert on the account.last thing again drop the attitude as nobody here needs it.
Same Company - My situation - Need advice
I have just recently started receiving messages to my home number from this First Source company. I have not called them back yet. I am not in a money situation, I'm employed, my house and cars are paid for, and I keep the rest of my bills paid on time. I do not want to brag, in these economic times i consider myself lucky. Anyway, the messages from this company do state my name and claim the call is being made to "collect a debt". So they have my name and number, I'm not sure what else they know about me so I want to move with caution. For all I know they can be trying to steal my ID and fishing for imformation. What I do know is I am not delinquent to any creditors. Question 1: I am not all that knowledgeable on this stuff but, If I did have some mind slip and was actually delinquent on paying a creditor (which i know I am not) wouldn't i have at least received multiple letters from a creditor informing me of the matter and requesting payments, before anything got moved over to a collection agency? Nobody has sent me anything of the sort in years, ever, because all the bills get paid. Question 2: As I said I haven't called them back yet but when I do (or do I?), Do I actually want this collection agency to send me something in writing confirming their version of whatever it is they are going to tell me? I am thinking: What if they don't even know my address? Should I tell it to them in an effort to get them to send me something? As of now I do not want to divulge ANYTHING about me and go under the premise that what they know is what they know, and nothing more about me will come from me. Is this the smart way to go about this? I guess I will eventually call them back soon, or should I? Sorry if this takes away from the original question but it's the same company and I had mixed feelings about starting a new thread or not. I can if required. Thanks for any input, Hoo
You gotta be kidding.
Who's scum now?
*Unregistered* aka *Couldn't be bothered to even come up with a screenname* said:
**I also work for FSA, I no longer collect and now am in Admin, but we are not sleaseball idiots. At least we have jobs and pay our bills. if that means we go to hell, then so be it. At least we won't be a low life scum who doesn't pay their bills.**
A low life scum who doesn't pay their bills???? You actually have the balls to say that in THIS economy? Well, I'm one of those *low life scum*. I had a credit rating of about 720 and this was post Katrina when I was living in a toxic FEMA camper. That camper eventually made me so sick that I was literally dang near dead. I went from being a fit and trim welder/fitter to walking with a walker due to severe balance issues, could barely talk from throat problems, developed a bad stutter, developed thyroid issues, gained 65 pounds, most of my hair fell out, my skin changed drastically including cystic acne, I couldn't think straight AT ALL and those are just the highlights. I could no longer drive and no longer work. I was in that camper almost 5 years. I almost lost my house TWICE and because of the foreclosure issues, all help in fixing the house stopped. My contractor overcharged for shoddy work so I was dependent on volunteer help to fix what he screwed up and finish the house. I lost nearly everything in Katrina, so I still live in a relatively unfurnished house. Until my disability started, I lived on $200 a month my mama gave me to keep utilities on. Even with that, I TRIED to make payment arrangements on the few credit cards I had. NO ONE would work with me. They all wanted more than I could pay. Now I am back in the house, but I'm still disabled so my income is very VERY low. I can barely pay the house payment, keep utilities on and buy food. I can now drive again (sometimes) but my car is dead in the driveway and there is NO money to fix it. When it was running, paying for car insurance meant a big cut back on groceries. Are you getting the picture here? Given a choice between being me with dang near nothing and a pretty much destroyed life who TRIED to work out payment arrangements....what YOU call low life scum....and you, who are one of the people working in the * harass people who have lost everything* industry and so far have been blessed enough to be ABLE to still pay your bills, I'd still rather be me because as far as I'm concerned, YOU are the low life scum.
Phone calls
I am getting calls from these people. They actually are calling my parents and I have not lived with them in over 20 years. I do not have unpaid or late bills. So I am not sure why they are calling. So today I called them and they "said" they couldnt find me in their system. I think it was a crock since they were asking for me by name. Anyway this is a BS to harrass my parents. It is not like I am running from anyone.
Don't Blame FSA
I must say I have worked for FSA and I've read all the stories and have to say that most of these encounters with FSA are completely blown out of proportion. If you don't believe me then you can certainly ask to listen to the recordings because as you all have heard these calls are monitored for quality assurance. You have to understand that collections is a difficult job. It's not easy as a human to ask people to pay their debt in this economy or under the circumstances that the debtor is under. However, it is a job that has to be done or banks will lose quite a bit of money which will in turn cause banks to stop lending. Collectors do understand that you're going through a tough time but they also have to work and negotiate under set guidelines set by the lender. As for harassment and collectors cursing people out that is ridiculous. Under FDCPA regulations, which all companies have to follow, it prevents any collector from cursing or harassing any customer or else they get terminated and the company will get sued. Like I stated previously these things get blown out of proportion and generally the customer hears what they want to hear when they are already upset about the situation. All collectors are trying to do is come up with a solution to help you out of a situation that you caused!!! They didn't ask you to open the account and they certainly didn't tell you to stop paying. A credit card is not free money. When you signed on the dotted line you said you would pay. Now that you haven't this is the consequence. Sorry but that's life.
Reeeeeeaaally. I think it is funny you mention FDCPA....consi
I think it is funny you mention FDCPA....considering that many collection companies don't follow it. Listen to recordings hmm? I have a TON of recordings of various collectors blatantly breaking the law threatening everything from jail to having your children taken away...and I have these RECORDED.
I love how you said that all the innocent collectors are doing is collecting debt WE caused...funny that....since 9 times out of 10 you guys can't even PROVE the accounts. Its a FACT....debt purchasers buy up thousands of names and socials with scant if any documentation and then hire the collectors to collect on these bogus accounts that have no proof. They know the when they buy these accounts why don't they also make sure to get proper documentation? Well, I can tell you why...because they bank on the fact that most people don't know the laws and that they can be intimidated into payments.
Dear FSA member
Dear FSA member, I think you are using a black-and-white mind and are working on a color-coded problem.
Your nefarious efforts to supplant command of this form were exemplary not only in their indubitable fecklessness but also in the clarity with which they revealed the infinitesimal mental capacity in your possession. You are, without a doubt, the classic example of a person whose grandiose ambitions are so far in excess of the abject faculties at his disposal that even in receiving this ignoble castigation you accept it as a tribute of the highest regard.
In other words, you are ignorant. If you do not understand what ignorance is, read a book "stupid"
Have a nice day!!