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Nelson Watson and Associates - Are they a good company to deal with?

Date: Mon, 09/29/2008 - 20:12

Submitted by changetobedebtfree
on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 20:12

Posts: 108 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 44

Nelson Watson and Associates - Are they a good company to deal with?

any one had to deal with them????

apparently they have my old capital one account that they say is at about 7K. The credit limit was onlu 4k.

Any suggestion on how to settle with them????


I gave Nelson Watson Associates LLC a call and spoke to a guy named Anthony. He gave be some information and was like they do not have the debt in their office anymore. But if i want to settle and take care of the debt that he can talk to his manger about getting my files back into their system.

I was like do what you have to do. He than needed my employee information and I refuse.

He told me okay, he will get back to be within 24 to 48 hours to inform me if he can get my account back into the office.

Do you guys think it's a Nelson Watson and Associates scam?! Why do i have to give up my employee information???


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 11:01

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

Before contacting Capital One, please check whether the statute of limitation of the debt is over. If If it has passed its limit then you don't have to worry about the debt since no creditor can take take any action against you.

Now, when does the SOL start?

If the SOL has not expired then call Capital One and inquire about your debt and try to negotiate.
Source: -


Submitted by phoenix on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 22:18

( Posts: 1445 | Credits: )

thanks, Phoenix...

is the SOL date the last time i made a payment on the account? If so, i'm not sure where i can find this information. Back then, I did not have a good track record in keeping up with my paperwork or bills :( All i know is the last time a payment on the account was sometime back in 2004.


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Fri, 10/03/2008 - 05:02

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

okay, i looked on my credit reports and what i gathered from it...the last payment was made on June 2004. However, all of it says that last time it was reported was on 12/05.

I live in FL and i believe the SOL is 4 years. can anyone else confirm this?

If the SOL is expired, they can they take me to court?? can they ask for SOL passed debt? I plan on calling captial one today to see where my account is since it is no longer with Nelson Watson & Associates LLC.


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 07:46

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

ugh, i called capital one and the representative asked me a couple of question and wanted to updated my current information. OF that was taken care of, she gave me the phone number to Track America. Who in turn gave me the number to Nelson Watson and Associates.

I informed the rep that I spoken to them already and that they do not have my file open. He put me on hold to call and inquired about it. Got back on the line and told me that they have given instruction to reopen the file and to call back tomorrow.

has anyone ever got the run around on this? how much trouble am i in now for updating my information with captial one?

i just want to settle and move foward.....


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 10:21

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

Hi people,

I contacted Nelson Watson and Associates.. today and they said i owe 7,500 and informed me that capital one only settles 65 cents on the dollar; which will make the settlement offer about 4,700.

I can't afford that and I offered them 3,000 for over a two month span. The representative put me on hold to speak to a supervisor.

Supervisor got on the line and told me that 3K was really low for what I owe. He went on and askeed me how am i getting the money and if i can get the 3k by the end of the month. If, I think i can, he will contact Capital One to see if they will take that one payment offer and everything will be settle.

The two people I spoke to were REALLY nice. They say they will call back once they get in touch with capital one.

are they pulling my chain? it just seem too good to be true.

thanks for reading...i'm sure i have been a handful~


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 10:56

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

Sounds like CA BS to me, tell them to puti it ALL in writing and send it to you. You will probably NOT receive it in writing! NEVER offer to settle with them without a WRITTEN AGREEMENT!!! There are lots of on-line complaints about nelson watson and associates rip off! beware!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 14:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm confused. All of a sudden this year I've been getting calls from people who don't tell me who they are, calling my folks, asking for me but using a maiden name (changed it over 7 years ago cause I hate my real one). Thought they were looking for someone else, not me. Had to have been 6+ years since I had a credit card (not sure from who and not sure if used) I'm disabled and emotionally messed up and now physically disabled and haven't worked for 14+ years and can't. Think I used CC's when I was homeless living in a tent or on my friends couch. Only money I get is Social Security and food stamps and can't afford to live on my own or get further assistance to do so. (I'm a burden on someone that took me in but will be homeless again by next year.) When someone calls and just says my first name, I have an anxiety attack and have to hang up (they get bad). I've gotten one letter saying I owe a CC over 12 - 14k but NEVER had that much in my life! I'm confused and don't remember anything. What do I do?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 15:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

DON'T sign anything. If the last payment you made was in June 2004, this means that your date of default is July 2004; charge-off around 180 days after that. The Statute of Limitations starts running from the date of initial DEFAULT.

Capital One probably doesn't even own the account anymore; more than likely they sold if off to TRAKAmerica because they knew it was not collectable for them.

There is a THREE year Statute of Limitations on this. Florida's SOL does not apply because of Capital One's customer agreement which states that the it is to be governed by VIRGINIA law. Virginia has a three year SOL.

There are many cases from Florida just like yours in which the collection agencies lost. Go to Google and search for:

capital one vs pincus florida


capital one vs gregorich florida


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 14:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just started getting phone calls and I think its from them but everytime I answer they hang up. ITs a collection agency. I had my capital one card when I turned 18. Defaulted real quick because I was dumb and not aware of credit cards. HOw do I know if my SOL ran up?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 07:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Statute of Limitations starts running from the date of initial DEFAULT

Actually, the SOL clock starts ticking from the date of last payment. Federal credit reporting begins with the date of first default. In this posters situation, those dates coincide, but that is usually the exception and not the rule.


Submitted by NASCAR_Devil on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 02:25

( Posts: 4671 | Credits: )

Please can anyone help me determine if this agency is legalized law firm or LLC-Collection Agency...Do they have the power to apply attorney fees or legal fees on my debt or possibly speak garnishment of my pay?? Help!! Thanks a million*


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 05/10/2009 - 18:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

eg. You're sitting in a restaurant and your bill comes. Turns out you don't have the money to pay for it. Bummer...
Out of nowhere I come up to your table and say "I paid for that meal."
What is your obligation to me? What was our original agreement?
Let's turn it around: I'm sitting at the table and you come up and say, "I paid for that meal."
Of course, I will politely reply, "Thanks."
End of story.
You cannot impose obligation on me. It has to be with my knowledge and consent.
imho, debt collection and fraud go hand in hand.
Debt collectors buy the debt from the original creditor at a discount. What does this mean? It means that the debt to your creditor has been PAID. It appears that they then use tactics that are questionable at best to get you to agree to an obligation to them.
I'll post a SAMPLE REPLY LETTER for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes only and not to be viewed as legal advice.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 19:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes only and is not to be viewed as legal advice. This is only an opinion of a letter that could be written, but is pure speculation.

NAME (in all caps ??? fyi, it???s not you, look up strawman)



Certified # (Some prefer Registered mail instead)

This letter in response to DEBT COLLECTOR???s offer(their letter ??? they???re making an offer to you to give them $), ACCT/FILE#(THEIR Assigned #???s), dated(Date of their letter).
NAME has found no previous affiliation with DEBT COLLECTOR in NAME???s records. NAME DOES NOT acquiesce to ANY assumptions or presumptions that DEBT COLLECTOR may be making. For purposes of full disclosure, NAME insists that DEBT COLLECTOR provide NAME with a certified copy of the original contract between NAME and DEBT COLLECTOR within 30 days of the date of this letter.
If DEBT COLLECTOR is acting as authorized representative for ORIGINAL CREDITOR, provide NAME with a certified copy of the original contract and/or power of attorney agreement between DEBT COLLECTOR and ORIGINAL CREDITOR authorizing DEBT COLLECTOR???s actions. Failure to provide said documentation will create the presumption that DEBT COLLECTOR has engaged in identity theft and is attempting to extort funds from NAME using the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE as a conduit to transmit a counterfeit security.
Provide NAME with a copy of the license to do business in STATE (your state) held by DEBT COLLECTOR along with the terms and conditions pursuant to compliance with said license. Demand is made for a certified copy of the complete forensic audit trail conclusively displaying any valid and binding obligation of payment from NAME to DEBT COLLECTOR for any amount and for any reason. This communication is not to be construed as a dispute but as a good faith demand for full disclosure.
DEBT COLLECTOR???s failure to provide NAME with full disclosure within 30 days of the date of this letter will serve to create the presumption that no such contract or obligation of NAME to DEBT COLLECTOR or its associates is correct, and the original communication from DEBT COLLECTOR to NAME was made in error, closing this matter.


Authorized Representative (your signature)

Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury Office of Investigations
Security and Exchange Commission (that covers their state)
USPS OIG (Office of Investigations)
Department of Licensing (either your state or theirs or both)
(you get to look up the addresses yourself ) (these should include their letter to you along with your letter to them and they don???t need to go certified)

ALWAYS send out the cc: to any agency you decide to send to on the 1st response, as it may help to bring a case against any collections agency that breaks the rules.
A cover letter with each cc: should simply state that they???ve written to you and you are concerned that they may not be in compliance with UNITED STATES public policy and proper business procedure.
Send a copy of the collections letter and your reply with it.
Keep copies: their letter, your response, every cc: cover letter.
Any future letters from the collections agency WILL NOT contain the full disclosure you???ve demanded. Just keep demanding it like a parrot.
Demand has been made to DEBT COLLECTOR for full disclosure, which has not been honored. (look up dishonor)
Send the cc:???s and teach yourself how to file complaints.
DO NOT be embarrassed by your collections situation or allow yourself to be intimidated by anybody who would have you feel bad about yourself. They could just ???Talk to the hand???, but it???s discount day, so they can just ???Talk to the finger??? instead.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 20:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They are collectors for debt acquisition companies. They are actually a "middleman" for someone else. I have been paying them on an old debt. As it turns out, Nelson & co. is collecting for Palisades who purchased the debt from another collector, not from the original creditor. If your debt was charged off by Capital One, there is no way that Nelson is representing Capital One. Your account was sold for pennies on the dollar to a "scavenger" collection agency. Ask Nelson for a copy of your ORIGINAL documents from Capital One from when you first opened the account. I have just made that request first calling Palisades. Palisades told me that is no way they have these documents and that Nelson has them. I called Nelson and they told me that they have to get them from Palisades. So in my opinion, they can not produce the original credit card application. PS...don't trust them.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/12/2009 - 06:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i had dealt with them last year over a capital one debt. i sent them a dv letter and they did validate. they really did send all of my capital one info to me. i was surprised but was told by others that they have validated for them too.
however they are shady to deal with and i have gotten into arguements with several nasty customer service reps there. after reporting them to the BBB, I had a management only account, which meant that only supervisors can speak with me. They were still pushy, still jerks, to be honest but better than the other ones. I did settle for an amount that I guess was fair.. it was no bargain or anything.


Submitted by bea2ls on Wed, 08/12/2009 - 13:38

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

If the Statute of Limitations has run its course DO NOT AGREE TO PAY THEM ANYTHING. DO NOTHING AT ALL. They will go away. Once you offer to pay you start the whole mess up again. They can not take you to court..well they can try but once you whisper those magic words statue of limitations the judge will throw it all out. You are not going to lose your home/job/life/children/dog...or mother-in-law because you don't return their obnoxious calls. They are trying to frighten you that is all. These parsites buy bad debts for pennies and hope some sucker doesn't know the law and will pay up. They get enough people who feel pressured to do so that they can make a very good living thank you. What they are doing is extortion. They are bottom feeders IGNORE THEM!

It bears saying again IT THE DEBT IS OUT OF THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE. THEY WILL GO AWAY. When they call tell them that the person they are looking for doesn't live there and they need to stop calling. They will...its easier to ove on to the next sucker on the list (hopefully, for them some single mother stressed out or a senior on a very limited income because they are the ones who are too exhausted to fight anymore). Take a leaf out of Dr. Martin Luther King's book...passive resistance...IGNORE THEM!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/26/2010 - 14:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by changetobedebtfree
any one had to deal with them????
apparently they have my old capital one account that they say is at about 7K. The credit limit was onlu 4k.
Any suggestion on how to settle with them????

kid pay your bill just cause your credit was 4k doesnt mean your balance cant go over 4k ... over limet fees????


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/13/2010 - 13:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

U r getting some poor advice. Please dont play ostrich for your own sake. When an agency is representing a larger cc co they do not report to the bureaus, they forward payment back to the holder of the debt ie large c/c company and they must report. They also cannot garnish wages that is up to the again owner of the debt also, cease and desist letters will stop communications but what is happening to your debt in the mean time? Maybe going to court ? Would you want to know? Or stick your head in the sand and hope your ship doesnt sink. Or maybe try to work things out? I agree some reps are not very professional. But some are and it is after all just a job. But you are making a mistake if you think that they are customer service. The service they provide is to thier client. Any reputable co will provide verification of debt. But my best advice is if you know the debt is yours , and you know fees and interest have been applied , make an arr try to get the interest to stop and be cooperative that is the best way to deal. And if you are not sure if your debt was purchased. (and by the way it still is in contract signed or authorised by you so you legally owe the debt) then go to annualcreditreport .com it really is free no c/c required and see who holds your debt also the original creditor can agree to expunge the debt off of your credit report but the best way to do this is to offer to pay your debt in full.. Because that is more incentive for them to agree .. They dont have to.. And my best piece of advice . Dont lose your cool ask to speak with a manager and express that you are trying to resolve your debt. Oh and by the way your employer can be found either in your credit bureau or a large info data base w/your social security # so providing info just saves time and again tells any reputable agency that you are seriously trying to resolve you debt . And your experience should be more positive. Hope this helped


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/17/2010 - 20:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I do not think that sending a debt validation and a c & d letter is poor advice. i did it, nelson watson validated and i paid. but i first had to deal with people breaking the c & d letter they recieved and called me up screaming. it was so bad that i had to speak to upper management and they blocked up my whole file so only supervisors could see it.


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 06:13

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Be careful. This collection agencyowns the debt now, NOT Capital One. This agency buys debts for about 18 cents or less on the dollar. They will still be making well off and they keep the money, Not Capital One. Capital One sells their debts for a fraction of the cost to clear their books on bad charged off debt and this collection company profits by inflating the debt (which is illegal per FDCPA). Anyone dealing with collection agencies be forewarned...CAs make the money, not the original creditor. They will say they are contacting Capital One or the OC and they are in fact not. Also be aware that SOL is only for reporting to credit reports. They can and sometimes due try to collect (by law is ok to) for as long as they want. they just cannot report it after so many years (varies by states).


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 13:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Be careful. This collection agencyowns the debt now, NOT Capital One. This agency buys debts for about 18 cents or less on the dollar. They will still be making well off and they keep the money, Not Capital One. Capital One sells their debts for a fraction of the cost to clear their books on bad charged off debt and this collection company profits by inflating the debt (which is illegal per FDCPA). Anyone dealing with collection agencies be forewarned...CAs make the money, not the original creditor. They will say they are contacting Capital One or the OC and they are in fact not. Also be aware that SOL is only for reporting to credit reports. They can and sometimes due try to collect (by law is ok to) for as long as they want. they just cannot report it after so many years (varies by states).

good info,except once the SOL has passed(and it's different for each state and kind of debt)and often is shorter than the 7.5 yr reporting window.once that lapses it's the persons choice whether to pay or not.if a creditor tries to sue on a time barred debt,they can be sued by the person.they can try to collect,but a complete C&D letter does the trick as any attmept to collect after that gets the collector sued.again good info except the last part.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 14:01

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
eg. You're sitting in a restaurant and your bill comes. Turns out you don't have the money to pay for it. Bummer...
Out of nowhere I come up to your table and say "I paid for that meal."
What is your obligation to me? What was our original agreement?
Let's turn it around: I'm sitting at the table and you come up and say, "I paid for that meal."
Of course, I will politely reply, "Thanks."
End of story.
You cannot impose obligation on me. It has to be with my knowledge and consent.
imho, debt collection and fraud go hand in hand.
Debt collectors buy the debt from the original creditor at a discount. What does this mean? It means that the debt to your creditor has been PAID. It appears that they then use tactics that are questionable at best to get you to agree to an obligation to them.
I'll post a SAMPLE REPLY LETTER for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes only and not to be viewed as legal advice.

your an idiot not all debt is purchased...


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 22:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

listen folks.... if you owe money pay it... if you dont then dont pay it. ie. if i lend you 400 dollars and you tell me... hey ill pay you next week. Then i tell you ok, but if you dont, you owe me 5 dollars extra evry week until its paid back in full. Then, lets say you have a hardship, and takes you 6 months to pay me back. Am i wrong for wanting the whole thing back. You agreed to the terms when you took the money. Right? Forget about SOL. Its about your responsibility as an adult. Its not "lets make a deal." And yes I realize that its probably a major credit card that is owed and that company probably has millions of dollars and you dont. Still the money is owed. Pay it and move on with life. Just a thought. Nelson Watson is a licensed collection agency. I have looked them up. You cannot be licensed and be a scam. If someone there breaks the law. Bag em. Be educated before you call them in case they slip up. More than likely its few and far between, and what you see on the internet is people taking the low road and bashing a company that in reality probably isn't that bad. NO one likes a bill collector.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/21/2010 - 19:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Just cause its a collection agency DOES NOT mean its legitimate. Just cause they are licensed in one state DOES NOT mean its licensed to collect in others. ANY company that treats people the way this one does is not legit. Most licensed agencies are SCAMS. Buy a debt of $3000 for $30 and sues you for $5000, that is a scam, plain and simple!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/22/2010 - 05:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i don't work for them but owe lots of debt myself,, the only thing i can tell you is dispute the bill. all that means is they will send u the contract u signed when u got the card,,. unfortunately it IS possible to owe 7k as opposed to 4k because interest builds on top of over limit fees late fees and whatever fees capital one decides to smack you with. nelson watson cant add to ur debt no collector can. so it sounds like fees from the credit card company. :( u have no choice but to pay it unfortunately,, happened to me. sux


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/27/2011 - 16:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they don't get to choose how much you get to settle and account for. Capital One give them the criteria and they cannot override what Capital One has said. At this point you are no longer considered a consumer, you are in a pre-lit office and are not going to be treated with customer service.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/20/2011 - 13:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )