Date: Thu, 08/14/2008 - 12:40
I'm just asking if anyone has had good luck making decent money on any GPT sites. I have made some money but have heard of people doing quite well. I don't care too much for the info they ask - it seems like i'm selling my soul, lol and I really don't like how some even have offers for payday loans! (I even put a warning about that in my blog). I have made some money on these sites, though and figure if i spent more time devoided to them, i could cut back on my second job (the hours are literally killing me!).
YES! I have made some money with one. I've been doing it f
YES! I have made some money with one.
I've been doing it for 8 months now, and all the checks are real. I've never once paid a dime to do anything on it.
hello, i have paid some money off of several sites, but don't ha
hello, i have paid some money off of several sites, but don't have enough free time it seems for it to pay off.. if you don't mind me asking, do you find that the money comes from referrals or doing the surveys yourself? (sorry for asking, i was just curious of how it worked.)
i have heard of people with high refferals making decent money but wasn't sure how much time needs to be spent.
Don't apologize! Ask away! :D I have very few referrals -
Don't apologize! Ask away! :D
I have very few referrals - So almost all the money come from surveys and offers.
People with a lot of referral make the most money, and spend the least amount of time. I know of people that make $1500 a month from GPT sites and spend little to no time.
I'd say I put in maybe 2 hours a week . . . . .
How much are you looking to make?
as much as I could, I suppose ;) I'm not sure, i guess every li
as much as I could, I suppose ;)
I'm not sure, i guess every little bit counts.. I work two jobs but have a brain tumor and between doctor appointments, etc., the extra work is getting to me (i'm going to be physically okay, the tumor is non-cancerous but it is causing other health problems) i was thinking maybe there was something I could do to at least cut down on the second job. I'd be happy with anything I could make really. i would have had you referred me but i'm already signed up for like all of them. (i went crazy one day, lol). I did make some money from a few of them but i wasn't sure how long it would last or if the money could keep coming in.
Are you signed up with the one on my link? If so, I can give yo
Are you signed up with the one on my link? If so, I can give you some tips and stuff to help you make more money. The least I've ever made in a month is $20.80.
Also, another thing I've found that can help bring in some extra
Also, another thing I've found that can help bring in some extra income if you live near enough to a large city - Focus groups. They pay like $50 to $400 for a couple hours of your time.
yea, I do belong to the one in your link :( I would have loved
yea, I do belong to the one in your link :(
I would have loved for you to refer me because I actually heard about the site, typed in the main url and signed up (than after learning more, I felt guilty about it - i didn't know about referrals back than..
How would I find info about focus groups? I am about 1/2 hour to 45 min from Philly and maybe that would be ok?
Yeah, I live about half an hour from Portland, Oregon, and I've
Yeah, I live about half an hour from Portland, Oregon, and I've done several groups there.
There is an art to it. They are looking for certain kinds of people, specific to whatever study they are doing. You have to fit into that group. So if you do find one, think very carefully about your answers to the questions. You don't want to answer never - or anything negative.
I find focus groups on craigslist. I look under the etc catagory for jobs.
HOLY CRAP! I just looked on craigslist for Philly! There are TONS and TONS of focus groups and research studies going on!
The only thing about these groups is as I said, it can be diffic
The only thing about these groups is as I said, it can be difficult to get into them. But there is an art to it. If you want me to help you, send me a PM and I can give you some tips on how to do things to increase your chances of getting accepted into the group.
thank you so, so much! after my second job i'm going to look at
thank you so, so much! after my second job i'm going to look at craiglist (it's blocked from the computer i'm on..). If you don't mind, I will probably PM you. thanks again, the help was much needed and much appreciated :)
Yeah, please do PM me! I can give you some advice and tell you
Yeah, please do PM me! I can give you some advice and tell you how it works so you will know what to expect. It can be hard to get into the groups, so you need to be prepared.