Student Loan Default Help
Date: Thu, 08/07/2008 - 19:10
Student Loan Default Help
After 20 years the loan is more than likely being held by the DO
After 20 years the loan is more than likely being held by the DOE. It has been subject to years of capitalized interest and collection plus subrogation fees.
There is nobody to turn to to stop the loan from increasing unless you start paying it. By my calculations your interest is approximately $130 per month You could consolidate or rehab the loan too but the interest will not stop.
Student Loan Default Help
Wow... Its just so very high for a 4000 dollar loan. I just need to find out who i can start repaying and consolidate it with. Thanks for all the help
Yeah, 20 years of non payment at 8% interest or higher (loans 20
Yeah, 20 years of non payment at 8% interest or higher (loans 20 years ago had higher rates) with capitalization will result in a huge balance. Plus you have collection fees of at least 18.5%.
Call 1-800-4fedaid .....they will tell you who is holding your loan.