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First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA

Date: Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58

Submitted by philpot.loren
on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 362

First Source Advantage LLC: 5 Key complaints against the CA

I received a call about 2 weeks ago from First Source Advantage llc, which is a collection agency used by Capital One. They informed me that Capital One was preparing to file a lawsuit against me for my balance, lawyer fees, etc. The woman on the other line asked me what I wanted to do and I asked if it was possible to set up some sort of arrangement. I said that I could post-date checks in the amount of $252 for September 30 and October 15, and $564 for October 31.

I was expecting the amount of $252 to be taken out of my account and not $564, until I received a notice from my bank stating that the substitute check of $564 was returned. I won't be able to cover the $564 right now, and I don't want to face an legal problems for the returned check.

I have hit full blown panic mode because I have never written a bad check before. Should I contact First Source since it was their mistake? Please help!

There are laws that bill collectors have to abide by one of them is NOT to call your family, friends etc harrasing them. I have the laws and if enought people get together and sue these collectons agencies they may follow the law if not we can win enoought to cover part of our debt of what ever we are suppose to have. The collectors have come to some seedy tactics to get money even if you dont owe them.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 08:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They are calling me daily for my grandfathers debt. I told them to stop contacting me. He passed away 3 weeks ago and I am really tired of hearing from these guys. Any suggestions? If I point them to his county's public records will they stop? Do I have legal grounds to sue them for harrasment? What info should i get each time they call?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:11

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I too have received calls on my home phone as well as cell phone for another party. When I called the company to tell them they had the wrong person and wrong number, they refused to tell me what business they were in or how they got my contact information. Any ideas on where these people are getting information for people who dont even have accounts with them? You worry about identity theft and third parties selling your information. What should you do? Any thoughts?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 17:52

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Received a number of calls from 973-954-2843. I keep requesting to have my number taken off their call list. Evidently someone who had my cell phone # before 2002 has some bad debt.
The caller, Sam, demanded my name in order to take my number off their call list. I refused, asking for his name first. He became abusive and demanded my name first. I told him to give me his supervisor. He started shouting for me to give him my name. I asked him for his name again and when he refused I told him his company was coming close to a law suit. I asked one more time for his supervisor, and he said "sure" and hung up.

If this company calls again I will contact a lawyer.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 09/19/2009 - 08:40

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I am dealing with this company now. The first time they called I told them I did not know who they were and what they were talking about. In addition, I asked them how they got my phone number. The lady very nicely stated that it was attached to my Capital One account, which by the way, is in collection. I told her that was impossible because it was nonpublished and had never been attached nor would it ever be connected to a Capital One account. Then she said they had researched the number and found one for me. I said that was very interesting. She asked how I was going to resolve the problem. I again told her I did not know what she was talking about but to please send something in writing and not to call again. Since then I have received a bill and five additional phone calls. They last one was the most interesting of all. "Rashad" demanded to know who I was and I asked him most politely who he was. He insisted I answer him. I again asked who he was. After several iterations he stated he worked for Firstsource. I told him he was not to call my number again and that it was the 5th time his company had been told. He said he had to have an answer as to why he was not to call. I told him I did not have to give him one. We went around the tree 3 more times and each time he got louder and more insistent. Very politely I told him I was not going to answer his questions and I was going to hang up. And I did - very quietly. I know it will be just a matter of time before they call again. I did send a debt validation letter to them. I am waiting for the receipt to come back. For the collectors that read this, please note that I am not scum and a deadbeat. I am retired, help support my two grandchildren and a disabled son. I had to pay funeral expenses for my husband, daughter, and mother. I also have $300K in medical bills for myself resulting from cancer treatments and testing. I pay my utilities and insurance bills first and the rest goes where it can. I don't splurge on anything that isn't absolutely necessary to exist. I will pay when I can. Do not make unrealistic demands because they can't be met. I myself am confined to a wheelchair and live in a rural setting. I don't drive and haven't bought a new pair of shoes in 10 years and I don't have a coat to go out in if I had to.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 09:17

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I get a phone call from 1st source advantage once a month looking for my neighbors, they say their phone has been disconnected and want me to give them messages to call them


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/23/2009 - 19:37

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I hae a situation like many people about a debt with capital one. I just got off the phone and the lady said that there is no US office and I couldn't speak with an American and they wouldn't give me any information and now my so called debt has gone up almost $200...


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 15:00

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I myself am a employee of first source advantage. There are good collectors and bad collectors. I feel I am in that first group of collectors. I don't bother threatening or harassing people because it doesn't help them or me. If any of you have a problem with the collector calling ask for a supervisor. It is firstsource policy that if you ask for a supervisor or manager they have to transfer. If they refuse, take that collectors name, call the general number for firstsource (716 564 4400) and ask for a supervisor for whatever card you are in collections for. One of my big issues with America is people that are sue happy. It's not because I am a debt collector. People sue our company all the time over small technicalities in law. They think they shouldn't have to pay a bill because some one is calling them multiple times a week. That being said, there are collectors that do harass and do break the law badly and there are situations which dictate a lawsuit. And one other thing for all the people who talk about firstsource threatening them with lawsuits. Firstsource is a third party collection agency, a negotiator between the card company and the consumer. It is not us that is threatening to sue, it is the card company for which you signed a legal financial contract when you applied for the card. It is not harassment for a collector to tell you if you don't pay your going to get sued. Most of the time, if a CC company is threatening to sue you either have a high balance or you have made no effort whatsoever to make a payment in 2 years. The original problem stems from ridiculous fees that credit card companies tack on to your bill, debt collectors have bills too and we who have Credit Cards feel your pain. So my advice to anyone who has any bill in a collection office. Call them, pick up your phone. If you never pick up you will be put on an automatic dialer that will call you everyday. If your collector knows anything about doing his/her job he will work with you. If he won't, ask for a supervisor or manager, they have to transfer you. I hope that I have provided a little bit of insight into how these companies work and what you can do to get the best customer service possible.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 10/04/2009 - 08:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I myself am a employee of first source advantage. There are good collectors and bad collectors. I feel I am in that first group of collectors. I don't bother threatening or harassing people because it doesn't help them or me. If any of you have a problem with the collector calling ask for a supervisor. It is firstsource policy that if you ask for a supervisor or manager they have to transfer. If they refuse, take that collectors name, call the general number for firstsource (716 564 4400) and ask for a supervisor for whatever card you are in collections for. One of my big issues with America is people that are sue happy. It's not because I am a debt collector. People sue our company all the time over small technicalities in law. They think they shouldn't have to pay a bill because some one is calling them multiple times a week. That being said, there are collectors that do harass and do break the law badly and there are situations which dictate a lawsuit. And one other thing for all the people who talk about firstsource threatening them with lawsuits. Firstsource is a third party collection agency, a negotiator between the card company and the consumer. It is not us that is threatening to sue, it is the card company for which you signed a legal financial contract when you applied for the card. It is not harassment for a collector to tell you if you don't pay your going to get sued. Most of the time, if a CC company is threatening to sue you either have a high balance or you have made no effort whatsoever to make a payment in 2 years. The original problem stems from ridiculous fees that credit card companies tack on to your bill, debt collectors have bills too and we who have Credit Cards feel your pain. So my advice to anyone who has any bill in a collection office. Call them, pick up your phone. If you never pick up you will be put on an automatic dialer that will call you everyday. If your collector knows anything about doing his/her job he will work with you. If he won't, ask for a supervisor or manager, they have to transfer you. I hope that I have provided a little bit of insight into how these companies work and what you can do to get the best customer service possible.

Thank you for the helpful information. This is the type of information in which people can benefit!


Submitted by Shazzers on Sun, 10/04/2009 - 09:06

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Actually, honestcollector, I believe it IS illegal to threaten legal action in the course of attempting to collect a debt. Of course, you and your company and their attorney will merely argue that you are "informing" rather than "threatening," but that's a distinction I'm willing to let a judge or jury make. A jury would, no doubt, find in a consumer's favor.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 09:18

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I have just talked to a supervisor today who was completely rude to the point i was in tears. My bank sent back one of my payments because so many transactions were going threw they thought I didn't have enough. So I called on monday the 5th and talked to two people. The first was a guy who told me that they hadn't got the check back yet and it would go through on the 12th. Then he had put on a lady "supervisor" and she repeated everything making sure everything was okay. However, this morning I made a call to them because they sent in the check today which I didn't have the funds for, so my bank charged me $20. Thats when I called again and was treated horrible by this supervisor man. I could not believe how he was talking to me. He kept telling me it was my fault that I didn't have the money in the bank which he kept repeating and no one had told me that it would be taken on the 12th. That there was nothing he was going to do about it which lead me to tears and he was still completely rude. So I hung up. I decided I am going to write a letter to them but after googling the name all i find is bad stuff about them. So now I am not sure who to go to.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/08/2009 - 13:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

First, what people don't realize is a collection company is not a billing company... You owe the debt and were getting statements from the consumers (HSBC, Capital One,American Express) and those statements did not do anything for you then because the bills still were being ignored. Collection companies don't send out bills because they are not the ones owed. They do however send reminder letters before the payments are taking out unless the first payments is being taken out very soon from the date it was set up on because there is not time for the letter but you can however get a fax sent to you providing documentation of all transactions and many collectors offer that to you.
Another thing not many people realize is it's there job to call you! You did not pay your bill and you signed documentation agreeing to do so so there for when you did not pay back the money you stole from the company who let you barrow it they are force to make contact and reach an agreement! How would you feel if you loaned money to some needing person and when they went back on your deal to pay it off you could do nothing but call them and try to reach a resolution? Besides all that people or not educated on the fact that just because you have a bill in collections does not mean the interests and late fees have stopped recurring on the account so fees are still being charged and you have only to blame yourself you signed and agreed to those late fees knowing that they were high and that lack of payment would only make them higher/ on the other note if you are making payments they are not substantial enough to stop the fees from growing because you agreed to pay a certain amount each month and when that went up you ignored it and that's the only way to make up the past over due balance! That's how credit cards work and that's what you sign on for so don't get a card unless you can accept the issues along with it!
Also it is not harassment check the law, collection efforts will continue until a resolution has come about and many people don't realize this but companies like Firstsource Advantage help others (ok some people may not be so nice their) it is a volunteer collection agency that takes all the debt and tries to save the debtors from the people down the road. What i mean is what they can't tell you is that once your account leaves there office in most cases it is sold!! By sold I mean a real agency that contains lawyers buys it off HSBC or one of the other companies charges you the buyer fees and then they sue you for all the debt because technically its stealing when you have not paid it back. In some states that is worse than others because of garnishment of your wages and also in some places they can actually auction off all your stuff including your house to pay for all your past debt.
Lastly as for the medical issue bill Firstsource does not handle medical bills of any kind so that is a lie the only companies in that place are Capital One, Capital One Pre-legal, HSBC, Wachovia, Chase, American Express, Target Guest, Target Mastercard, Barkleys, Trac America, and i think that may be all there are no school loan or medical of any kind. When your account gets sent to collections look up the agency they gives lots of info online and you can call them that's what I did and Firstsource saved my life. They offered me a payment plan until I got back on my feet so my card was no longer adding fees and then when i started work again after being laid off like many others they settled out my account for half the balance yes I know settlements don't look great but I needed it and they really helped me where I was at the same time screwed over by another agency who sold my account and forced me to sell many items to pay off old debt.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/09/2009 - 20:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
well some states,Massachusetts for one, it is illegal for a debt collector to accept a post dated check. you might want to look into your state laws as well.

This person is wrong!! They can except Post dated checks they just cant solicit them for instance they will ask how you would like to make the payment... they will give you choices and tell you why some are better than others and you chose from the options there for you chose to set up the check they did not suggest it they gave you options and you chose one.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/09/2009 - 20:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have just talked to a supervisor today who was completely rude to the point i was in tears. My bank sent back one of my payments because so many transactions were going threw they thought I didn't have enough. So I called on monday the 5th and talked to two people. The first was a guy who told me that they hadn't got the check back yet and it would go through on the 12th. Then he had put on a lady "supervisor" and she repeated everything making sure everything was okay. However, this morning I made a call to them because they sent in the check today which I didn't have the funds for, so my bank charged me $20. Thats when I called again and was treated horrible by this supervisor man. I could not believe how he was talking to me. He kept telling me it was my fault that I didn't have the money in the bank which he kept repeating and no one had told me that it would be taken on the 12th. That there was nothing he was going to do about it which lead me to tears and he was still completely rude. So I hung up. I decided I am going to write a letter to them but after googling the name all i find is bad stuff about them. So now I am not sure who to go to.

Your experience was terrible and they were not good to you for sure but it is not your fault when you set up a check you chose a date for it but depending on your bank it can take up to 3 days to actually post because some banks take longer to make the transactions. For example a credit union usually takes up to the full three days for it show the payment was made and some have even taken longer.... Some banks however can go through that day but that is very rare I do believe HSBC goes through the same day


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/09/2009 - 20:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

So, you are saying they are not in fact harrassing me when I get 22 phone calls within a 4 1/2 hour time span?? Or they arent breaking the law when they tell me that "supervisors dont accept phone calls, they are here to deal with the employees NOT people like YOU". The man would not give me a phone number to call back to the company. Told me that I am stupid for putting myself into debt, its my fault, not his.....yes true, BUT, I didnt ask for my husband to be layed off work because the facility he worked for couldnt hold up in this economy. GUESS WHAT!? We were making all of our payments for ALL of our bills on time until that happened. I offered to pay towards the balance and he told me they needed more and would not accept the amount I offered. It doesnt matter that my husband has gone to every place within reasonable driving distance to apply for jobs...including Mcdonalds and all the fast food chains, factory's, walmart etc. NO ONE is hiring in this area. I work on my feet all day 40+ hours a week in a healthcare facility. Bust my butt to feed my family, feeding my children come before any debt! So dont sit there and put it in terms that people are stealing from these credit cards, that is NOT always the case! I payed my bills before the economy went to hell.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/17/2009 - 06:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Several years ago I changed my phone number and got a deadbeat's number. I was called CONSTANTLY by EVERYONE for Janette/Jeanette or somesuch name. I told her PHARMACY, her DOCTOR, her CREDITORS which are legion, that I am NOT her and to stop calling. The legit places stopped, but FirstSource, no.
Finally I had to screen ALL calls. Eventually I got tired of not being able to use MY phone I pay for correctly and answered calls. For MONTHS again, I am called WEEKLY by FirstSource, jerks extrarodinaire. I just got off the phone with ANOTHER one of their bogus calls and I told them: I am NOT Janet/Jeanette/whoever you are looking for. STOP CALLING ME. Use directory assistance or SUE HER, but STOP CALLING THIS NUMBER. NEVER CALL THIS NUMBER AGAIN.
We will see if 300 is the magic number to get these LOSERS to stop calling ME about SOMONE ELSE's bills--someone I have NEVER met and can in NO way be responsible for.
Anyone who hires these losers should be EMBARRASSED. You will NOT get your debt paid if you use this company because they are too LAZY and STUPID to use Directory Assistance to CALL THE PERSON WHO OWES MONEY.
I can only hope that EVERYONE irresponsible enough to employ these jerks gets called DAILY for OTHER PEOPLE and that THOSE people refuse to believe they're not the person that's wanted.
It makes for a cute Progresso commercial that everyone wants to talk to their Grandma at the soup company, it is NOT funny when you are called DAY AND NIGHT FOR YEARS for SOMEONE ELSE'S DEBT.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/19/2009 - 09:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been getting phone calls from First Source Advantage LLC for months now. I work only 15 hours a week ($125.00 P WK.) and just cannot afford to pay off my debt. I live with my fiance who is out of work and we need all the money we can get for food and rent! I am looking for a new job but there is just nothing out there. They are continuously calling and when I tell them that I just can't pay right now, they tell me that they are "the police" and hang up. They have now called my grandparents and Aunt and Uncle all in Florida. How do I get accross to them that I just can't pay right now and to leave me alone? I know this is going to effect my credit but what else can I do. You can get blood from a stone!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/21/2009 - 13:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Have been leaving many phone messages to my 14 YR OLD daughter for someone, when I call them back they are extremely rude and think that I being a PARENT have no clue what my rights are.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/24/2009 - 09:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

First Source called me and said i had two options, get sued or pay the full amonut I owed. I aske for a settlement offer and they said they would take $100 off. I have my last bill from capital one and it should I only owed $700, now first source says I owe over $1400 in just two months and they wont take off any fees. My husband hasnt worked since january due to medical issues, he has not income and was denined disability. I have also had medical issues, and on the same day they called and threatend me I was leaving the hospital after finding out I dont have cancer. The good news was overshawdowed by the way they treated me. They said I only have until the 30th to make a decision. I am the only one with an income and it is not much, I asked for payment arrangemens and they said no. This was just turned over to them this month, I got the letter from them in the mail that same day they called when I got home it was in the mail. So it is not like I have been ignoring them. Nor did I ignore the debt when capital one had it. I told them of the situation and I paid them what I could, it might not have been everymonth but they did get something. Please help I dont know what to do. I dont have the money for the settlement they want


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 08:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I've received two letters from this company for legitimate debts. They're offering 70% off my original debt. On one part of the letter it says, "by accepting this offer you can take advantage of these benefits". Benefits being, "a zero balance on your [company name] account with us". "A paid account letter upon request". "Report appropriately to the credit bureaus".

Is this a legitimate company? I don't want to get scammed.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 09:26

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I spoke with Jannel, a supervisor in the Buffalo office and she was very considerate and polite. Regardless of what the person calling you is saying:

1. Everyone has the option of the paying ANY AMOUNT TOWARDS THE BALANCE OF THE DEBT. This amount can be $10 or $100, as long as it is paid each month consistently. At that point the only other calls they will make are "offer or specials" calls in which they may offer a payout option with a specific % removed from the total.

2. If you DO NOT return their calls they can contact family members in the attempt to find out whether you are still available to speak with or have any contact with you. The family member CAN request to be removed from the calling list - it should be done without question and immediately.

3. Here are some basic FDCPA laws which protect you during these calls and if not adhered to can be ground for you to file a lawsuit against ANY collection agency:

- FDCPA does not allow a debt collector to-
- Ruin your credit rating
- Refer account to an Attorney
- Garnishment or repossession
- Extract money by giving false threats
- They are not allowed to inform the employers about the purpose of their call.
- Use of abusive and insulting language is prohibited as per the FDCPA guidelines.
- Telling the debtor that they MUST pay a certain amount immediately.
- A debtor cannot be threatened of being arrested or sued on failure to repay the debt amount.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 13:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


- FDCPA does not allow a debt collector to-
- Ruin your credit rating

Credit reporting is covered under the FCRA and they can indeed negatively impact your credit score by reporting a derogatory tradeline.

- Refer account to an Attorney

If the Debt Collector is working for the OC, then generally no but if the debt is in the hands of a JDB, then they have the right to refer it to an attorney to file suit.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 17:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a call from a man @ First Source Advantage today asking for my attorney information. I asked him why? He said a law suit was being filed and wanted to read me an affidavit. I continued to ask "Who was filing a law suit" He refused to answer. On top of that he spoke very poor English and was very hard to understand. I refused to give him any information and hung up. Should I contact First Source?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/04/2009 - 10:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a problem with First Source. They too have called my father and given him private information about my bank account. this lady, Angela Long, at First Source said I could pay back a debt over a 3 month period but demands an exact amount and exact date that I will make each installment. I am on strictly commission and never know when I will be paid and how much. Well, she did not like that answer at all and talked very rudely and continues to harrass. She then says that we ARE going to set up a post dated check. Then, when the funds aren't there, she calls me and accuses me of writing a HOTT check and that I am breaking the law by doing so. She then calls my father and tells him that my check did not clear my bank and I wrote a HOTT check. Isn't that breaking some kind of privacy law or something....slander...harrassment,,,,something??? My situation is a bit different though.....we had a business card in my fathers name and my name. My father told her that he knew nothing of the card and told her he was not going to pay the debt. She then called me and told me that my father denied the debt and his conversation was recorded. Since it was recorded..she was going to file fraud charges against me on behalf of the credit card co. if I did not comply with hewr demands and her payment schedule. Does she really have the authority to do this?? I am having trouble sleeping at night over this.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/04/2009 - 19:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i'm guessing you got nothing in writing?without that you could claim fraud on your bank account by angela.she went in without your for the call i doubt she was recording so she really can't do a thing.have your father send this idiot a C&D get her a DV letter.both of you send it certified mail return the meantime i wouldn't talk to this person again.make notes of the # on your caller id.again angela is the one who should be in jail for her illegal tactics,not you.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 05:11

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

She seems as if she is breaking all sorts of FDCPA rules. Demanding certain amounts...threatening to refer the account to an attorney for fraud...extract money by giving false threats...using abusive and insulting language....calling my dad and telling him personal information about my bank account (I believe that is a priovacy issue)...and the list goes on and on. What should I do now?? She has called twice this morning and I haven't answered yet.....can she involve an attorney if I refuse her calls?


Submitted by mtgmaker on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 07:06

( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

So where is the original creditor in all of this? Are they still in the background or have they relinquished the debt to First Source? If First Source can't collect , then will it go back to Capital One fo them to place with another collection co.? Also, would it be worth a phone call to Capital One to tell them that I would be more than happy to satisfy the complete debt with them personally and that I cannot work with First Source? Do you think Capital One would be willing to do something like that based on what you have seen or heard? Also, should I answer her call and let her know that I know she is breaking FDCPA regs and tell her that I will pay X amount of dollars monthly and that is it? It is my underswtanding that they cannot do anything as long as you are paying something. I owe the debt bu just can't afford what she is asking (over $2,300 per month for 3 months).


Submitted by mtgmaker on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 08:19

( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

So I've been told that Capital One is preparing a lawsuit to collect the just over $1000 and First Source has the account. First Source wants 8 post dated checks which I am not wanting to do. I offered to set up an agreement to pay the amount on a monthloy basis through western union quick collect, and the guy on the phone said I would not be authorized to pay online. Didn't even know what I was talking about - so I am not feeling very trusting right now. Let's see how they will come around to my terms. Another note - I called to canx my Cap One account many months ago, and these guys are telling me that it takes a minimum of 7 months to have an account closed??


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/06/2009 - 13:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

First Source called again on Friday. They had informede me they were setting up a post-dated check for last Friday in the amount of $1,600 and I did not confirm that it would be OK nor did I confirm that the $1,600 would be in the account. She basically told me this is what we were gonna do...period. Well, it wasn't in the bank and they called and said I had written them a HOT check and they could turn it over. I told her that my finances would not allow me to pay that much but I could pay her $500 per month. She said that does not help me recover the $1600 that you owe me. I then told her that it was all I had and so he said then we will consider this closed and tyurned baCck over to Capital One for further action. THEY REFUSED $500!!! What kind of collection company refuses $$$??? During the conversation I told her I wanted to listen to the recording of our previous conversation to prove that I did not authorize her to take $1,600 and that she demanded it. She said that that would be a waste of time and would only prove that she was right. Sounds like there was no such thing as a recording to me. If they are truly turning it back over to Capital One, what do tyou think the next step will be? ANybody know or do you think this is just another tactic to scare me and make me call them to pay them what they want? Also,FYI, I signed into my Capital One online account and it directed me to a screen to pay online. It showed First Source as the servicer, but it did have a MAKE A PAYMENT button and allowed me to make a payment there. Do you know if this payment will show up thru First Source or Capittal One? That confuses me because it was on Capital One's website.


Submitted by mtgmaker on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 06:40

( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

i would contact capitol one,and inform them of this bottomfeeder's tactics.they are bluffing as if they were to take you to court you could bring the recording she supposedly has into evidence.i doubt she would want that.inquire as to the website question,but i would inform capitol one that you are not going to deal with this CA after this.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 06:53

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

They can removed the words "claimed" from these allegations. The exact scenario played out for me. Thursday on the phone with a representative at First Source, we confirm terms with my company's CFO on speakerphone. The rep agrees to send a letter outlining the terms we agreed to, specifically not having a "check on file" to prevent the very unauthorized withdrawals people are complaining about. Then Tuesday the SAME rep says we didn't even have the conversation, that I spoke to "his associate" despite the fact that I had a witness. His supervisor gets on the phone and wastes 1/2 my lunch hour talking in circles about how he's trying to help me and even though his co-worker just lied to my face that I could trust that everything would be fine once they had my checking account information. Filthy swine the lot of them.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 13:11

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I have been harassed by this company tonight. All i have to say is that this company is full of crap. My neighbor came to my house at 8:20 pm and said my husband was wanted on her phone. Puzzled we went over there and First source is on her phone. I gave her my husbands # and i asked her to call me. I then asked how she got my neighbors # and she stated that they searched my street and found phone numbers and started calling all my neighbors. They stated that they have not heard from us since 8/08. The customer service was so bad they hung up on me 4 times threaten me that they were going to take me to court and charge us with all these court fees. I talked to a woman name Ann Marie and an Ed Redmond. Watch out if you have to talk to him he is very unprofessional and very RUDE. When i finally got to talk to someone she pointed out that they have been receiving payments through the credit counciling program we are going through. They have been receiving 45.00 since 10/08. This was set up with Capial One. So they lied when they said they have not received anything from us since 8/08. I hope and recommend that EVERYONE file a claim with BBB. I am also contacting Capital One because they are the ones that made the arrangements with the Credit couciling program. Something needs to be done with this company. Maybe their supervisors need to send them to charm school. Do they not realize that kindness goes farther than bullying. Bullying will just get you in trouble. I hope people read this and take my advise and contact your local BBB.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/11/2009 - 18:59

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I don t know if this is the same company, but first source has this guy from India continuing to call my job....Harrassing calls....asking for more than I can afford...not accepting what I have offered.....My boss picked up the phone the last time, and "Ken" started on him. I am on the verge of losing my job...He won't stop. Today he called again and our company secretary told him I was not there, (which i really wasn't) and he pursued to acuse her of being me in disguise. This does pose for legal action against this company.
He is also calling my son's inlaws house asking for him...and I don t know how he got that number!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 17:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )