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First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA

Date: Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58

Submitted by philpot.loren
on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 362

First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA

I received a call about 2 weeks ago from First Source Advantage llc, which is a collection agency used by Capital One. They informed me that Capital One was preparing to file a lawsuit against me for my balance, lawyer fees, etc. The woman on the other line asked me what I wanted to do and I asked if it was possible to set up some sort of arrangement. I said that I could post-date checks in the amount of $252 for September 30 and October 15, and $564 for October 31.

I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.

I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!

ok i am a supervisor at an agency out of jacksonville fla and i guarantee you it is illegal for them to tell you that capt one will sue you..itsis considered misleading information. If capital one was going to sue they wouldnt do it through a collection agency i assure you of that and they dont do law suits over debt.


PEOPLE PLEASE DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR! Look up the FDCPA o Fair Debt Collection Practices will show u what agencies can and can not do

hope i helpes:p


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/19/2010 - 06:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
skip trace assistance. They research you basically and it is very legal. Just pay the debt if u want the calls to stop

sorry mope,but it is illegal for a bottomfeeder like yours to call cell phones unless the person gives it to save your lines loser for the phones.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 08/19/2010 - 06:24

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

, get this. These guys go way over the line. I get a phone call two weeks ago from an agent at First Source Advantage and he is asking for an ex co-worker of mine, at a company I'm no longer affiliated with, and haven't spoken with the co-worker for ages. He informs me "I must know where this guy is because I'm listed on an old website, or else I am a liar". He has called me morning, noon and night on my home phone as well as business phone, demanding I tract down this ex co-worker. He refuses to give me his name or who he works for until I get tract down this ex co-worker to call him and settle up. I first politely asked him and informed him I had no contact with his individual and to put me on his "do not call" list and to cease and desist immediately. That was a dozen phone calls ago. He again refused to give me any of this contact information. So I hit my redial button and found out that he is calling from First Source Advantage at 866-517-7458. I spoke to the operator named Namdata. I asked her to transfer me over to her supervisor. She does so; however, HE refuses to give me his name. After several attempts, I end up speaking to the individual that infact called me, and HE also refuses to give me his name. I told him I would turn him over to the attorney general's office for harassment. He stated "I was threatening him and if I'm threatening him, he will have to do what he has to do". I asked him if was going to send someone out to break my legs. He re-stated "he's going to do what he needs to do". I informed him I was going to turn him into the Attorney Generals office for harassing phone calls. It sounds he is threatening bodily harm or mucking up my credit in some way. Either way, it wasn't pleasant and anyone reading this needs to report to the Attorney General's office. It's the only way it will stop. See previous threads for step-by-step instructions.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/21/2010 - 09:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
its funny how no one on these boards know the laws. you can be sued for debts. it is legal to threaten to sue if you intend to sue. it is legal to call cell phones. and calls do not have to stop if you ask them to unless it is requested in writing.

god how i wish one of you dupes would call me.i would end up suing the bejesus out of you.first it is illegal to call a cell phone unless you are given permission as it is against the law to cause a person expense in communcating with them.i really wish you knew the law since you break it so often.back to the phones drone.we know better here,and you can spew the garbage there.not here.also show me one tome this bottomfeeder actually did sue someone.just remember if you threaten that and don't follow through in 30 days you can be sued by yourselves.agin back to the phones.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 19:08

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

we dont have to prove that you gave us permission so good luck proving that you didnt give us permission. you're probably just some scumbag from a debt consolidation company who preys on people who are already in debt by charging them fees to settle debts that they can settle themselves. debt consolidation companies are the real scumbags!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 20:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

fsa/paul hater-Paul Mergel is an awesome person that without his help and knowledge 90% of the people that come here for help would be up a creek without a paddle-screwed over by thiefs and drug addicts like you, bottom feeding swill, damn dude-shoe scrappings are higher up the totem pole than you fools. Whats the matter your profits down because people are finally learning how to fight you fools?! Good, I hope so, that way YOU end up without a job and unable to pay bills and then some other scum that YOU trained starts calling and treating you like trash!! Oh, the irony in that, NOW THAT would be poetic justice. Sleep tight my friend, your day WILL come!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 21:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
fsa/paul hater-Paul Mergel is an awesome person that without his help and knowledge 90% of the people that come here for help would be up a creek without a paddle-screwed over by thiefs and drug addicts like you, bottom feeding swill, damn dude-shoe scrappings are higher up the totem pole than you fools. Whats the matter your profits down because people are finally learning how to fight you fools?! Good, I hope so, that way YOU end up without a job and unable to pay bills and then some other scum that YOU trained starts calling and treating you like trash!! Oh, the irony in that, NOW THAT would be poetic justice. Sleep tight my friend, your day WILL come!!

thanks for the props.btw i couldn't have put it any the one.i do not work for any debt relief place.i just have dealt with your kind before that's all.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 09/02/2010 - 06:10

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
paul mergel. hall of fame moderator. hahaha get a life. you're giving people bad advice that will have them facing a potential lawsuit

again loser,give me an example of how your compost heap of a collector actually sued someone.i won't hold my breath waiting for a response worthwhile.just more stupidity from you and the other humanoids.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 09/02/2010 - 06:25

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
anyone who uses the word humanoids = loser who lives in his moms basement and places world of warcraft while watching star wars

why too smart for you,or are you jealous because i thought of the term for your kind first.btw,what is world of warcraft?never heard of it.sounds like except for copycatting my term you just described youself.HA,HA.another btw,i expected this stupidity because humanoids like this can't come up with anything but this.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 09/03/2010 - 06:21

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

The word humanoid is used for people like debt collectors because you are not of the same species as the rest of us, you are a sub-human. Anyone that treats people the way you do is not a human being and thats why he calls you a humanoid. Actually, I think he is being nice using that term-he could be using something worse-like I would, I think your just jealous that he knows bigger words than you, and actually you being so defensive is a definite sign that you he scares you with his knowledge and you find that threatening. Have a good day humanoid!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/03/2010 - 06:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is very funny. We process fax orders only. We had this fax number for 15+ years. I noticed a number 716-564-4495 was dialing our fax no fax order was coning in. So after they had dial our fax No. I called them and told them it was a fax number He was such a idiot and said so I guess it owes money OK I'll will deduct some money from my fax machine payroll to pay you OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOT To To make it worse He wants to know Fax SSI #, Date Of Birth and Address.
So please hire that know the language English.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/08/2010 - 14:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm sorry all of you had these problems. I had First Source Advantage collect a debt on a Capital One card that I had. They were very respectful and said that they understood my problems and that if I wanted to pay the debt, they would accept payment arrangements. They automatically debit the pymts every month out of my account in the amount that they are supposed to. I greatly appreciate how they worked with me.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/10/2010 - 14:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm sorry all of you had these problems. I had First Source Advantage collect a debt on a Capital One card that I had. They were very respectful and said that they understood my problems and that if I wanted to pay the debt, they would accept payment arrangements. They automatically debit the pymts every month out of my account in the amount that they are supposed to. I greatly appreciate how they worked with me.

good for you.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 09/10/2010 - 14:58

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Capital One will sue you for your debt. The law firm they use for that is usually Bray & Lundsford out of Jacksonville, FL.

How do I know? They tried to sue me for an old account I thought I had paid off years ago. It was still within the SOL, and I had apparently left an $100 balance on it which later balooned to $2500 after interest and penalty fees.

They weren't interested in me paying them the small sum that I actually owed them because I wrote the wrong number on a cheque, but they did take 15% off the balance that Captial One created after that. The rep from Bray and Lundsford, however, was very nice, very polite, never spoke down to me, and never once threatened me.

FSA, on the other hand... I had an Amex card that I had paid on religiously for years. I lost my job during the recession and was unable to pay the full amount of my payment. I called them and told them what I could afford to pay based on my unemployment earnings, and they refused to accept the amount I could pay. I explained to the rep that I was unemployed, disabled (receiving SSDI), and caring for an older, terminally ill parent. The rep actually told me that I should let my mother die so I could have more money to pay American Express.

I've continued to pay American Express directly for the last year, but FSA still calls.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 09/12/2010 - 02:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a call from them and they accused of taking vacations and that I needed to pay up. I was accused of going to Europe and that they have us recordered taking about it on tape. I asked to hear it and they said we have the tape and you don't need to hear it...they wound up hunging up...they are truly a piece of work.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 09/27/2010 - 11:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I worked with them on a bill for Chase Bank, and I had no problems. They fulfilled thier obligation to settle and I paid. I haven't had the issues you had with them. I just called them, explained how much I could pay and they took that amount each month. I am sorry that you had a bad experience with them.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 09/27/2010 - 13:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I worked with them on a bill for Chase Bank, and I had no problems. They fulfilled thier obligation to settle and I paid. I haven't had the issues you had with them. I just called them, explained how much I could pay and they took that amount each month. I am sorry that you had a bad experience with them.

again good for you:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 09/27/2010 - 13:15

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by philpot.loren
I received a call about 2 weeks ago from First Source Advantage llc, which is a collection agency used by Capital One. They informed me that Capital One was preparing to file a lawsuit against me for my balance, lawyer fees, etc. The woman on the other line asked me what I wanted to do and I asked if it was possible to set up some sort of arrangement. I said that I could post-date checks in the amount of $252 for September 30 and October 15, and $564 for October 31.
I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.
I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!

Never give a collection agency a post dated check. They are going to send it thru as soon as they get it.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/29/2010 - 15:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I see a lot posted here to advise people what to do about closing their accounts, I found out the hard way and will tell you all PLEASE PLEASE NEVER EVER POST DATE A CHECK, it doesnt matter what the date on it is, if it is presented to your bank they HAVE to honor it, and it is a federal offense of a debtor or collector to ask you to post date a check as much as it is for you to do it, it cost me a week in jail until my husband could raise the money and 3500.00 for 1 500.00 post dated check...


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 23:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

well, its like this! hsbc, u pay them for 4 years, and u still have the same balance withem as when u started! i paid them more than min. sometimes double, i called them and asked why its not going down, and they laughed in my face and said we dont work like that!
i asked for a itemized breakdown, they said we dont do that!
so i will not pay them another dime, and even told thwm to reposesse it, they said, we dont do that!
so, to hell with em,
u cant get blood from a turnip!
so, hate it!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/04/2010 - 09:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I hadn't received any calls from them but my parents did and I hadn't lived at home in nearly 10 years. Upon calling the number they left, I was told they couldn't find the account from the phone number I provided and was hung up on twice. I called back a third time and got a very helpful woman named Nicole. She found the account from my name and informed me what they were calling about (Target credit card). Once I get home I'll call them back and set up the payment plan. I'll keep you posted on how everything goes when they take the first payment at the end of the month.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/04/2010 - 14:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
They are calling my work threatening to garnish my wages. Can they do it? What can I do to prevent this?

what did you ever find out? they are calling my work AND there is a foreign guy showing up at the main office for my job...? all that is illegal I know but how did you stop it?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 01:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have been getting phone calls from First Source Advantage LLC for months now. I work only 15 hours a week ($125.00 P WK.) and just cannot afford to pay off my debt. I live with my fiance who is out of work and we need all the money we can get for food and rent! I am looking for a new job but there is just nothing out there. They are continuously calling and when I tell them that I just can't pay right now, they tell me that they are "the police" and hang up. They have now called my grandparents and Aunt and Uncle all in Florida. How do I get accross to them that I just can't pay right now and to leave me alone? I know this is going to effect my credit but what else can I do. You can get blood from a stone!

