Student Loans without a degree
Date: Mon, 08/18/2008 - 14:38
Student Loans without a degree
Have you tried contacting the lender? Is this a private loan?
Have you tried contacting the lender? Is this a private loan? Private loans are not easy to deal with unfortunately. There is a lady on her her screen name is soaplady and she is an expert on student loans, she should be strolling through and will offer suggestions to you. If you do not here from her send her a private message located in the upper right of your screen under members area.
Private loans are difficult if not impossible to consolidate. Y
Private loans are difficult if not impossible to consolidate. You cannot consolidate them any federal loan and most of the private loan consolidation programs are gone. The ones that do exist has difficult qualifications and origination fees so if you are lucky enough to get your interest reduced, the origination fees often negate that savings.
Consolidated any loan has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you have a degree.
Unless you can can refinance the loan outside the student loan system, you are stuck with you 13% interest rate.