First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA
Date: Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58
First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA
I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.
I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!
Personal attack deleted, per site ToS. - Uncle Wulf [COLOR=#ff00
Personal attack deleted, per site ToS. - Uncle Wulf
Straighten up. You do not want to become my new favorite hobby.
I was just reading through alot of the pages and I notice alot o
I was just reading through alot of the pages and I notice alot of your come backs are that we don't send out dunning letters, why is it that I get at least 20 calls a day saying "I just recieved a letter in the mail" hmm...if we didn't do things right, we wouldn't have been in buisness for as long as we have... and its been awhile just because we were bought out by another company doesn't mean anything... in every letter it states "Formaly known as"... pay your bills you wont get a call from us. We cannot add interest.. we don't...the client does! We cannot take any money out of your account without YOU AUTHORIZING IT! We have 100% recorded lines. We collect on things out client gives us, and I can assure you it is NOT past the statue of limitations. As for JPT, your best bet would be to call them back give the phone number they called and see who they are calling for, if its you find out why you havent gotten anything in the mail, find out what address they have on file ect. it is possible that it is a wrong number. We cannot leave the name of our client on a voice mail or a 3rd party as it is an FDCPA violation, we have to verify that it is the correct person on the phone before we go into detail. Like I said your best bet would be to call and find out whats going on. Also Amherst,NY isn't the only office... you people think there is only one office and all of these calls are comming from once office.. do your research, there are offices all over.. if we were scams we would have 1 little run down chop shop like illegal collection agencies, we have offices in India, North Carolina, Atlanta ect... if you knew anything you were saying... you would realize that.
[QUOTE=Anonymous;653193]I was just reading through alot of the p
[QUOTE=Anonymous;653193]I was just reading through alot of the pages and I notice alot of your come backs are that we don't send out dunning letters, why is it that I get at least 20 calls a day saying "I just recieved a letter in the mail" hmm...if we didn't do things right, we wouldn't have been in buisness for as long as we have... and its been awhile just because we were bought out by another company doesn't mean anything... in every letter it states "Formaly known as"... pay your bills you wont get a call from us. We cannot add interest.. we don't...the client does! We cannot take any money out of your account without YOU AUTHORIZING IT! We have 100% recorded lines. We collect on things out client gives us, and I can assure you it is NOT past the statue of limitations. As for JPT, your best bet would be to call them back give the phone number they called and see who they are calling for, if its you find out why you havent gotten anything in the mail, find out what address they have on file ect. it is possible that it is a wrong number. We cannot leave the name of our client on a voice mail or a 3rd party as it is an FDCPA violation, we have to verify that it is the correct person on the phone before we go into detail. Like I said your best bet would be to call and find out whats going on. Also Amherst,NY isn't the only office... you people think there is only one office and all of these calls are comming from once office.. do your research, there are offices all over.. if we were scams we would have 1 little run down chop shop like illegal collection agencies, we have offices in India, North Carolina, Atlanta ect... if you knew anything you were saying... you would realize that.[/QUOTE]
Another debt collector who can't spell or use proper grammar and punctuation. lol
Tell the truth. Confession is good for the soul.
Originally Posted by Anonymous I was just reading through alot of the pages and I notice alot of your come backs are that we don't send out dunning letters, why is it that I get at least 20 calls a day saying "I just recieved a letter in the mail" hmm... |
20 calls, out of how many? Come on... You and I both know that, even if you do send a letter, it doesn't always arrive in the right hands. Nor is it always timely, as defined in 15 USC 1692. You may also recall from your training that such communications are only deemed compliant when they are actually received by the proper party.
Originally Posted by Anonymous if we didn't do things right, we wouldn't have been in buisness for as long as we have... |
The FTC is like a constipated elephant. It moves very slowly. But when it does move, a sh*tstorm generally results.
Originally Posted by Anonymous and its been awhile just because we were bought out by another company doesn't mean anything... in every letter it states "Formaly known as"... |
You mean 'formerly', don't you?
