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First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA

Date: Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58

Submitted by philpot.loren
on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 362

First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA

I received a call about 2 weeks ago from First Source Advantage llc, which is a collection agency used by Capital One. They informed me that Capital One was preparing to file a lawsuit against me for my balance, lawyer fees, etc. The woman on the other line asked me what I wanted to do and I asked if it was possible to set up some sort of arrangement. I said that I could post-date checks in the amount of $252 for September 30 and October 15, and $564 for October 31.

I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.

I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!

Unfortunately what alot of you say is 100% true. FSA unfortunately has a bad name because of the collectors that decide to break the rules. If you want to be sure this debt they are calling you about is valid call your lender directly and they will re-direct you to the correct party. If they do direct you to FSA then you know they are the ones you should deal with. They have a very large client base from Capital One to BMW (Yes British Motors the Automobile) Amex also uses them, if the most prestigeous credit card company retains them they must be doing things in accordance to the FDCPA. There is a HUGE difference in collection agencies. FSA works directly with the client, and the client you had the credit card with will tell you that they do. Other collection agencies purchase the debts and attempt to collect. Once a debt is purchased it may be a couple of years old, making people not want to pay this and very seldomly forget. Those are the agencies that give collectors a bad reputation, however collectors who do work directly with the client are being listened to and fired after FDCPA violations. Contact your creditor directly and ask them who they are using for debt collections. Some of those clients allow you to pay them direcly, but the payments do get sent directly to the collection agency they have retained, sometimes it is better to pay the collection agency, sometimes its not. I will try to keep this website in my favorites, if you have any questions I can provide any information from how to properly deal with a collection agency, finding out if they are telling the truth, or trying to scam you. Please post any questions on here I will answer them as soon as possible.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 17:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Best regards! I reciber several calls on this first source advance company llc and they told me that capital one you sold my account them and first advance source always never me letme talk, in charge certain amount of money throughout this first source advance company actually exists? because anytime they tried to charge my account and I always check with the much send really i don't understand someone help me please and thank you


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 21:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Best regards! I reciber several calls on this first source advance company llc and they told me that capital one you sold my account them and first advance source always never me letme talk, in charge certain amount of money throughout this first source advance company actually exists? because anytime they tried to charge my account and I always check with the much send really i don't understand someone help me please and thank you

When was your account charged off? First Source Advantage has NOT purchased the account, they actually do not buy accounts. They do however collect FOR the original client. This means that Capital one still has monitary interest in this account and they only have First Source Advantage (FSA) collect on the account. It is 100% legitimate, check your records, have them give you all of the information such as full account number and last date of payment. If everything they are telling you is correct this means that this is true. You can work with first source but keep in mind they do have a pre legal department in this office. If you have any other questions whether specific to FSA or to debt collections in general just ask.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 04/24/2010 - 13:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I also work for FSA, I no longer collect and now am in Admin, but we are not sleaseball idiots. At least we have jobs and pay our bills. if that means we go to hell, then so be it. At least we won't be a low life scum who doesn't pay their bills.

You work in Administration? and this is the way you feel about people you are trying to help? This speaks VOLUMES!!!!

NOT everyone who is out of works wants to be out of work and NOT everyone who is out of work in a "low life scum". Just look the News headlines....massive unemployment everywhere.

You come on this forum in order to complain that we shouldn't generalize ALL collection agencies as bottom feeders, scammers and "sleazeball idiots" all the while generalizing all people who can't afford to pay their bills at this time as "low life scum".

If you are in Administration, you should be fired.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 04/25/2010 - 02:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

you say that this company first source advantage llc them when you called know your information they do not know my account number n anything they took out me that information to force even stopped me to talk and more strange is that when paid me to send the check collection with the number of 9901 check that is legitimate? by that my me this rare and in the United States stole me the identity so my doubts I hope your reply thank you


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 07:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
When was your account charged off? First Source Advantage has NOT purchased the account, they actually do not buy accounts. They do however collect FOR the original client. This means that Capital one still has monitary interest in this account and they only have First Source Advantage (FSA) collect on the account. It is 100% legitimate, check your records, have them give you all of the information such as full account number and last date of payment. If everything they are telling you is correct this means that this is true. You can work with first source but keep in mind they do have a pre legal department in this office. If you have any other questions whether specific to FSA or to debt collections in general just ask.

you say that this company first source advantage llc them when you called know your information they do not know my account number n anything they took out me that information to force even stopped me to talk and more strange is that when paid me to send the check collection with the number of 9901 check that is legitimate? by that my me this rare and in the United States stole me the identity so my doubts I hope your reply thank you


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 07:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
you say that this company first source advantage llc them when you called know your information they do not know my account number n anything they took out me that information to force even stopped me to talk and more strange is that when paid me to send the check collection with the number of 9901 check that is legitimate? by that my me this rare and in the United States stole me the identity so my doubts I hope your reply thank you

Using something like check number 9001 is completely legitimate. These are called universal checks a company such as collection company, debt consolidation, or anything that requires a check over the phone they will ask if you want to use your own checks or universal check numbers. When FSA also told you that they didin't know your account number they meant the reference number to identify you. This meaning they DO have all your information such as SSN, DOB, etc., but they need the reference number they usually leave on the phone to be able to identify you and then be able to speak to you about your debt. They will ask you some information such as last 4 digits of your SSN your DOB or your address. You do need to verify SOMETHING due to 3rd party disclosure laws (check your state laws about Third Party Disclosure) if you decide to verify your DOB, you only have to use the Month, and Year. Once you do verify this they may continue. They only do this because they do not want to be sued and would rather cover themselves, it's like calling capital one or any other bank directly, they all require this information. Im always here with answers, sorry if I do reply late.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 05/02/2010 - 00:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by paulmergel
spare me are going there because everyone who works for FSA is a were more than likely an all-star at illegaly collecting.that is why you are an admin.btw i bet you talked the way you post.which makes you the scum,not us. GET LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriuosly....i used to work there....they are all scum...including me


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/04/2010 - 11:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

So i had a call from first source today and it was in regards to my husbands ex wife. First thought was how did they get my number but what floored me more than anything was they left her reference number on my voice mail. Isn't this agains the law? Then when i called them back to tell them to quit calling me cuz they had called numerous more times, all they asked for was the reference number and they name it regarded to so i told them, then they transfered me to a rep, he verified the reference number and asked who it regarded too and i told him , then he went on to explain what it was about, so i hung up because i just wanted to tell them to quit calling me, well not even 5 min later i got a call on my work phone from first source telling me i just commited fraud. I asked what he was talking about remind you this guy was very rude and he said i pretended to be someone, but i did not. How did i comming fraud when they left the reference number on my voice mail?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/06/2010 - 12:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

All FDCPA violations need to reported to the Federal Trade Commission. They regulate the collection agencies. If anyone is interested pleasew read the following every debt collector should be aware of what happened to Camco can and WILL happen to them. So, once again report all violations to the FTC.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 13:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i just got off the phone with the company, and they told me that in my refusal to give them my bank acct info, they're going to put on my acct that i refuse to settle the debt. how can i be refusing to settle the debt when i told them i will send a money order instead? that's still a payment method! and i was also told that they will not send me a monthly statement that says how much i owe, i'm not sure what to think of this company because i'm trying to pay what i can but they're not making it any easier.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/13/2010 - 12:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received two phone calls from them in regards to an account I have with HSBC. When I asked why I haven't received any letter from either them or HSBC to inform me that I was being placed into collections the person on the phone said it wasn't required. I than called HSBC collections and was informed that I was not sent to an external agency that I was in house. This compnay has run a credit report on my wife and was telling me that her credit is great and she had available credit to settle the debt.

I informed them that until I receive something in writing I had nothing to discuss with them.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 05/15/2010 - 06:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

please i am a man that was in collection and i dont mean i worked for them here is the real story most collecctions companies are so if u dont trust them call the orgianla creditor up and find out who has your accout now pay the bill or work somethign out with them be honest with them try your hardest to repay your debt dont be a scum bag and play the little games u owe the money so pay it back


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/09/2010 - 04:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
please i am a man that was in collection and i dont mean i worked for them here is the real story most collecctions companies are so if u dont trust them call the orgianla creditor up and find out who has your accout now pay the bill or work somethign out with them be honest with them try your hardest to repay your debt dont be a scum bag and play the little games u owe the money so pay it back

the only scumbag is the humanoid who posted this the talking down for on the phones.i don't believe you don't work for this bottomfeeder for a second.


Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 06/09/2010 - 05:49

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
More than half of you guys have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. It's your debt, it's your responsibility. No one forced you to sign the contract. Also, Capital One offers a plan to protect you against falling more and more into debt. On the contrary to what most of you think, I was very satisfied with how the representatives at Firstsource assisted me. With their help I was able to come up with a plan that fit into my budget, not made me even more in debt. People are people, of course not every rep that works there is going to be the most pleasant, just like not every individual you encounter in a day is going to be either.

Why did you post this anonymously? Even I left a first name. Why are you the only happy camper here?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/09/2010 - 10:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have some what same problem.My orginal creditor sold to a third party dedt collection
and had a settlement regarding the amount.I made payements on monthly basis.after making few payements i received a call saying i missed one payement therefore i have to pay the whole amount of the debt.different amt than the one we agreed.Since they don't send statements i have no way knowing how many payements they got or didnt get and i think thats unfair pratice.Now first source has taken over from former debt collector.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 01:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

These guys have been calling me 3-4 times a week for MONTHS trying to talk to some guy named Brian. I ignored it at first, having only gotten the phone number a few months ago and I figured they'd give up. They didn't. So I started answering the calls to ask them to stop calling. Whoever the guy was who had my phone number before, he owes a lot of people money. When I told various collectors they had the wrong number, they all stopped calling except First Source, who continues to call me 3-4 times a week. They have claimed 5 separate times that they have removed my number, and even once tried to tell me they had just misdialed it. They also lied and claimed to have talked to Brian at this number a few weeks ago. They refuse to let me speak to a manager. I have to imagine they'll give up some day but in the meantime the harassment is amazing.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 13:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Greetings to all here. I would like to comment about FSA's practices. I am a former employee of this horrible company. I did NOT work in collections, or any department related to collections. (IT support). I used to sit no more that 30 feet away from a large group of collectors. The stuff I would hear from their mouths to debtors was incredible. These people (collections agents) are all in fact, bottom feeders, scammers and "sleaze-ball idiots" and I have never had any amount of respect for them. They do all of the things they are accused of. The harassment, foul language, etc.. is all real. I did see a few people written up for FDCPA violations, a couple people fired for violations as well. That being said, it was more often than not that a collector just had a heated conversation with a debtor, said some mean, harassing things to the debtor, then hung up the phone and laughed with co-workers about the call, and what was said. Managers (admin) engage in this activity as well. Another amusing fact is, there are several, ok, quite a few, employees at FSA that have debt and are in collections themselves. They have people calling them, asking them for money. They just think they are better than us all, when, in fact, they are worse. Collectors in collection? That's amusing.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 15:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a debt in my american express for economical reasons. First source called me offering to pay the balance and amex gave me a credit card with a $8,000.00 credit line. It's sounds stupid and unprofetional.
Then stating calling my office, my cellphone, my friends like a 8 times per day.
I request many times tht i dont suppose to attend personal calls at work, and the continue calling my office.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/24/2010 - 11:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They always take amex accounts. They take out of statute accounts all the time.

Call centers in India (usually more polite than U.S collectors)

I used to do settlements between 30-50% with them on a regular basis.

They always try to hardball the consumer themselves though.

Send Cease and Desist with 30% offer until they accept or forward to another agency.

They have had their license removed and recently changed their name due to the license issue and I think some lawsuits.


Submitted by OneYear Arbitrator on Mon, 06/28/2010 - 10:37

( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

F*** all collectors. The American people will defeat you. You people lie, tell people they are going to jail, give them anxiety and even medical problems from the stress, and ruin their lives. But with so much negativity going in and out over that phone, you probably hate your life too, just like all the other bottomfeeders.


Originally Posted by Anonymous
please i am a man that was in collection and i dont mean i worked for them here is the real story most collecctions companies are so if u dont trust them call the orgianla creditor up and find out who has your accout now pay the bill or work somethign out with them be honest with them try your hardest to repay your debt dont be a scum bag and play the little games u owe the money so pay it back


Submitted by OneYear Arbitrator on Mon, 06/28/2010 - 10:39

( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

What is said over the phone calls means NOTHING from either end.

You must send C+D letter, maybe more than once, to stop the calls. But then you must attempt to settle with them, after the 3rd or 4th collector it goes to they will send to someone in your state who will begin the legal process, if they still can't settle.


Submitted by OneYear Arbitrator on Mon, 06/28/2010 - 10:41

( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

Here is how I see it, If you owe money and you are getting calls from a collection agency especially one that actually prides themselves on going above and beyond the FDCPA laws that govern them, dont whine and moan pay your bill. Yes we all know credit card companies charge too much interest, dont complain because you got yourself there dont charge anything you cant pay for in full when the bill comes the next month. Dont blame the collections agency blame yourself. All companies have bad eggs but Firstsource Advantage is a company with over 25k employees they must do something right. The bottom line dont be a dead beat pay your bill and you wont have to worry about getting calls.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 16:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here is how I see it, If you owe money and you are getting calls from a collection agency especially one that actually prides themselves on going above and beyond the FDCPA laws that govern them, dont whine and moan pay your bill. Yes we all know credit card companies charge too much interest, dont complain because you got yourself there dont charge anything you cant pay for in full when the bill comes the next month. Dont blame the collections agency blame yourself. All companies have bad eggs but Firstsource Advantage is a company with over 25k employees they must do something right. The bottom line dont be a dead beat pay your bill and you wont have to worry about getting calls.

pi$$ off humanoid.this bottomfeeder goes above and beyond to VIOLATE the FDCPA,not adhere to it.spew the shill lines eslsewhere will you?btw i deleted your other two idiotic rambling posts as i don't take kindly when humanoids attack needlessly.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 06:04

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
First and foremost READ and KNOW the FDCPA rules and regs.. Second, VERIFY the debt, ask IM WRITING, for them to provide WRITTEN proof of the debt and NOT on thier letterhead, that measn nothing. It MUST be something from the ORIGINAL creditor, stating you agree to and will abide by thier terms of business, and MUST BE SIGNED BY YOU. THIRD send them a letter IN WRITING, Certified with RETURN RECEIPT, that you wish to NOT be contacted at ANY numbers they have in or associated with you or your file. Lastly, DO NOT ever in ANY circumstance give them you bank info, earning info to include capacity to earn, or ANY financial info except to say that your are BROKE. If they want to offer you a settlement, ask them for the OPRIGINAL ballance and USE that number to get a 50% or LESS settlement. (You can do it, I do it everyday). They will offer you 50-40% of current ballance, but remember ONE thing.... First source is a DEBT BUYER, in other words they OWN your debt, and bought it four about .09 cents for every dollar owed. SO if your ballance was originally $1000.00, THEY paid $90.00 for it. Anything you pay thme above that is PURE proffit for them. ONE last thing, when you are toalking to ANY collector keep this in mind, they will LIE, THREATEN, CHEAT, STEAL, DECEIVE or FALSIFY info to get money out of you. Remember they ALL get paid minimum wage PLUS BONUSES on how much they collect. A percentage (usually about 13%) goes directly to them. PLease educate yourself online.... everything you need is here online... remember every time they VIOLATE Your rights under the FDCPA, THEY can be fined $1000.00 for EACH and EVERY violation. If you have to, HIRE a lawyer on contingency, its worth it. Best of Luck.....Debt Manager

Just to clear a few things up- Firstsource Advantage is not a debt purchasing agency & is one of the few company's that tries to help people. No one is hired at minimum wage, in fact the hire wage rate is pretty high. The commission is paid to the company which the collector receives a small portion of if they meet their goal. Not all agencies or clients can approve the settlements you're speaking of either. Yes, I am an employee of Firstsource Advantage & I don't appreciate when people post generalized statements that are not true. We pride ourselves on following the law including the FDCPA laws. Of course there are always bad apples in any workplace. Those people don't last too long at our agency. I personally have never witnessed an employee "LIE, THREATEN, CHEAT, STEAL, DECEIVE or FALSIFY" knowingly in the four years I've been there. Because of statements like your's, our job is made more difficult. People immediately believe the worse- hang up the phone or don't answer at all in fear. In fact, if someone is willing to work with me in a polite manner I will do everything I can to help them resolve their debt & possibly save them money. Thanks.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 19:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by OneYear Arbitrator
They always take amex accounts. They take out of statute accounts all the time.
Call centers in India (usually more polite than U.S collectors)
I used to do settlements between 30-50% with them on a regular basis.
They always try to hardball the consumer themselves though.
Send Cease and Desist with 30% offer until they accept or forward to another agency.
They have had their license removed and recently changed their name due to the license issue and I think some lawsuits.

Just for the record- that is not true about the name change. You have been misinformed. Thanks.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 19:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Shazzers
Wow, look at THAT grammar and spelling, another perfect example of the type of employees who work in the debt collection industry. lol

I,too am a debt collector. I have been an employee for Firstsource Advantage LLC for almost three years. I have been reading the comments and complaints on this site out of interest. I was curious what people on the other end of the phone had to say about their experience with the Firstsource.
I would like to say that this career is very stressful, demanding and frustrating, but it is the job I and many others choose. I work to help customers resolve their debt. I receive thanks often from them for my help.
This site talks about harassment. Believe me the highlight of my day is not the yelling, swearing,vulgarity and slamming the phone down in my ear. I have even had my life threatened! Many of the people our company has to call have no intentions to ever pay back the money they have borrowed and think it is funny that our office is now attempting to collect the debt, but I still treat them with respect.
What bothers me about this site is not the comments and complaints from those that have dealt with the company I work for. I am used to hearing outlandish stories about debt collectors and yes there are bad apples at Firstsource as there are at any place of employment. What bothers me is the moderator comments throughout this site. I don't understand how Firstsource is a "scam". The word scam thrown about but not explained. I know people who have worked there longer then myself, I receive a paycheck, I have met with the client I work for, and there is constant training. The payments set up at our company through customer's accounts are allways authorized by the customer. I also believe that if your site is dedicated to help those with legitimate complaints or concerns that is unprofessional and rude to refer to us as bottomfeeders.
Remember that Firstsource has not purchased your debt for "pennies on the dollar" even though many assume they did. They have many clients including Capital One, Target, and American Express to name a few. Those companies seem to be quite pleased with our work. If we were breaking the laws constantly, I cannot believe they would employ us. I follow the laws. Why wouldn't I? I don't want to be held just as responsible in court.
Also, I don't see why it is necessary to insult anyone's intelligence. I noticed the comments on spelling and such but no comments in reguards to comments where the laws have been stated incorrectly. I am sure I have made a grammar mistake or more, but I know I am educated. I enjoy my job. I am a professional. I do make a good income but I am certainly not a bottomfeeder.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 19:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
First of all the people that are calling are in India..... Not the USA. When you return the call it is answered in India... It is illegal to post date a check.... Why would give anyone you banking infomation over the phone or allow some one to take money out of your account. Come on people, use your heads. Set the payment up through your bank. This gives them money/payment only, and it is clearly documented that payment was made.

Firstsource Advantage has many call centers. Yes, one is India but there are some in the United States.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 19:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Actually, honestcollector, I believe it IS illegal to threaten legal action in the course of attempting to collect a debt. Of course, you and your company and their attorney will merely argue that you are "informing" rather than "threatening," but that's a distinction I'm willing to let a judge or jury make. A jury would, no doubt, find in a consumer's favor.

Firstsource Advantage has prelegal departments


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 19:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
its funny how were the scam, but the "debtors" are the one that buy shit and then don't pay for it. stop living beyond ya means if you know you don't have the funds to support it so before you come down on those doing their jobs come at the ones that go on and on about the economy, and getting laid off when they weren't paying their bills BEFORE all that happened. there are a variety of way to pay your bill with collectors they prefer over the phone because it puts something on file in the system so they WON'T have to keep calling. if you haven't noticed no one CALLS you when your actually PAYING your bills... everyone's bitching and moaning about the collectors if were calling you, YOUR the ones that need the help...there is no rule that says we have to be nice, everyone starts off being nice, but everyone's also human I'm allowed to feel a certain way when I'm helping you and your cursing me out... so go back to checking my grammar and everything else you do on here BUT pay your bills.........
same box rebuttal by paulmergel as i didn't want to waste space.
come at me with something more than the typical humanoid speak wiil would be different.btw you start out being nice,but if a person wants an address to send payments,or wants to break up the amount owed into payments then you creeps start with the threats.that is work for a scam that once again will some fine day be sued out of business.can't wait for that,but in the meantime i will never recommend paying anyone without at least a dunning letter,and quit lying and say you send one.that is a lie and you know to your last point.scams like yours never collect on legit bills.btw i pay all my bills except for when a scam like this calls.

What if you collectors keep calling the wrong person,over and over again? I'm being constantly told my number is being taken out of the system,but yet I still get calls for some woman that I don't know that won't pay her bills. What am I supposed to do about this harassment? Just live with it and consider myself an asshole that doesn't pay someone else's bills?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 07:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My Best Buy account has been managed by first source since my husband was in a car accident and out of work. My represenative was Amanda and I called this month to tell her I was unable to make a payment because I had to go out of town and take vacation time, and my job failed to put in my PTO time, she laughed and told me I cant believe you go on vacation when you cant even pay us. I told her my grandmother passed away and I had to make funeral arrangements out of town, not go on vacation. I have been dealing with her for several months and the way she talks to me is down right insulting, she has told me I'm pathetic because I cant make my payments,and there has even been times when I have gotten off the phone crying. This place is ridiculous and I cant believe some of the things she has had the nerve to say. I spoke with a manager today and asked if all phone calls are recorded, when she told me yes, I told her she needs to go back and listen to the way her employee speaks. Customer service at it's lowest!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 07:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I,too am a debt collector. I have been an employee for Firstsource Advantage LLC for almost three years. I have been reading the comments and complaints on this site out of interest. I was curious what people on the other end of the phone had to say about their experience with the Firstsource.
I would like to say that this career is very stressful, demanding and frustrating, but it is the job I and many others choose. I work to help customers resolve their debt. I receive thanks often from them for my help.
This site talks about harassment. Believe me the highlight of my day is not the yelling, swearing,vulgarity and slamming the phone down in my ear. I have even had my life threatened! Many of the people our company has to call have no intentions to ever pay back the money they have borrowed and think it is funny that our office is now attempting to collect the debt, but I still treat them with respect.
What bothers me about this site is not the comments and complaints from those that have dealt with the company I work for. I am used to hearing outlandish stories about debt collectors and yes there are bad apples at Firstsource as there are at any place of employment. What bothers me is the moderator comments throughout this site. I don't understand how Firstsource is a "scam". The word scam thrown about but not explained. I know people who have worked there longer then myself, I receive a paycheck, I have met with the client I work for, and there is constant training. The payments set up at our company through customer's accounts are allways authorized by the customer. I also believe that if your site is dedicated to help those with legitimate complaints or concerns that is unprofessional and rude to refer to us as bottomfeeders.
Remember that Firstsource has not purchased your debt for "pennies on the dollar" even though many assume they did. They have many clients including Capital One, Target, and American Express to name a few. Those companies seem to be quite pleased with our work. If we were breaking the laws constantly, I cannot believe they would employ us. I follow the laws. Why wouldn't I? I don't want to be held just as responsible in court.
Also, I don't see why it is necessary to insult anyone's intelligence. I noticed the comments on spelling and such but no comments in reguards to comments where the laws have been stated incorrectly. I am sure I have made a grammar mistake or more, but I know I am educated. I enjoy my job. I am a professional. I do make a good income but I am certainly not a bottomfeeder.

I am a Registered nurse, I have dealt with thousands of people, from ALL walks of life. One of the most important things as a nurse is customer service. You have to treat you patients-client with respect and apathy, wether they are a police officer or a drug addict. It is true that many people live beyond there means and get into debt, and have no intention on paying it off. But, there are also many people who really have fallen into hard times, and the lack of human compassion by your associates is mind blowing. When some one comes into the ER complaining of abdominal pain, I don't just assume they are a loser drug seeking junkie, even if they have tattoos and piercings. I understand that your job can be very stressful, and many times the people you are dealing with lash out on you. Try to be more professional, you don't have to be a psychologist to realize that they are upset and stressed to the max and obviously taking it out on you. Your dealing with people at there worst really. I know how that feels. I have dealt with your company after my husband was in an accident and out of work, the associate Amanda in Buffalo NY was perhaps one of the most ignorant people i have ever spoken to in my life. It is a shame that someone who is not judgmental and professional has to work with someone like that. It really does give your company a bad name. She told me I really need to live within my means, and prob. shouldn't have opened a Best Buy account if I couldn't afford it. She has laughed in my face and hung up on me in several occasions. I cant tell you how many times I purposly did not want to make a payment because of her. Of course I did, because I'm an adult and that's ridiculous. I hope that more of your fellow associates are like you and actually try to help people, not put them down and assume they are some loser racking up money on credit cards shopping at the mall buying COACH purses they cant afford. I have actually thought about what I would say to Amanda if I seen her in person, that's how much I truly despise her-and I haven't even ever saw her face. I am not a loser who cant pay my bills, Im an college educated professional who had an unfourtunate circumstance, and I make more money in one paycheck then she does in a month, but that's not why I think she is a bottom feeder, it's her ignorant pathetic mind.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 07:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

1. deceptive settlement practices, 2. sloppy record keeping, or 3. greed. Bring this matter to the attention of the credit card company and CA. If they fail to pull the account from collections, at a minimum you will have breach of contract claims provided you can prove the settlement agreement, at most you can add in FDCPA and state law claims.


Submitted by Joe Smith on Sun, 08/01/2010 - 11:50

( Posts: 93 | Credits: )

This company has been calling me for about 4 months, although I have asked them not to call but to write to me about this old debt, which is with AE. I have tried to speak with someone from AE many times but have had 0 success. Once they sell the debt they will not talk to you. Although this company is trying to collect the debt it appears that they don't have my address, because they keep asking for it. I am very hesitant to deal with this company because they appear to be unscrupulous. Any suggestions as to how I can resolve this situation? I want to settle the debt but I don't want to deal with this company.



Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 12:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

What to know another place they can get your cell phone numbers? Believe it or not-the cell phone companies themselves!! We couldnt figure out how they got ahold of our private number that literally ONLY 5 family members have, this number is used for a few family members that live out of state for contact with other family, number is only 2 years old, but last year we were inundated with bill collector calls constantly on that phone, calls were for my husband and I-way behind on bills like everyone else. The collectors refused to tell us how they got that number so I called Verizon and they flat out told me, and this conversation is recorded, if a lawyer or debt collectors call them for info on clients THEY WILL GIVE OUT THAT PERSONS PHONE NUMBER!!! I went off on Verizon and asked how dare they and how the hell that can be legal to give out unpublished and unlisted numbers and they told me- it doesnt matter they WILL give out the numbers to lawyers and debt collectors!! So, check with your cell phone provider and ask if they gave out your number?!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 13:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am a Registered nurse, I have dealt with thousands of people, from ALL walks of life. One of the most important things as a nurse is customer service. You have to treat you patients-client with respect and apathy, wether they are a police officer or a drug addict. It is true that many people live beyond there means and get into debt, and have no intention on paying it off. But, there are also many people who really have fallen into hard times, and the lack of human compassion by your associates is mind blowing. When some one comes into the ER complaining of abdominal pain, I don't just assume they are a loser drug seeking junkie, even if they have tattoos and piercings. I understand that your job can be very stressful, and many times the people you are dealing with lash out on you. Try to be more professional, you don't have to be a psychologist to realize that they are upset and stressed to the max and obviously taking it out on you. Your dealing with people at there worst really. I know how that feels. I have dealt with your company after my husband was in an accident and out of work, the associate Amanda in Buffalo NY was perhaps one of the most ignorant people i have ever spoken to in my life. It is a shame that someone who is not judgmental and professional has to work with someone like that. It really does give your company a bad name. She told me I really need to live within my means, and prob. shouldn't have opened a Best Buy account if I couldn't afford it. She has laughed in my face and hung up on me in several occasions. I cant tell you how many times I purposly did not want to make a payment because of her. Of course I did, because I'm an adult and that's ridiculous. I hope that more of your fellow associates are like you and actually try to help people, not put them down and assume they are some loser racking up money on credit cards shopping at the mall buying COACH purses they cant afford. I have actually thought about what I would say to Amanda if I seen her in person, that's how much I truly despise her-and I haven't even ever saw her face. I am not a loser who cant pay my bills, Im an college educated professional who had an unfourtunate circumstance, and I make more money in one paycheck then she does in a month, but that's not why I think she is a bottom feeder, it's her ignorant pathetic mind.

It seems that this Amanda has really disturbed you and treated you poorly. She may need a reminder on compassion since your 'vacation' was due to a death in your family. It is disgusting to hear how she has treated you. It is also frustrating since we are trained to be professional.
I recommend you write to Firstsource. Their mailing address can be found on every letter they send. Management takes complaints especially in writing very seriously and if you include enough information, this Amanda will definitely be addressed. Include her last name if she ever gave it, your reference number and or best buy account number and if you can recall any one specific date you actually spoke w/her. Accounts are often handled by more than one representative and since they do not have to give their last name, giving that information will be important.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 19:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
It seems that this Amanda has really disturbed you and treated you poorly. She may need a reminder on compassion since your 'vacation' was due to a death in your family. It is disgusting to hear how she has treated you. It is also frustrating since we are trained to be professional.
I recommend you write to Firstsource. Their mailing address can be found on every letter they send. Management takes complaints especially in writing very seriously and if you include enough information, this Amanda will definitely be addressed. Include her last name if she ever gave it, your reference number and or best buy account number and if you can recall any one specific date you actually spoke w/her. Accounts are often handled by more than one representative and since they do not have to give their last name, giving that information will be important.

nice thought,but this JDB never sends fact the only real info about them exists on this forum.another thing this place just covers their tracks.that is how they address complaints.i suggest anybody look at this thread from top to bottom,and send first source a DV letter CMRRR.then when they violate that you sue them.simple as that.


Submitted by paulmergel on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 19:18

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
well some states,Massachusetts for one, it is illegal for a debt collector to accept a post dated check. you might want to look into your state laws as well.

Correction, it is illegal to request a PDC (i.e. solicit), not accept them before you say things that are not true you should know your facts!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/18/2010 - 21:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Correction, it is illegal to request a PDC (i.e. solicit), not accept them before you say things that are not true you should know your facts!!

sorry it is wrong in that state for a collector to also accept PDC'S.again as it is up to the lender to know the pdl is also up to the collector to know the state laws of the person they are contacting.btw i don't know anyone who just volunteers to pay via PDC over the don't refute someone when you don't know all the facts.btw this bottomfeeder thread you are on they never solicit PDC'S they demand,harrass,and threaten to get them.big difference.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 08/19/2010 - 05:03

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )