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knee deep in debt help

Submitted by on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 07:45
Posts: 202330

what do we do when bankruptcy or debt management cant Help us?
the payments on chapter 13 are unrealistic, debt management the same, we make more than median income for chapter 7, we dont want my husband to loose his job if he got garnished since the law limit is 1 garnishment and we owe more than 5 creditors. what can we do so he wont loose his job over debt if they go for garnishment..

I owe about 100k (credit card debt).
I spoke with Superior debt, which seems to be the company everyone recommends, and they said I would have to pay about 1600 per month for their services. I already pay a 1200 mortgage payment a month on my parents home (which is a 2nd mortgage). If I paid just this & the 1600 a month I would be left with 200 a month for everything else I have to pay, which is just not realistic, phone bill, car, gas, food, ect....

I was reading up on this site about chapter 7 bankruptcy but I don't know if I qualify (the means test ect...) and the chapter 13 would probably still break me because of my mortgage payments & other payments I have to make.

I have been tempted to settle the debt on my own with the credit card companies as I am only about 2 months past due on the worst ones and I feel am I a relatively intelligent person. I just don't want to get 25% of my wages garnished because I am less experienced than the debt settlement people.

If I do file for a bankruptcy what is the average price of a lawyer?

I appreciate any & all help you give me...thanks

Submitted by on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 11:04

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Average price for a BK lawyer for a Chapter 7 is about $1200, and Chap 13 is $3500.

You might want to talk with a BK attorney (get a free consultation) to see if you even qualify for a Chap 7. In a Chap 13, you'll have to pay your creditors but if the payment plan is still too much, then you'll know what your options are.

Submitted by desperatelyseekingsanity on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 11:09


( Posts: 1129 | Credits: )

monthly income:5,493.00
housing expenses:3752.00
car pay/gas/insurance/tags/maint:1669.00
food: 500.00
total credit card debt: 112,038.00

debt management #1 offered us a payment plan of 2,699
debt management #2 offered us plan of 2,800
chapter 13 payments we were told would around 2800 - 3000
we are trying to do loan modification on the house so the payments would be a littler lower but then what?

Submitted by on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 17:37

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do you mean debt settlement or debt management? I'm confused...You wouldn't be looking into debt management and bankruptcy at the same time....right?

If someone quoted you $2800-$3000 for a ch 13 restructuring on your better find a different attorney that can read and implement a proper "means test"
From the looks of wouldn't have much to pay during Ch 13...unless of course you have a lot of equity in your home or you have liquid assets lying around....which is highly unlikely.

Submitted by on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 17:46

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Yes, I agree that the Chap 13 pymt structure seems high. Pymts of $3k for 36 months = $108,000. Even with attorney and trustee fees, that would be pretty darn close to repaying everything. $3k for 60 months = $180,000! Alot more than you owe.

I say call a few attorneys and see what they have to say.

On a side note, your housing expenses are 68% of your take home pay. That is alot for basic living. You should aim at housing (plus expenses) to be below 40-45% of take home.

Submitted by desperatelyseekingsanity on Thu, 09/04/2008 - 07:37


( Posts: 1129 | Credits: )

Hi, I was hoping one of you on here might be able to help me out with a CA agreement. My ex-husband defaulted on a loan in both of our names and set up an agreement in writing. The CA never took out any money from his account, and now have added this debt to both of our credit reports. It is People First Recovery and I have spent the better part of 3 hours trying to find a working number for them. My question is since it has been four months since the agreement was made, and because it was their fault for not taking the money that has been laying in his acount- can I make them take this off of my credit report? I have the letter of agreement saved to my computer and have emailed them questioning why instead of taking the payments they chose to add it to our credit reports, but have heard nothing back. Any and all advice would be appreciated.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/04/2008 - 16:04

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I feel bad for you... but this is somewhat the reason I was in debt of 107K. Me n my ex-wife had joint loans. She got the house, and I got the loans :( There's nothing that you can do about this - atleast I didn't know. As you signed for this loan, it is as much your responsibility as your husbands. the default on the payments will show up on both your credits. How much is this account... You might wanna settle this account... and pay like 55-60% of this thru a settlement company. My BOA loan has been taken care of by my rep Steve at DebtPointer.

Submitted by dicordude on Thu, 09/04/2008 - 16:15


( Posts: 12 | Credits: )

Debt Pointer Testimonials:

"Thank you for doing such a wonderful job settling my credit card accounts. So, once and for all, I will finally be able to get on with my life debt free. And I can breathe easier knowing that my debt is paid off. Thank you so very much."

THIS testimonial appears on Debt Pointers site and Superior Debt Services site along with the name Robin S who states two different testimonials.....WHY????

???????Thank you for your help, support, time, and patience in helping me reach the important decision to begin a debt settlement program. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm looking forward to becoming debt free in a few short years!???????

THIS testimonial appears on Debt Pointer and Debt Regret....WHY???????

???????Thank you so very much for all of your help. My brother-in-law became disabled and I was at a loss regarding his credit card debt. The staff and associates of DebtPointer were kind and understanding and extremely professional in all of our dealings. I have felt like I was in very capable hands from the very beginning. I am so grateful that I found them online!???????

This testimonial is on Debt Pointer and Debt Specia lists.....WHY??????

???????Without your service and participation in helping me resolve my debts, I don????????t know what I would have done. I can????????t explain how thankful I am to have a friend that was willing to walk through this process with me. From keeping me on track to actually working with my leasing office and creditors you have gone above and beyond what I expected. ???????

THIS testimonial appears on Debt Pointer and Debt Regret....WHY???????

All of these testimonials are on these sites word for word but stated that they are from different people.

Are these people psychic? Is Robin S. using two different settlement companies?....LOL. C'mon this is so obvious.

Even Debt Pointer's ABOUT US info is copied word for word on another settlement site called Help One Credit. Just copy and google to see for yourself.

Debt Pointer and Debt Special ist sites share the same exact debt settlement Process word for word.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 11:09

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