Originally Posted by Anonymous pay your bills you wont get a call from us. We cannot add interest.. we don't...the client does! We cannot take any money out of your account without YOU AUTHORIZING IT! We have 100% recorded lines. We collect on things out client gives us, and I can assure you it is NOT past the statue of limitations. |
Bull. I have over 50 complaints in my files dealing with your company alone. These are not some nebulous sour-grapes stories. Every one of them is a valid complaint, complete with case documents. Every one was provided to me either by a member of this online community or a person in my local area. Sorry, pal, but your protestations ring hollow.
Originally Posted by Anonymous As for JPT, your best bet would be to call them back give the phone number they called and see who they are calling for, if its you find out why you havent gotten anything in the mail, find out what address they have on file ect. it is possible that it is a wrong number. We cannot leave the name of our client on a voice mail or a 3rd party as it is an FDCPA violation, we have to verify that it is the correct person on the phone before we go into detail. Like I said your best bet would be to call and find out whats going on. |
Causing a telephone to ring repeatedly with intent to annoy or harass is a violation, and you know it. So is failure to identify yourself as required by law. And failing to get the guy a proper dunning letter. And remember, if the letter never reaches him, it's the same as not having sent one at all.
Originally Posted by Anonymous Also Amherst,NY isn't the only office... you people think there is only one office and all of these calls are comming from once office.. do your research, there are offices all over.. if we were scams we would have 1 little run down chop shop like illegal collection agencies, we have offices in India, North Carolina, Atlanta ect... if you knew anything you were saying... you would realize that. |
What boggles me is, why you think we care how many boiler rooms your company operates. It's not that we can't do research. We simply don't care. You see, all we need is one single valid address for a validation demand letter or a C&D.
Quote:Originally Posted by ShazzersAnother debt collector who ca
Originally Posted by Shazzers Another debt collector who can't spell or use proper grammar and punctuation. lol |
s'OK, Shazz. At least he's good for entertainment value.
do not call
I have been receiving messages regarding a debt, which I have none. So please take me off your list!
Mrs. Bryant ***-***-****
Mrs. Bryant, for your own safety and security, please don't post your personal telephone number here. We are not First Source (dis)Advantage, or any other collection agency. We are an online community dedicated to helping people with financial issues. As such, we have no control over the actions of FSA. You will need to send them a cease-and-desist letter in order to stop the calls, we can't do it for you. I'll post a letter template for your use shortly. - Uncle Wulf
mrs.bryant.we are not the JDB bottomfeeding bunch of humanoids.t
mrs.bryant.we are not the JDB bottomfeeding bunch of humanoids.there is an address on this thread.use it to send a DV and C&D letters.send them certified mail return for the shill/bobo.shazz and unc summed it up pretty well.
[QUOTE=Anonymous;653561]I have been receiving messages regarding
[QUOTE=Anonymous;653561]I have been receiving messages regarding a debt, which I have none. So please take me off your list!
Mrs. Bryant ***-***-****
Mrs. Bryant, for your own safety and security, please don't post your personal telephone number here. We are not First Source (dis)Advantage, or any other collection agency. We are an online community dedicated to helping people with financial issues. As such, we have no control over the actions of FSA. You will need to send them a cease-and-desist letter in order to stop the calls, we can't do it for you. I'll post a letter template for your use shortly. - Uncle Wulf[/QUOTE]
As promised, here's a good template for a cease-and-desist letter.
Your Name
City, State, Zip
Their Name
City, State, Zip
Re: (account number, if known) or any other business that you may have with me.
Via Certified Mail, #xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Dear Sirs:
Cease and desist immediately from any further contact with me regarding the above referenced matter. Failure to comply with this reasonable request will force me to seek other remedies to enforce my privacy. I expect that you will give this serious matter your prompt attention.
Your Name (typed, not signed)
Copy/paste the letter template (in blue) into your word processor, and customize it to fit your situation. Do not sign the letter, just type your name at the bottom. That's sufficient. There's no need to provide a disreputable collection agency with a sample of your signature. I recommend that you mail it to them CM/RRR, partly so you can prove that they received it, and partly so they'll take it more seriously. Keep the green card when it comes back, as proof that they got your letter. If they continue to call after that, please post back, and I'll help you further as needed.
I am having threatening calls and then got a letter from Capital
I am having threatening calls and then got a letter from Capital One stating I had a 0% interest on the agreed upon settlement amount. I made no such agreement. I am willing to talk with Capital One but not First Source. Do I have any rights.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI am having threatening call
Originally Posted by Anonymous I am having threatening calls and then got a letter from Capital One stating I had a 0% interest on the agreed upon settlement amount. I made no such agreement. I am willing to talk with Capital One but not First Source. Do I have any rights. Mom |
Originally Posted by Anonymous The threatening calls came from First Source |
Send a DV letter to First Source. Do you think the Cap1 letter is actually from Cap1?
Yeah right
Originally Posted by Anonymous Again, because we call you, we are not harassing you. |
6 calls within 4 minutes from +45 country code. That's not the least bit harassing.
First Source Advantage LLC Debt collector
Can anyone tell me if First Sorce adavntage has more than the 716-213-4502 phone number so I can put a block on the numbers from my cellphone, I;m tired of dealing with them
First Source Advantage LLC
Can someone tell me if First Source Advantage LLC has more than the 716-213-4502 phone number? I want to block them from my cellphone and need all their numbers
I received a phone call this morning from First Source stating t
I received a phone call this morning from First Source stating that they were trying to collect a debt from an American Express card. After I told them that I have never had an American Express card, they kept insisting that I did and gave me the last four numbers of the card number. I still said that I never had a credit card with them. They then said that it was in my mother's name, so I asked her about it. She also said that she has never had an American Express card, and when they talked to her they gave her a different last four numbers of the card number. She said she would contact AMEX directly, but they still would not let her get off the phone. One of us supposedly had this card in 2008. Are they allowed to call and try to collect a debt from me if by chance my mom did have this card? It looks like they got my information because my mother and I have one joint bank account. Also, they have never tried to contact her, only me.
Settlement Offer
Internal Account #13964790--- I called in on 02/26/2010 to offer a settlement payment of $800.00. I've been on a $50.00 per month payment plan for November2009, December2009, January2010, and February2010,which total $200.00 paid. This with the $800.00 woud total $1000.00 but your office refused to accept my offer. One of your service reps. was very rude and dismissed my offer. WHY?
credit card
I had a discover acct. back in 1995 and never payed the balance, know I got a letter from First Source Advantage saying they are in charge of collecting the debt from NCO Portfolio Management. I thought that after 7 years that if the debt was not collected it would be discarded or something. Please I need assistance.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI had a discover acct. back
Originally Posted by Anonymous I had a discover acct. back in 1995 and never payed the balance, know I got a letter from First Source Advantage saying they are in charge of collecting the debt from NCO Portfolio Management. I thought that after 7 years that if the debt was not collected it would be discarded or something. Please I need assistance. |
when was the last payment made on the account.SOL varies by state,but the time derrogatory entry stays on your report is 7.5 years from the date of first deliquency.the debt is owed until the sun goes super nova,but the SOL is the timeframe you can be sued on it.try to remember whe the last payment was made.i will say hat this place makes a habit of attempting to collect on past SOL debts.
the company is Firstsource(one word) Advantage and i have dealth
the company is Firstsource(one word) Advantage and i have dealth with them twice and its not as bad as all you people make it seem. i dont remeber the guys name but he was very polite to me
good for you.we are all happy for you.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolle
good for you.we are all happy for you.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Doctor bills
Hi my name is Douglas Carpenter and I had some doctor bills from Central Vermont Medical Center go here for Collections I do have the amounts but I was wondering if you could tell me what you have on file for me. I'm currently unemployeed and do not really have the money to pay them that is why they got send to collections to begin with, can you help with this?
Not my debt
First Source Advantage has called my home phone repeated the last 2 months. We do not have any past-due debts with anyone. This debt is my grown daughters, (who does not live with me) and I have told them not to call me anymore, but they continue. I thought they were only allowed to contact a third party once, to get information such as phone number. I consider this harassment and illegal under the Federal Trade Commission's section on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. What recourse do I have since this is not even my debt?
First Source Advantage LLC
This company repetely phones my home regarding a debt that doesn't even belong to me. I have explain this is a result of indentfy theft and the keep phoning telling the are going to start legal action. What can I do to stop the calls?
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousyes he is absolutly correct.
Originally Posted by Anonymous yes he is absolutly correct. i worked for the company and you should have recieved a letter. Definatly you should write a letter stating that you want the calls to stop it is called a cease and desist letter. Also if they call your job and you ask them to stop and you dont than that is also against the law :) |
oh so you are one of the sleaball idiots who work for them? i pity you because u will go to hell for what you do.
telephone calls
A person from first source called me and started asking questions about my personal information. I asked why and she said there's a person w/ the same name as i am who's a nordstrom account holder and they just want to know if i'm the same person. I told her i never had a nordstrom account and i can't tell my personal info. She was insistent and she said the personal info she wanted to know are not that critical like my b-day,address,etc. I didn't tell her anything and she said she's going to call me again. How could i stop them from calling me besides not answering the calls ?
Firstsource continues to make harassing phone calls even though
Firstsource continues to make harassing phone calls even though I mailed and faxed cease & desist. My account was turned over in error by AMEX even though I've been making consistent monthly payments online to AMEX. Firstsource continues to call even though I'm current on payments. I can hardly understand the person leaving messages and when I try calling the numbers they leave, you can't call in on the number.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousFirstsource continues to mak
Originally Posted by Anonymous Firstsource continues to make harassing phone calls even though I mailed and faxed cease & desist. My account was turned over in error by AMEX even though I've been making consistent monthly payments online to AMEX. Firstsource continues to call even though I'm current on payments. I can hardly understand the person leaving messages and when I try calling the numbers they leave, you can't call in on the number. |
File a detailed complaint against them with the BBB, FTC and your AG. They are violating the FDCPA and should be reported.
Call them repeatedly, waste their time, what are they gonna do?
Call them repeatedly, waste their time, what are they gonna do? I won tonight against their Indian office, they finally admitted I won the round tonight. Call me at supper time again will they.
Harassing calls at my work place and to my cell.
They are calling more than ten times a day to my cell and they are calling me at work almost every day. the company is facing an economic crisis like everybody else and the company wants to receive calls for the busines but no personal calls for employees. I have received a warning about no receiving personal calls during working hours. What I should do. Thanks. Ruben.
1st Source
My mom is getting calls from India of all places saying she needs to make 3 payments to close this account. It's a Citibank Mastercard. My mom has never had a card from Citibank. Does anybody know who else this 1st Source collects debts for? She's trying to get copies of invoices or statements from 1st source so she can see if these are legitimate charges. They said they couldn't do it. So now, she's going to call Citibank directly and ask for the billing statements. If anyone can tell us who 1st Source collects for, then this info might help my mom. As far as she knows, she has no outstanding debts.
Nelly. My account which originated with American Express was fi
My account which originated with American Express was first turned over to AEGIS at which time I set up to pay 300.00 per month. Now it has been torned over to Firstsource Advantage. I'm so tired of talking on the phone with uncaring collectors. How can I arrange to continue the same agreement by mail/email, mailing in the amount as opposed to direct withdrawal?
Thank you,
Release of Debt Letter
I need a release of debt letter from you. I paid of a JC Penny account through you on December 29, 2008. The electronic check No. is for the amount of $240.55. The JC Penny account still shows that I owe money. The debt is with another dept colector, Northland Group Inc. 1-888-344-1268.
This is a public forum, all personal info removed for your protection, contact this company directly.
first source monthly payments
they never send the payment statement on time to me to make the payment before the end of the month so they call it a late payment and they call me to ask why the payment got to them one day late for the past three months how do i fix this
First Source Advantage
Hi - the above company just called my office and left a message with my secretary. I have no idea what this is reference to but no matter the reason, it is company policy that NO personal business be conducted during core business hours. They would only say this was an urgent business matter. What should I do?
I stupidly gave this company my bank information about 3 days ag
I stupidly gave this company my bank information about 3 days ago without confirming with capital one that they were legitimate. They are scheduled to take money out at the end of the month and after reading nothing but complaints on every website I'm seriously concerned. Should I close my account and make the payment with capital one?
First Source Advantage LLC
I have been receiving harassing calls from this company about a debt that was supposedly passed on to them. They offered us a settlement on the debt which we said we would consider and asked for a week to determine if we could come up with the money. The representative and their manager were extremely rude, started yelling at me, and saying I had to respond right then. The rep. stated he needed to have my bank account information just to "put a hold" on the settlement so the creditor did not change their mind about the settlement. We said we would not give them our bank account information until we made a decision. The rep. stated he would use an account he had on file to hold the settlement. The account he had on file was an old bank account that we closed years ago. I informed the rep of this several times, he insisted that it was not a problem, that he would just use that information to hold the settlement. I explained that it was fraud to use an account that was closed and that I did not authorize him to do this.
Today, I received a letter from First Source stating they had authorization to draft money from this account. I called First Source and the rep I spoke to stated we had said it was fine. I argued with him, telling him to go listen to the recorded conversation I had with them previously and he will hear where I said it was fraud and I did not authorize this at all. The rep argued with me and said they would still charge the account. What do I do? I closed this account years ago, I don't know where they got the information. They said it came from my credit report, I know my credit report does not have my bank account information on it. What should I do? I've told them it's fraud and I don't authorize it. They insist on doing it. Now what do I do?
My husband has received hundreds of calls from this company. We
My husband has received hundreds of calls from this company. We paid all of our outstanding bills to Capital One and have proof. This company wants that proof. But, as long as you don't have contact with them and the outstanding amount is older than 5 to 10 years old as long as you don't have contact with them, you don't have to pay it. Just be sure to ask for your free credit report and see if it's on there, if it is, then they think you're going to pay for it. If you ignore them, they'll eventually go away. I spoke to Capital One and they told me that they do not sell there old accounts. These people just want to see if you'll pay, because they get about 45% of the money that Capital One gets paid by you. The only reason I know all this is because I used to be a credit counselor and when we bought our house that's the advice we got from our Loan Processor.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousoh so you are one of the sle
Originally Posted by Anonymous oh so you are one of the sleaball idiots who work for them? i pity you because u will go to hell for what you do. |
I also work for FSA, I no longer collect and now am in Admin, but we are not sleaseball idiots. At least we have jobs and pay our bills. if that means we go to hell, then so be it. At least we won't be a low life scum who doesn't pay their bills.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousThey are calling more than t
Originally Posted by Anonymous They are calling more than ten times a day to my cell and they are calling me at work almost every day. the company is facing an economic crisis like everybody else and the company wants to receive calls for the busines but no personal calls for employees. I have received a warning about no receiving personal calls during working hours. What I should do. Thanks. Ruben. |
By law, if you tell a debt collector verbally that you want no more calls to your work, then they need to stop all calls. Just call them back, tell them no more calls, and let them try to work with you on your bill. Once you get payments going, the calls will stop also. the only reason a call would come in would be for a follow up, something goes wrong, or it could be a mistake with an automatic dialer.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI also work for FSA, I no lo
Originally Posted by Anonymous I also work for FSA, I no longer collect and now am in Admin, but we are not sleaseball idiots. At least we have jobs and pay our bills. if that means we go to hell, then so be it. At least we won't be a low life scum who doesn't pay their bills. |
spare me are going there because everyone who works for FSA is a were more than likely an all-star at illegaly collecting.that is why you are an admin.btw i bet you talked the way you post.which makes you the scum,not us. GET LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When we were in debt up to our earlobes and my husband had been
When we were in debt up to our earlobes and my husband had been unemployed for almost 18 months we were told to contact all of our creditors and explain our situation. I was trying to pay everything only in smaller amounts. I was called up to75 times a day and was in panic mode. I allowed household credit and citibank to do a check by phone. One of the tellers at the drive up windows told me never do that because now they had your account information, and there would be a time they would take money without my permission or knowledge. My husband got a job in St Louis and we were still trying to pay these people unfortunately we could not and finally on the advice of an attorney we let everything charge off, we were then transferred to Denver. We decided not to have anything in our name and we paid cash or by money order. We had no bank account for almost 8 years. We moved no forwarding . This fall we started getting calls from a tape recorder and we ignore them. If you are in debt educate yourself as to what the actually laws of your state say on debt collection and what federal law says. I am not in any way advocating not paying bills but sometimes no matter how much you try or how much you want to pay bills circumstances will not allow it.
I'd like to help anyone out there with a letter you can send to
I'd like to help anyone out there with a letter you can send to any debt company, just put in your info and send it off.
-----------------LETTER TO SEND---------------------------------
Certified mail receipt number______________________________
Your name
Credit Protection Association, L.P. <--- Put the debt company info here
13355 Noel Rd. <--- Put the debt company info here
Dallas, TX 75240 <--- Put the debt company info here
Sir or Madam:
You are in receipt of notice under the authority of The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act regarding your file #01550745218. It is not now, nor has it ever been my intention to avoid paying any obligation that I lawfully owe.
In order that I can make arrangements to pay an obligation which I may owe, please document and verify the ???debt??? by complying in good faith with this request for validation and notice that I dispute part of, or all of the alleged debt.
1. Please furnish a copy of the original promissory note redacting my social security number to prevent identify theft and state under penalty of perjury that your client named above is the holder in due course of the promissory note and will produce the original for my own and a judge???s inspection should there be a trial to contest these matters.
2. Please produce the account and general ledger statement showing the full accounting of the alleged obligation that you are now attempting to collect.
3. Please identify by name and address all persons, corporations, associations, or any other parties having an interest in legal proceedings regarding the alleged debt.
4. Please verify under penalty of perjury, that as a debt collector, you have not purchased evidence of debt and are proceeding with collection activity in the name of the original maker of the note.
5. Please verify under penalty of perjury that you know and understand that certain clauses in a contract of adhesion, such as a so-called forum selection clause, are unenforceable unless the party to whom the contract is extended could have rejected the clause without impunity.
6. Please verify under penalty of perjury that you know and understand that credit card contracts are a series of continuing offers to contract and as such are nontransferable.
7. Please provide verification from the stated creditor that you are authorized to act for them.
8. Please verify that you know and understand that contacting me again after receipt of this notice without providing procedurally proper validation of the debt constitutes the use of interstate communications in a scheme of fraud by advancing a writing, which you know is false with the intention that others rely on the written communication to their detriment.
Disputing the ???debt???
Your Name,
November 6, 2009
They have called me repeatedly on a past due debt that has gone
They have called me repeatedly on a past due debt that has gone into collections. I own up to the debt, it is my obligation, however everyone's situations are different and should be treated a little more compassionately. When they requested post dated checks I refused. They pretty much taunted me saying that I have no intent of paying and that a post dated check will show my faith, etc. They kept questioning me why I wouldn't post date a check, finally the lady (Amy) disconnected me. I became furious that I called back and spoke to her "manager" and he was just as an ass as she was ... same thing. The thing is this, my credit is already shot .. they can tell me all day long how will this affect my credit, what a bad person I am, etc. This was not on purpose, and I had and still have full intentions of paying my debt, but don't threaten me or harrass me because I will cut you off. Charge Off? Be my guest. My credit can ALWAYS rebuilt ... even after bankruptcy, so a debt collection agency, just as this foul company can threaten, bad mouth, criticize, humiliate me all they want .... they will only work with you on their terms and expect payment that day or by that week and they won't go with anything less than a post dated check ... I can't give you what I don't have. They are awful and they can really kiss my ass after my last phone call with them. I refuse to deal with them anymore. There's more important things to worry about then these fools. Their tactics are inhumane.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousThey have called me repeated
Originally Posted by Anonymous They have called me repeatedly on a past due debt that has gone into collections. I own up to the debt, it is my obligation, however everyone's situations are different and should be treated a little more compassionately. When they requested post dated checks I refused. They pretty much taunted me saying that I have no intent of paying and that a post dated check will show my faith, etc. They kept questioning me why I wouldn't post date a check, finally the lady (Amy) disconnected me. I became furious that I called back and spoke to her "manager" and he was just as an ass as she was ... same thing. The thing is this, my credit is already shot .. they can tell me all day long how will this affect my credit, what a bad person I am, etc. This was not on purpose, and I had and still have full intentions of paying my debt, but don't threaten me or harrass me because I will cut you off. Charge Off? Be my guest. My credit can ALWAYS rebuilt ... even after bankruptcy, so a debt collection agency, just as this foul company can threaten, bad mouth, criticize, humiliate me all they want .... they will only work with you on their terms and expect payment that day or by that week and they won't go with anything less than a post dated check ... I can't give you what I don't have. They are awful and they can really kiss my ass after my last phone call with them. I refuse to deal with them anymore. There's more important things to worry about then these fools. Their tactics are inhumane. |
i'm glad you didn't give them any bank see,there is a big difference between owing a debt,and owing it to the right collector.they are bound by law to send you details in writing 5 days after initial contact.this is a time they call state that you want something in writing first.if they refuse file AG complaints against this day of ID THEFT running rampant never just give anybody sensitive info over the phone without knowing if you are paying a legit collector,or a complete bottomfeeder.
I have been receiving calls from first source for the last 5 wee
I have been receiving calls from first source for the last 5 weeks. They keep asking about my husband who passed away in 2005. I have told them this and ask what the call is in reference to. Their response is that they have a personal bussiness matter to discus. I keep telling them that he passed away 5 years ago and to please stop calling. But to no avail they keep calling. They won't tell me what this is about but they try to make sound like its a business matter and they do not come out and say they are trying to collect a debt. I thought they had to inform you that they are debt collectors.
there are many reasons why bills don't get paid ...maybe you sho
there are many reasons why bills don't get paid ...maybe you should try listening to the reason before jumping to conclusions. I lost my job and then 2 months later my husband died of a brain tumor we didn't even know was there. Less then 6 months later my mother passed away and she had been living with us. So in less then 1 years time I went from a 100,000.00 annual income to zero and had over 234,000.00 dollars in hospital,nursing home and funeral costs to pay. So when the collectors started calling and I would try to make arrangements they would not accept them. So I ended up filing Bancruptcy which really hurt to do. I was brought up that you make a bill you pay that bill. But I felt I had no choice with all the threatening calls I was receiving. So to the person that works at FSA maybe we don't all want to not be able to pay our debts maybe there are circumstances beyond our control and some day you might be in the same spot. So becareful of what you say.
Post Dated Check
Originally Posted by Anonymous well some states,Massachusetts for one, it is illegal for a debt collector to accept a post dated check. you might want to look into your state laws as well. |
It is'nt "illegal" to accept a post dated check as per FDCPA Solicitation of PDC (post dated checks) in Ri. and Ma. is illegal, however, accepting them is not, and it is not considered soliciting if they are given as an option and not requested directly.