First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA
Date: Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58
First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA
I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.
I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!
People say a lot on these boards....not all is warranted or good
People say a lot on these boards....not all is warranted or good advice. People may know about their dealings with collection agency A but collection agency B is completely different, though they need abide by the same rules and regulations. Disputing a debt is for people that don't recognize the charges (usually older debt). As for the people saying that creditors won't take you to court? DO NOT BE STUPID. We are in a full blown recession right now, creditors are not seeing near amount the money they did even 4 years ago. Lawsuits are on the rise as creditors try and figure the best way to maximize profits from people not paying their bills. Why sell a debt for pennies on the dollar when it can be sourced to an attorney who will divide the spoils? Point is pay your bills. Creditors are giving great deals to avoid the hassle.
the idiot above me works for first source so i will shoot them d
the idiot above me works for first source so i will shoot them down as i know how...bullet points.
1)first source is a scummy JDB.
2)anybody can dispute a debt in any fashion.i.e. the amount owed,the fact that it is owed,the fact that debt does exist.
3)in alot of states someone attempting to collect a debt must have a license,or in TX a bond to collect and a law firm needs to sue in the person's town,county village,or bourough.
4)said lawyer also needs a license to practice law in that state as well.
5)this JDB scum never sends anything inthe mail,and have never sued anybody(stating such over the phone is against the law).
again you are a JDB not a creditor.there is a difference as you will never take anybody to court,but you violate the FDCPA,and should be reported not back to the phones drone.
I don't care what any debt collection agency tells you, never ev
I don't care what any debt collection agency tells you, never ever post date a check. Post dating a check is illegal in some states. There is also no guarantee that the debt collection agency isn't going to deposit that check ahead of time as was done in your case.
Don't let this agency stress you out with abusive collection tat
If this collection agency is contacting you, please email me your rights are being violated this collection agency talks to people as they have no rights. Let's but the law back on your side.
Let's not try to advertise, it's against the TOS.
:confused:This agency is calling my home and job everyday. The p
:confused:This agency is calling my home and job everyday. The person that I spoke with had the nerve to ask me my marital status and then called my adult son on his cell phone with the same personal questions. I have never experience this before and do not trust them to give one red cent -- how do they expect to collect with such disrepect for the consume? I would like to settle this matter but I am affraid to give them my personal information in fear that they will use it against me and withdraw from my bank account whenever they feel the urge to do so. Do I trust this agency to set up a schedule payment?
They are required by law to send you with in 5 days of contacti
They are required by law to send you with in 5 days of contacting you to send you a dunning letter, upon receiving that you send them a DV letter, there are plenty on this site to tailor to your needs. Do not speak to them on the phone, if you have their address go ahead and send them a DV letter CMRRR now. They have to prove they own and are legally able to collect, do NOT let them tell you otherwise. Its federal law for you to have the right to ask them to prove they own the account. If you dont have their address, odds are if you ask them on the phone for it they will refuse to give it you-knowing that you know the law-they hate that, look around this site and find it. Send them a DV letter, no money until they have validated the debt.
I just received a call today from First source. I spoke with a
I just received a call today from First source. I spoke with a supervisor. I owe alot on my credit card. My husband and I have been laid off for a year and the payments have been on the back burner unfortunatly. My mortgage comes first! First source said today that the creditor would settle with me if I pay a qaurter of what I owe, in full, by the end of the month. This sounds to good to be true. What should i do? Is this legit?
well first state that you want that in writing before you
well first state that you want that in writing before you pay.alot of bottomfeeders promise the world,but end up not only taking more than they are supposed to.they try to collect then debt again.if they are willing to put it in writing,and i mean a letter sent via USPS take it.if they try to get your bank info,and state something like"we will send something once payment is received"do not pay them.bottomline do not accept anything unless the offer is in writing and in letter not give checks by phone if they send a letter then send them the payment,and do it with a money order.
Just do what I did, don't answer restricted or anonymous calls. If its important they will leave a message ;)
Another great way to fund payments on a program like this and av
Another great way to fund payments on a program like this and avoid giving them your banking info is to purchase a pre-paid card from rite-aid or one of those places. Set up the arrangement with the collections agency and only load the card with the appropriate amount to be taken and load a day or two before, don't just leave money sitting on the card. This way you are protected all the way around.
Paul is right when he says that they are required to notify you in writing too.
One thing to keep in mind is that sometimes a collections company wont give out their address for fear that someone is going to lose their mind due to tremendous debt and go to the agency with ill intent for the people inside of the building. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you handle your responsibilities and actually pay your bills, you wont have to ever worry about collections calls coming in for you.
Quote:One thing to keep in mind is that sometimes a collections
One thing to keep in mind is that sometimes a collections company wont give out their address for fear that someone is going to lose their mind due to tremendous debt and go to the agency with ill intent for the people inside of the building. |
Well that may be true but according to the law they have to disclose their address, at least a mailing address.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you handle your responsibilities and actually pay your bills, you wont have to ever worry about collections calls coming in for you. |
That blanket statement gets so tiring. Most everyone here has no trouble paying their bills but take issue when CAs try to collect bogus debt or try to collect debt that has been illegally inflated and even some try to collect debt they don't even have the authorization to collect!
no moron, they're not.... they're going to notify you via letter
no moron, they're not.... they're going to notify you via letter before cashing the check each month, they're one of the largest competent collection agencies in the world...
you're obviously a low IQ teaparty piece of dog crap
now, go to your church and go do your delusional, can't think for yourself religion
to the moron above me.they are one of the biggest bottomfeeders
to the moron above me.they are one of the biggest bottomfeeders in the world.the next time they send anything in the mail will be the first time so back to the phones as i'm guessing your verbal skiils are on par with your typing and grammar skills...nil.
It is 100% illegal to accept and/or write a post dated check. I
It is 100% illegal to accept and/or write a post dated check. I work for a bank and if you have post dated a check and was deposited prior to the date on the check it is valid and legal to do so. No one should ever make any arrangements with collection agencies. Prior to doing any buisness with them you should know the FDCPA by heart. You can get all your debt wiped away and have them end up paying you.
This is true to a certain extent. Debt collection companies may
This is true to a certain extent. Debt collection companies may ask for a post dated check, but only dated within 5 days UNLESS the debt collector notifies the writer in writing prior to deposit. Also, they may NOT put in a post dated check earlier then the posted date.
(2) The acceptance by a debt collector from any person of
a check or other payment instrument postdated by more
than five days unless such person is notified in writing
of the debt collector’s intent to deposit such check or
instrument not more than ten nor less than three busi-
ness days prior to such deposit.
(4) Depositing or threatening to deposit any postdated
check or other postdated payment instrument prior to
the date on such check or instrument.
But it is true that you should never, ever pay ANYONE without first getting proper validation. It is a proven fact that there are many illegal debt collection companies and it has been proven in a court of law that some of these companies attempt collection on bogus debt.
1st Source Advantage
1st Source Advantage-Want to get them to quit harassing? I've received numerous calls from this company (as well as friends, family etc that they gave personal information out to). That is up until I subscribed to one of the phone recording services offered through my iphone. The next time they called, I informed them that the phone call was being recorded. They promptly informed me that they wouldn't be able to continue the conversation and hung up. Goodbye you pakastani leeches!:p
Best thing you can possibly do is answer the phone be honest abo
Best thing you can possibly do is answer the phone be honest about your situation. Your debt is not going to go away talk to the collector a majority will understand and don't want to waste their time with someone who really cant pay. Write a letter stating you want the calls to stop because remember agencies use automated dialer systems collectors don't mean to call some people everyday but are forced to. Bottomline collectors are doing their jobs, there are some idiots out there but there are a ton of good people out there as well. don't forget 50 bucks a month is all it takes to get us out of your hair
Most collectors are NOT doing their jobs, they routinely abuse t
Most collectors are NOT doing their jobs, they routinely abuse the federal and state debt collection laws left and right and many even use highly illegal and unethical tactics to force payments. Don't forget that a cease & desist will get them out of your hair just as easily.
The bottom line: Never, ever pay a voice on the phone just because they say you have too. You have the absolute right to have the debt validated, weather or not the debt collector wants to validate-they have no choice,.
btw#318 since you are on a thread about a bottomfeding JDB slime
btw#318 since you are on a thread about a bottomfeding JDB slime your permise is flawed as if you would read the entire thread(assuming you can read)you would see alot of examples of people explaining their situations.only to be met with yelling,and in reference to first source the bottomfeeder this thread is about,and to answer your last line.i wouldn't give first source a squirt of pi$$ much less 50.00.back to the phones drone.
First Source
Ever since i have received a new phone number from At&T i have been getting calls from 866-517-7458 which left a voicemail asking for Donald Benning. I don't know Donald Benning and informed the India outsourced call center of this. They asked if I had a reference number (which I didnt and not sure where i might have gotten one from). I explained I just received this phone number and kindly asked if I could be removed from their list. The man on the other end got very rude and said he had no information on my phone number and could not transfer me to a supervisor despite me asking several times. He also informed me he had nothing on his computer screen and that it was blank.
I then received a phone call a few days later again from that number this time an Indian woman asking for Don Benning and around and around we go. This time without me giving my number she said that she read off that my number and Donald Benning were the only things that appear on her screen. Odd right?
She then transfered me to the New York office which I spoke with "Mike" and provided my number, explained the situation and said he could remove me from the list. He even read back my phone number and I verified , all correct.
Next day bam another call from India First Source Advantage. I asked to be transferred back to the New York office. This time spoke with a "Tim" who sounded bothered that I was asking for my number to be removed. He then says "We removed your number" , without me saying what the number was. he went off of Donald Benning when i said thats who is being hunted by the India office. He read back a number that was not mine, well the area code was way off but the rest of the digits were right.
I went over and over again what the real number should be that needs to be taken off and he said yeah well it says its on a Do Not Call list.
Asked to speak to a supervisor "Robin" and explained that I need my number removed. She then informed me that the number (wrong one btw) was removed. WTF!! I then informed her of the proper number to be removed..she put me on hold then came back and said i was on a auto dialer and that I have now successfully been removed. I asked for this to be sent to me in writing where she said "I cannot hand write anything". I then asked for her number or a direct line in the event I get another call. She said the only calls you will get are from other collections agencies. WTF! Way to imply that i have severely poor credit and that i get calls like that all the time which I dont and their call to me was a mistake in the first place.
This happens again, next stop my Lawyer then UCC and FCC.
That is unacceptable...I found two listings in the BBB for first
That is unacceptable...I found two listings in the BBB for first you should send a cease &desist letter certified return receipt to both. Detail what you have detailed above and inform them that any further calls will be met with a lawsuit.
Facebook users be CAREFUL! I got a friend request from a so call
Facebook users be CAREFUL! I got a friend request from a so called 'former" employee of first source. Fortunately they cant see Jack without me friending them, including my friend list. Friend them and they will start contacting your entire friend list to embarrass you into giving them what they want!
"Bill Mahoney" #122 tried to friend me on facebook tonight. Sez
"Bill Mahoney" #122 tried to friend me on facebook tonight. Sez he's a "former" FCS employee. So did you get fired for being a scumbag Bill or are you just LYING? How'd you like the wall of silence? Lock down your privacy settings folks.
I don't know these people, I don't have any debts, any they cons
I don't know these people, I don't have any debts, any they constantly call my CELL PHONE asking for Mohammed or Amir. I've received 7 calls in the last week, and I've advised them that they have the wrong number but it does not dissuade them from harassing me at all times of the day or night. When I inquired of what type of business they were in, they refused to tell me.
However, after getting a hold of a supervisor, they finally gave up their physical address, (instead of the PO Box number they tried to give me), so I could send them a cease & desist order. I plan on returning the harassment.
Fsa is amazing! Best place i have every had to deal with.
Fsa is amazing! Best place i have every had to deal with.
Well Mr. or Ms. DUMB, it is nice that you find one guppy collect
Well Mr. or Ms. DUMB, it is nice that you find one guppy collector in the tank full of sharks...hooray for you!
I actually am one of the "bottomfeeders" that you all detest and I can tell you that I read the entire thread and i have to agree with the minority. NOONE forced any of you to run up ridiculous amounts of debt without the foresight of how to pay it off. In many cases, we "bottomfeeders" give a payment plan amount that is more than $50 because in almost every case where you want to pay $50 dollars it would take far to long to pay off your debt to make it worth while for anyone involved. As far as the post dated check stuff that everyone is complaining about, so long as verbal permission is granted over the phone to process a check on a given day and that amount of the check is agreed upon and that is the amount used. Then, there is nothing illegal about post-dated checks. Furthermore, calling relatives and old phone numbers and neighbors, and anyone else who might be able to contact the person of interest is quite often the only way to get in contact with the correct party. No collector should ever give away information to anyone other than someone who has verified they are in fact the person of interest or the spouse of the person of interest (state law permitting). However, does it happen unfortunately and regrettably yes it does. If people were smart and responsible they would bite the bullet and pay off their debt, or better yet not get into credit debt in the first place. For those who think that Firstsource pays the debt from the original creditor, that is an incorrect statement. Firstsource does not purchase any debt; it is contracted by creditors to collect on their collective behalf. Anything I missed feel free to reply and I'll give you those answers too.
and if the government was MORE responsible and stop allowing com
and if the government was MORE responsible and stop allowing companies to outsource jobs to third world nations and company CEO's werent so damn greedy and stop taxing the REAL workers and start taxing the filthy rich then MAYBE debtors would be inclined to pay their debts. When the credit card companies stop raising to impossible rates for people who have had jobs lost due to the reasons stated above then MAYBE people would be inclined to pay their debts. If you were smart you would take your line of bullshit elsewhere!!
O get off your soap box and stop with your "O it's the governmen
O get off your soap box and stop with your "O it's the governments fault" because guess who decided to take out that credit card? You! No one said take out that card rack up the debt and then when the bill comes calling run. I'm gonna bet you didn't read the fine print either. In there it says that companies can raise their rates. Now you want to sit back and boo hoo about having to pay for all your stuff that you got. Here is an idea go file bankruptcy and keep your stuff. That way no collector ever need talk to you again and you wont be able to use your credit usefully for the next 7 years. Maybe by then you will have it figured out that if you buy something on credit eventually you will have to pay for it. Ignorance does not excuse you from having to live with the mistakes you made, but bankruptcy does. Have fun with that one! I should warn you though it will probably cost more to file bankruptcy than it would to just settle out your stupid account.
great job
I settled my American express debt with First Source Advantage about 2 months ago. I was a little hesitant to work with them because of all of the stuff people have said, not just on here but other websites as well. Anyways I was a small buisness owner and like many with the economy I lost everything. I started to get back on my feet and I finally decided to answer their calls I spoke with Linda an Dave who when I requested a dunning letter asked if I still lived at my previous address, when I gave them the correct address they had no problem mailing it out. Once I recieved that we then began talking about settlements and we agreed that I would pay 50% via post dated check. I asked if I could get that in writting and they asked if I had a fax machine and they faxed the offer while I was still on the phone. I set the check up for the end of the month and was told that of I gave them a phone call
10 days after the check went through they could fax me proof that I settled it out. I recieved a letter in the mail 4 days before the check was scheduled to remind me of the check I had set up. About 12 days after the check went through I gave them a call and they faxed my letter stating I settled the account out. Well 7 days ago I recieved an alert from trans union that a change had been made to my credit report so I checked it, and it was an update from American express saying that I settled out my account. I am very happy with how I was treated. This just goes to show, dont believe everything you read on the internet because one persons bad time could prevent you from working with some very nice people. Oh and by the way it was Americans and I worked with.
it only cost me $675 to file bankruptcy, it was a lot cheaper th
it only cost me $675 to file bankruptcy, it was a lot cheaper than paying on a debt of $400 that they inflated to $3500, so yeah it was cheaper to file bankruptcy than it was to pay scum that does not deserve my money-if they original creditor worked with me when I lost my job and was diagnosed with cancer they would have gotten all the $400 owed plus some for interest due but they chose to be asses. So, that meant they didnt get any of my money, oh boo hoo. Oh and I have better credit now 2 years after bankruptcy than I did for the 3 years preceeding, my score is 200 points higher now and I have NO problem getting credit now. Just needed time to start treatments and disability to kick in and I would have gladly paid them every penny due them but they couldnt wait 6 to 9 months. So, no money from me and I am so heartbroken over it---NOT
First of all firstsource does NOT purchase debt, if they did th
First of all firstsource does NOT purchase debt, if they did then they would report on your credit report, dont believe me? Call your original creditor and ask them if they sold your debt. Also they do not sue, your original creditor may have placed you in the office as legal meaning your original creditor will
Wow we must have hit a nerve. Poor little bottomfeeders are sta
Wow we must have hit a nerve. Poor little bottomfeeders are starting to feel the pinch? I can't even think of a response since #330 so proudly proclaimed to be one of the "bottomfeeders". I have to give it to you though, you are the first bottomfeeder to even stand up and own up to it, then the real you shines through when you go right back to your typical rant about not being able to swindle and scare poor people with fake, or illegal accounts.
check your facts
Completely incorrect, the biggest segment of their debt collections department is in Amherst, NY. The second biggest is in Colorado Springs, CO; further, while they do have a call center in Mumbai, India for collections it accounts for a VERY small percentage of the operation's portfolio of accounts and profitablity. Please educate yourself so that in the future you can avoid ignorant and unfounded claims.
Who cares which department is bigger? Whoop De Doo, they have b
Who cares which department is bigger? Whoop De Doo, they have big segments. What matters is their blatant disregard for the law and people's rights.
First Source Advantage - Repeated calls looking for someone else
This past week, I started receving daily calls on both my Cell Number and Home Number. On each occassion, I return their call to inform them that the Relative they are looking for does not live with me, and that I am not responsible for their debts. Also, that the person they are looking for is in a Nursing Home with Alzheimer's, and all the monies that they get go straight to the Nursing Home for their care. I insisted that they stop calling me, and remove my numbers from their system. Unfortunately they didn't.
They continued to call and each time stated that they'd remove my number.
I warned them this past weekend that if they continued to call, that I'd contact the Federal Trade Comission and the State Attorney General for my State where I live.
They told me "Not to threaten them."
They called again last night, and as I stated, I contacted both offices and filed a written complaint.
I contacted them this morning to advise them and I was given to a supervisor.
One thing that these people do is talk OVER you while you are giving them information.
1) it is Rude
2) it does not deter me
I informed the Supervisor that I have every message that they have left, on both my cell number and home number. I will maintain every call they place to me.
I will file a complaint each time.
They apparently feel that I do not understand my rights, and hope to use that for their advantage. Feeling that if someone, anyone pays to get them to stop the calls, they'll continue to harass.
I am not that person. I am neither intimidated by them, or fearful of them. I know what they can and cannot legally.
Best way to deal with collection agencies...
Here is the answer to dealing with collection agencies...DON'T.
Between the Real estate crash of 2006-07 and a fight with cancer, I found myself suddenly with way less income than out go and I had to make some pretty crappy decisions regarding my then 780 credit score and the assets I owned which were paying my bills at the time. It still is not over, but I am standing on the other side of chemo three years later, still making money, and still in charge of my assets and I never claimed bankruptcy. My credit score has suffered some, but it is also making a comeback quickly and in fact about 3 months ago I was offered an unsecured credit card from Capital One.
Here is why???
The statute of limitations is between 3 and 7 years depending on the state you live in; If they do not collect or get a judgment through the courts then they have no way to get anything from you. The debt is unsecured; this means that they cannot come repo your car because you owe on a medical bill???at least not in most cases. Finally, the agencies know this and there is not a damn thing these agencies can do other than bully you...IF you have set up your end properly.
First. kill your ego. You do not need ANYTHING in your name. J.D. Rockerfeller once said "Own Nothing, Control Everything"...Good Advice. "Sell" your home to a trust. Make it the 123 4th street trust not the "My Name" land trust. The "My Name" Land trust will give them a place to look. Remember, YOU OWN NOTHING.
Form an LLC. Not "MY NAME", LLC, more like Anonymous Morons, LLC. If you do it in Delaware, Nevada, or Wyoming the "owners" of the LLC are completely anonymous. Let the LLC be the Trustee of your trust. You be the beneficiary. Now the asset is out of your name but you control it. By the way, there are all kinds of tax advantages to having your own business. Better ask a CPA how you can save at least half of what you are currently donating to our governement by having your own company.
If your cars are paid off sell them to the LLC. Now, they cannot be attached either. Make sure and talk to your insurance carrier about this. If he gives you a hard time about the change fire him and get commerical insurance; it is usually cheaper and covers you better.
The LLC will need an EIN number. Get one, and start a checking and savings account in the name of the LLC instead of your name. Deposit your paychecks to that account number. Collection agencies cannot attach the accounts of an LLC for the bills of one of their ???employees???i.e.???.YOU.
Go get a goggle phone number, or pay $10 a month for an answering service like . I have both, and both are equally good. When a call comes in, it is changed to an MP3 and emailed to me. I call them back (or not) when I want to. I am not tied to their schedule, and I do not have to deal with jerks. Give this number out publically???NOT your cell.
Wait. They will come, and they will come with a vengeance???I promise.
The agencies will begin to hit your numbers and those of everybody you know. Wait. Tell your friends and family to say they do not know where to find you. Do not worry about work. They cannot legally hassle you there, and they cannot garnish your wage without suing you first.
Eventually they may try to sue you. By getting all your assets out of your name you have already helped yourself in this regard because I guarantee that the first thing any attorney will do is see if you are worth suing by hitting the county records to see what you own. If you own nothing, he might just advise his client that you are not worth the trouble and they will move on to the next hapless moron.
Ok, so you get sued. No problem. This is where the real fun begins. On average, collection agencies buy debt for anywhere for 3 to 15 cents on the dollar. They are going to sue you for the full amount plus their fees, plus the attorney fees, plus the interest, etc. When it comes time to get served with the papers, be sure and get them. Do Not Hide.
Find yourself an attorney that does foreclosure, bankruptcy, and credit law. Do not skimp on this step, you need somebody who really knows their stuff. The first thing you will need to do is ???answer the complaint???. Your attorney will advise you to say nothing more than ???I disagree with the amount stated???: and file your answer with the courts as well as send the answer to the collection agencies attorney. Your attorney might do this for you. Next will come a variety of papers asking for interrogatories, admissions, and all sorts of baloney. Let your attorney handle this stuff.
Eventually, you will want to have your attorney let the plaintiff???s attorney know that you ???own nothing???. This will cause the other attorney to do one of several options:
[FONT=Calibri]1. [/FONT]He will just advise his client to move on to greener pastures because you don???t own anything worth taking.
[FONT=Calibri]2. [/FONT]He will realize that you know what you are doing, that you have sheltered your assets and he will advise his client to move on to greener pastures because the fight will not be worth their time. (particularly good when you can afford a decent credit/bankruptcy/foreclosure attorney)
[FONT=Calibri]3. [/FONT]He will push for a settlement that is pennies on the dollar.
Or, he will full on continue to sue you.
So far, this last one has NEVER happened to me. The most I have had to do is settle. And even then it is for pennies on the dollar. My cancer debt was in excess of $50,000.00 By the time I was done negotiating witht hem, they are taking payments of $50 a month and I own less than $4000.
Remember this; everybody has to feel like they won or this WILL NOT WORK. The agency needs to make a bit of money. But if they bought a $5000 debt for $500 (10%) then if they make 20% ($1000) then they did fairly. The attorney needs to get paid too. Don???t screw your attorney, he just negotiated a settlement and saved your ass. And of course you need to win as well. If you have that attitude in your heart, instead of the ???I???m gonna screw it to them??? attitude because I have you this knowledge, then you will fair well and Karma will take care of you.
This is on the verge if not outright is considered f
This is on the verge if not outright is considered fraud to trick a court like that....if they find out, your butt will be on the line for JAIL time rather than just getting sued for this at your own risk.
This company called me looking for my husband's ex wife. We were
This company called me looking for my husband's ex wife. We were recently married so "apparently" I am one of the family members they chose to call. I told them that was very inappropriate and unprofessional. They were also very rude.
Hang up the phone when you get a call from this company.
First of all, the gentleman that called me from this company could not speak English well; I thought he was a scam artist; closely, this company is; this guy told me that I had a delinguent account from a Chase Visa card; I never owned a Chase Bank Visa card; with my credit report in front of me, he gave me nothing but false information; he wanted to know all my personal info prior to him explaining why the hell he called me; when you get a phone call from these people, get their number, a name of one of their managers, and research this company; they are not liked the by the BBB; they are under investigation; go figure; or you can just hang up the phone; get your credit report from Equifax; people out there, be smart about what to say when someone you don't know calls you; get their number to call them back.
I was contacted by Firstsource last week. I've unemployed for ov
I was contacted by Firstsource last week. I've unemployed for over 20 months. It's not that I do not want to pay the debt. I do not have the money to pay it. I spoke with them again tonight - after not answering for the last few days. The rep was very rude and made assumptions on what I said (and didn't say). I ended up hanging up rather than cussing them out.
I haven't received anything in writing yet (and it has been more than 5 days). I'm preparing a letter now to request this information and to request a cease to the phone calls.
One question - my debt has been "charged off", per the ceditor (not FirstSource). So who holds the debt when it has been charged off? If the creditor still holds it, then can I send payments to them and not Firstsource? (And yes I will be calling the creditor to get more information.)
F u
Actually you scum sucking A-hole. I am constantly being bothered by this company and others like it since I got a cell phone. I have no debt and repeatedly have request that low lives such as your self stop bothering me.
You are people fancy yourselves as scam artists, but you are really just stinky POS's.
Go get a real job, looser...
I used to work for this company while I was in school. There ar
I used to work for this company while I was in school. There are a lot of intellectually devoid scumbags that work there but the management is generally concerned about upholding the law/not getting sued.
They will call over and over and over agian, no doubt, as they can per the law. It's also tricky to get them to stop calling if they dont believe it's a wrong # as you have to understand, people lie all day every day about that. Explain clearly and concisely the problem and you should get your number removed. They were pretty good about most other things when I worked there. Definitely not a sketchy or scam, at least when it comes to collections.
I want to respond to #345 while I'm on this site. You realize w
I want to respond to #345 while I'm on this site.
You realize with that kind of attitude you're going to get nowhere on the phone with any debt collection company or creditor? Hostility and contempt rarely brings positive results. If anything, the person on the other end is going to think you're amusing. At that point, you become the account people in the office want to call to "argue" for a laugh.
As for "getting a real job," that is a ridiculous statement. If you're going to try and belittle someone for earning an income at a job, then you're just as bad as somebody who would say "why don't you pay your debt deadbeat."
another beauty
you know it is an insult to read the stupidity above me without wanting to dive through the screen and choke them.first off #345 is getting calls because the cell number they have belonged to someone else.(btw i hate recycling cell phones because the number doesn't get erased)next your stupid comment about the account.#345 doesn't have any accounts idiot.they have every right after awhile to get testy with a douchbag who insists on continued calls despite that fact.btw your last line is one the doofs at first source use alot as i heard calls why don't you read posts before posting and get back to the phones drone.the only idiot who would post that hogwash above me is a drone for first source nuff said
Yes they can!
They are garnishing my paychecks! I cant pay my rent as they have taken nearly $1000 from me this month! My checking account is overdrawn and I cant afford to even buy groceries!
what a crock
you people never give up do you?the above scenario never happened as the only way nearly 1,000.00 can be garnushed is if the take home was nearly 8,000.00.again the above didn't happen.just another humanoid/shill post.back to the phones you go.
If you are getting calls, either you have a debt that you may no
If you are getting calls, either you have a debt that you may not know about, or they have the wrong number. If it is a wrong number, they can remove it from their list. If not, you are permanently linked to an account that may not be yours.