sounds like we are in the same boat! I'm 36 weeks pregnant and since I'm on light duty at work they cut my pay. my husband is doing his best to support us right now by paying for groceries and rent. we are just barly making it every month. they call and call and then call my job and a guy has even been walking into my office harassing he ppl that I work with! I can't pull money from my ass but it's not like I'm intentionally not paying them. so any help or advice would be much appreciated! ...anyone!?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 01:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by philpot.loren
I received a call about 2 weeks ago from First Source Advantage llc, which is a collection agency used by Capital One. They informed me that Capital One was preparing to file a lawsuit against me for my balance, lawyer fees, etc. The woman on the other line asked me what I wanted to do and I asked if it was possible to set up some sort of arrangement. I said that I could post-date checks in the amount of $252 for September 30 and October 15, and $564 for October 31.
I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.
I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!

If you guys get a call from these fools, REPORT THEM. NO WAY are they a legit collections agency, they are a fully hispanic company that buys accounts from GRS (General Revenue Service, they are the ones that are who make whatever decisions that effect your credit). Ironically all 2 of their "managers" last name is "rodriguez" (or however you spell it) which is just fishy, also NONE of them speak full proper english, even the person who is in charge of the company that put my account into collections falsely said he called them and could barely understand the representative or the manager, and they even hassled him about closing out my account!

I got 3 calls from them, 1st one i told the woman that i was dealing with the particular company and not some random 3rd party company, the woman was VERY VERY RUDE insulted me for about 20 minutes and refused to listen to anything i had to say, and she's management, the very same day my account for them got closed via the company that falsely put my account INTO collections in the 1st place. I was notified and got verification that it should have been closed, but these guys kept trying to collect on an account that should have been closed!!!! they are NOT legit, and seriously someone needs to call the INS on these guys for proof of being legally in america!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 07:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok, this is kinda alarming to see that I am not the only one having issues with First Source. My student loan has been consolidated and my payments started today. My original loan has been paid off and I have the documentation to prove that. First Source has been calling me and harrassing me just about every single day. When I actually answered the call, Anthony was on the other end and was demanding personal information from me. I kept asking what this was about and all I got in turn was grief and threats. He refused to give me any information other than it was in reference to my student loan and that there was a problem with the consolidation. When I asked what problem, he would not tell me. I spoke with the company that is now in charge of my account and they can not validate First Source and do not know why they would be calling me since it is clear that they have nothing to do with my consolidation. I was told to not give them any information and to report them to the BBB.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 11:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

call your bank and get the nsf off your record . then never postdate a check bc bakes dont look at the date on it any more
never pay more then you have tell first you will send them a new check next month but dont send 2 at one time
but if you did have it on 2 checks its iligle for them to take it out as one pamint so you can call them on that but report it to you bank as frod


Originally Posted by philpot.loren
I received a call about 2 weeks ago from First Source Advantage llc, which is a collection agency used by Capital One. They informed me that Capital One was preparing to file a lawsuit against me for my balance, lawyer fees, etc. The woman on the other line asked me what I wanted to do and I asked if it was possible to set up some sort of arrangement. I said that I could post-date checks in the amount of $252 for September 30 and October 15, and $564 for October 31.

I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.

I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 10:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

you have the ligle right to ask for that and by law thy have to give it to you take to a supervisor and if that dose not work tell them you have a lawyer advising you of your rights and you be glad to sue them
scarring them works


Originally Posted by Anonymous
well, its like this! hsbc, u pay them for 4 years, and u still have the same balance withem as when u started! i paid them more than min. sometimes double, i called them and asked why its not going down, and they laughed in my face and said we dont work like that!
i asked for a itemized breakdown, they said we dont do that!
so i will not pay them another dime, and even told thwm to reposesse it, they said, we dont do that!
so, to hell with em,
u cant get blood from a turnip!
so, hate it!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 10:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

for one dont be scared bc let it go in to conecshons then you can sedil for 50% of what you ow by law thy have to exped that and after 6 months it comes off ytour recoerd as bad bc it will say payed in full


Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you guys get a call from these fools, REPORT THEM. NO WAY are they a legit collections agency, they are a fully hispanic company that buys accounts from GRS (General Revenue Service, they are the ones that are who make whatever decisions that effect your credit). Ironically all 2 of their "managers" last name is "rodriguez" (or however you spell it) which is just fishy, also NONE of them speak full proper english, even the person who is in charge of the company that put my account into collections falsely said he called them and could barely understand the representative or the manager, and they even hassled him about closing out my account!

I got 3 calls from them, 1st one i told the woman that i was dealing with the particular company and not some random 3rd party company, the woman was VERY VERY RUDE insulted me for about 20 minutes and refused to listen to anything i had to say, and she's management, the very same day my account for them got closed via the company that falsely put my account INTO collections in the 1st place. I was notified and got verification that it should have been closed, but these guys kept trying to collect on an account that should have been closed!!!! they are NOT legit, and seriously someone needs to call the INS on these guys for proof of being legally in america!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 10:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

A good collection agency would put it in writing, rather than calling and harassing people. Particularly if you are not the party to whom they are seeking, it is very annoying to get these guys to quit calling! Turn them in.:lol:


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 14:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm dying from brain cancer and fighting every second to survive. I relayed this information to First Source Advantage LLC. I was told "we hear this everyday and I don't really give a shit what's wrong with you." He went on to say "you owe $372.00 and even after you're dead we will continue to pursue." FYI: my original balance left on my Capitol One card was $89.00. Months earlier Capitol One assured me that do to my circumstances they would remove the $89.00 and wished me the best.... I don't feel one way or the other as I have far more important things to worry about - just thought I'd share.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 09:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had been doing research on First Source Advantage, given their insistence on calling me regarding the debts of a person I had never heard of, as if he were me, and who I do not know, or bear any relationship, whatsoever, when I saw the post of "Just Sharing" regarding the abuse and fraud toward a person I believe to be a terminal cancer patient with little, if any connection with a valid debt, and less need to be aggravated by the person I only wish had been named.

My wife has suffered two brain aneurysms, thankfully surviving the experiences with no need to be constantly answering auto dialer or any other harassment calls from this bunch of cretins.

So, I decided to add her story to an upcoming video on YouTube, in addition to the one already posted.

Impending Doom: FDCPA v 1st Source Advantage, LLC. Could they BUY higher than a C- BBB rating?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/12/2010 - 19:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:confused:Any collection agency neither the bank or even a lawyer have the power or authority to ask from you, to repay a debt if your resources do not allow you or if you are suffering financial struggle. Even if you receive a judgement from a court unless is by Federal Mandate or due to the IRS there is no other entity that can force you to pay what you can't pay.
Don't pay attention to harassing or commit to any type of payment, if you are not completely certain of what your possibilities are; much less sign postdated check which in first place are illegal.
To stop harassing calls, just replace your phone number and make it private, one cheep way to do this is by acquiring a MagicJak and use that number for any future contact, is easy to scrutinize calls from collector, via email or voice mail. Never answer calls from numbers you don't really know.
If they don't leave you a message must certain is one of those bogus harassing companies, if they leave a message then you know and is up to you to call back.
Remember never commit to their demands!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 07:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[SIZE=3]Your Name[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Your street[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]City, State. Zip[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Your Phone #[/SIZE]

Civil Demand Letter / Request

Wednesday, September 22 , 2010

Name of Debt Collector ??? Their address - Their phone #

Re: Original Creditor Name - Account # 0123456789012345 - Reference # 123456

Dear, Debt Collector Name / Sir, Madam, or to whom it may concern:

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]I am writing to request/ask for assignment of debt. I also request a validation/verification notice that I was supposed to receive within five days of your initial contact with me [Article 2.1 paragraph 2, Article 2.3 paragraph 1 of the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act]. I???m supposed to receive the Validation Notice weather I agree with the debt or not. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]I am also writing to request that you immediately stop communicating with me about my account (number 012345678912345) with Original Creditor Name [The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,15 USC section 1692c??, requires that you honor this request.]. I also request that you stop calling my place of employment. Calling my place of employment is a direct violation of the FDCPA. I also believe that letter you sent me contains a FDCPA violation. [/FONT][/SIZE]


[SIZE=3]Your Name [/SIZE]


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 15:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Your most likely not going to get sued unless the debt collector is local. They dont want to really go to court. If they do and you can prove financial hardship then they risk the judge allowing you to make 20 to 50 dollar payments and the collector doesn't want that. Neither does the creditor.

Also if you can prove unfair debt collection practices then you will be able to counter sue and collect 1000 dollars.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 16:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a question regarding first source. They pulled my credit report without authorization. Is there anything I can do? They claimed I owed money to blockbuster, when I contacted blockbuster they told me that my account was in good standing. I kept getting harassing calls from first until I told them that if they contacted me anymore I would seek legal action. The credit bureau told me that I only had two options which were get a inquiry delete letter from first source which I doubt they will give me or just wait two years for it to drop off on its own. can you suggest anything?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 12:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had a debt with chase , and last week I was told that the account was settled in full , and that they had mailed out a letter stating that, so today I decided to give them a call to follow up and see if chase recv'd notification that this debt was satisfied....well not to my surprise , nothing was done regarding chase, so I called first source , which said that " oh sorry , let me mark this account settled" then I asked why did it take a week to do this, no answer....I said let me talk to your supervisor! Well then I spoke to the supervisor who told me I still had one last payment! I was like are you just told me it was paid in full ! Sorry human error. I was like ok , so I gave them the last payment and decided to call my original case handler Rodney. When I explained to him what happened and that he messed up , he quickly transferred me to his supervisor without telling me. I spoke with the supervisor and said no , I dont want to speak to you ..I want to speak to Rodney who messed up all of this from the start! And I want him to explain to me how he made this error, Well he didnt , and the supervisor continued telling me sorry and he will handle everything and contact Chase tomorrow or monday......looks like they dont know there ass from there elbow


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/27/2011 - 13:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

got a txt from 18887418896 today that said "18887418896" called it, no one would tell me what the business was. I was transferred twice, then the lady on the phone immediately was crabby and demaning I pay.

I asked to know what I was paying, they informed me they had purchased my HSBC account and I hadn't paid since June, i check my bank records online and see I paid in September, so yes I have missed three months payments, but her statement was still a blatant lie.

I then asked for some kind of verification that they had gotten my account from HSBC so I would not this was legitimate, the woman informs me that my account will be charged off tomorrow unless I pay them today right now on the phone. I tell her I cannot make a payment without knowings its legitimate.

she says " well what are you going to do"

I tell her that unless she can verify its legitimate i wont pay right now.

She informs me we have spoken before and they sent me a letter. I have not received any such letter, my address has not changed, and we have not spoken before. I have never spoken to them on the phone before. She did reference a phone call I had last month regarding payment of 200 usd to HSBC from someone who stated they were an HSBC rep, and informs me that I had spoken to one of their reps saying I would pay 200 usd which is untrue unless their rep lied and claimed to be working for HSBC.

Unfortunately I contacted HSBC and they informed me that they had turned my account over after 90 days of nonpayment. I am not actually an irresponsible person my wife had a miscarriage and I didn't pay any bills that were not automated which is out of character and a first for 16 years of paying bills. Oh well.

It is unfortunate the people working at first source are even scummier then the worst people they are collecting debts from. I would rather pay off the full amount to HSBC then do business with first source in all sincerity.

I reccommend not giving them your home or work phone number.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 12:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If you default on any type of credit a collection agency can run your credit report. If your worried of the negative impact this has on your credit score I suggest you pay your bills as that has a much more dramatic negative impact.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 19:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )