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Filed chapter 13 this week

Submitted by on Thu, 09/25/2008 - 17:00
Posts: 202330

I filed for Chapter 13 this week. They told me that I would have to pay about 850$ a month. I'm worried this might get me right back into trouble. Is there a way I can lower this amount after this was filed? They also told me I was lucky that my car payment was part of this now. Is this right?


Now - what state are you in? You have the right to ask your attorney which creditor filed proofs of claim with the court and what they were asking for. You should, in several states, be able to claim 1 vehicle as an exemption from Ch. 13.

Submitted by julie.lemay on Wed, 10/08/2008 - 10:56


( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

Yes, your car payment should be included in your Ch 13 payment. The trustee will make the car payment for you from the $850. When your case was filed and it was figured that you pay $850 to the bankruptcy courts, that amount is usually based on the fact that all your creditors you listed in your plan will file a claim to be paid. I'm not sure if the bankruptcy laws are the same in every state, but in my state, which is OH, a creditor has 90 days, which is called the bar date, from the date your case was filed, to file a claim to be paid. If they do not file a claim within that time frame, then the debt can't be collected on and it is considered discharged.

As far as lowering your monthly payment, that is something you would have to speak with your attorney about. Your attorney might have to wait for the bar date to see how many creditors filed a claim to be paid.

Submitted by m.lm1947 on Wed, 10/08/2008 - 16:05


( Posts: 153 | Credits: )

The "bar date" is usually around 90 days from the date your case was filed. For instance, my Ch 13 was filed in May of 2007, and my creditors had until Aug of 2007 to file a claim to be paid. If they did not file a claim before that date in Aug, then they will not be paid. I believe other creditors such as student loans have 180 days from the date your case was filed to file a claim to be paid.

Submitted by m.lm1947 on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 22:34


( Posts: 153 | Credits: )

I am in the same situation. My monthly payment is 955 for 60 way I can afford that. I informed my attorney that I would not be able to afford it before the confirmation hearing. He stated to first get it confirm and afterward request a motion to lower the amount. I told him I can only afford 575 (my disposable income). They do not realize that for the next five years we will have to depend on cash and saving to meet unforeseen expenses. The laws were definitely made to protect the creditors and not the debtors...we need a bail out plan also.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 09:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

When do ask him to do this? Do I have to wait the 90 days???Or Before I go To court? Or do I wait till after I go? Or when I am at the hearing? This is my first time I have been in court for this or anything. Not sure what to expect?

Submitted by on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 15:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )