Integrity Debt Solutions, Brad Daley & CMS – part of a big scam
Date: Sat, 08/02/2008 - 12:38
Integrity Debt Solutions, Brad Daley & CMS – part of a big scam
Regarding F rating
Re: F Rating for CMS
Reasoning posted by the BBB:
Failure to obtain a required competency license
BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business
BBB does not have a clear understanding of this business
I have contacted the City of Phenix City, AL, and they have indicated that if you are not within the city limits, you do not require a license. At that point they did not know if CMS was or was not within the city limits. Although I have contacted CMS and they indicate they are not within the city limits of Phenix CIty and therefore do not require one.
As for the other reasons of the BBB, it seems they do not want to imply they are endorsing a company who they fully do not understand the nature by which they operate. If you look at the BBB rating system, the fact that CMS does not have any complaints is less important than whether or not the BBB agrees with the nature of the business and their business background.
The fact that CMS is an out of box thinking tank raises many flags by reporting agencies and skeptics alike.
Brad Daley & CMS
Guest123 Hit the nail on the head. The BBB has no idea what CMS does or that industry for that matter.
The F Rating is immaterial for what CMS is offering. The only think I want to know is, how many people has CMS Scammed? I want to hear from them, if I don't hear of any scams then I say if you are considering CMS, take the plunge!
Between this site and the other scam site, no one as of yet has come forward and said that CMS scammed them.
Because no one is falling for your scam....LOL. No you have y
Because no one is falling for your scam....LOL.
No you have your answer.
LOL......not everyone can be mature. But CHECKMATE. One of you
LOL......not everyone can be mature. But CHECKMATE. One of your terms. You lost here. Now we are just waiting for you to change your name, start somewhere else and we'll do this all again.
Also stop making posts as if you are talking to consumers. Anyone with a brain knows you are posting those statements and then acting like another is responding. You guys all use the same exact game book. It's so funny how you guys do that.
Thank you. I'm glad I can entertain you Mr. phony. Now stop us
Thank you. I'm glad I can entertain you Mr. phony. Now stop using my name please. I don't want to be mistaken for being dumb and a coward...LOL.
CMS system
Dozens of interesting chit chat about a company somewhere in the Southern US. Seems to come down to people who don't claim to be customers (if that's the right term) giving their two cents about legal matters, and taking the unproven position that this method or that method is illegal, or "too good to be true" , or it's an obvious scam. It may very well turn out that way, however just saying a thing is illegal or a scam does not actually make it so. There are many folks on the netand a few on this forum, who claim to have been, or still be involved with whatever the true CMS process or method is. People on many sites are pleading for others to come forth claiming whatever it is that CM does, has hurt them in some way, or that they have rued the day they ever heard of the CM company. So far, no one has come forth and said they are sorry to have used or let CM handle these problems for them. No law suits, no complaints, nada, zip. One sure can find disgruntled people all over the net who are unhappy with settlement, consolidation and other plans of dealing with debt problems, no one seems shy about screaming blue murder if they got burned. So, objectively, what we don't have is any complaining persons who have gone through dealing with the CM people, not one that I have been able to see on any of the debt sites. Plenty of people who have opinions that it just must be a scam of some kind, because it seems that one cannot logically expect to get out of paying their bills. Maybe so, but from what has been written, the method described is not doing that. The people who claim they are current customers don't seem to be complaining anywhere. Surely, if they are using the program after all these years someone would be screaming, "I got sued", the company lied to me and wouldn't give me a refund", etc. All those standing around shaking their fingers and their heads saying it is all nonsense are those that have no first hand knowledge of what the real workings of this are. Who know's, it might be some kind of clever scam, but those things are usually discovered pretty quick and plastered all over the net. People on this forum claim that the company in question has either been in business for 4 years or possibly as long as 7 years. Long enough there should be some bad publicity and sour clients out there somewhere who can speak from having had a bad outcome. So far none has surfaced, easy enough to do, but no one says they were "had". Much has been made on this forum and others that no one can transfer their debt, or assume someone else's debt. That is true if the creditor objects, but not so if he agree's. My father once had his neighbor take over his car payments. The bank agreed to that and the neighbor made the rest of the payments and the car was his. My dad had no more obligation once the bank accepted the neighbor in place of my dad. Everyone knows that happens all the time. It seems as though it is not a matter of whether one guy can get off the hook for a debt if another is willing to take his place, but rather if the bank agree's to the new agreement. They can't be forced to agree, but if they agree, for whatever reason, then they are free to do it. I have not seen anyone claiming that the CM people are forcing the banks to do something they don't want to do, that would not be possible. Even the bank sends out "change of terms notice" raising the previous interest rate, but you don't have to accept it. The notice says if you don't agree, send back the credit card and just pay back what you owe. Seems legitimate in principle. I wish someone would come forth with a bad experience regarding these CM people so a clearer picture would emerge, however, after years in operation, not one complaint from an actual customer or complaints with the the BBB etc. I don't think Sears Roebuck or even Wal-Mart could match that.
They offer NO Guarantees. I have confirmed this with the compan
They offer NO Guarantees. I have confirmed this with the company.
Of course I didn't read that crap. As soon as the car analogy k
Of course I didn't read that crap. As soon as the car analogy kicked in I fell asleep. You're losing. That's why you went on a campaign in this site stating propaganda on every thread that has your name in it....LOL. Panic much? You're rotting meat in the water and the sharks are coming. I was expecting much more from you but you are just like the others. You're not a TRUE believer in your program. That's why you resorted to false blogs and copying names....LOL. You employed the scammer play book play by play. No you're the hoot. You are entertaining me but you don't realize that. When you're gone I will have the last laugh as always with you scammers.
I await more entertainment.
There you are Tom, please, tell me more about my scam, I want to learn, tell me all the people that I scammed.
You're a HOOT Tom, but please go on and tell all the people that I'm scamming, they want to know as do I, in the mean time I will await your hilarious posts as to how I scam people.
You're such HOOT!!!!
LOL.......Brad you think you are so clever and I for one find th
LOL.......Brad you think you are so clever and I for one find that quite entertaining. So keep posting with my name. It suits you. It makes you look so professional.....LOL. I can always get you guys to act so stupid. It's so EASY the way I play you mopes.....LOL. You all line up and execute on key......LOL. I so love this.
Oh and I'm REALLY laughing out loud. This is great. What else do you have to say?
Until the next time I'm bored and in need of a good laugh I know who to come to for now on....LOL. You better not disappoint when I come back to you either.
Oh and to everyone reading this thread Brad Daley is the Bizarro
Oh and to everyone reading this thread Brad Daley is the Bizarro Tom321.....LOL. I guess he's afraid to use his real name.....LOL.
Hey Tom:
Tell me how you know I'm Brad, I would like to know that, I'm sure everybody else would like to know too!
Tom, I thought you were smart, if you think I'm Brad you are much dumber than I thought.
You are so convinced that CMS and Brad are a scam and as of yet, you have no proof or anything. You are hoot Tom, you should keep digging and maybe you might come up with something.
Keep posting Tom, you are drumming up more business for me, I'm mean Brad & CMS.
By the way Tom, how's your life turning out? Any luck with what your doing?
Keep me/you posted, you're such a hoot!
Hi Tom My name is not Brad. My typing sucks and my spelling is
Hi Tom
My name is not Brad. My typing sucks and my spelling is poor at best.I would like to hear from people who have somthing to say rather than seeing your silly posting one after anouther.
As for myself, I sold my business and every one said " why are you doing that" my reply was that the boom is ending. I sold my house and moved in land from the west cost.I got the same question and gave the same answer.
I understand the banking racket on a local and national and international level.
This is by no meens the extent of my study, it will just priming the pump. I trade the forex market and I am up a rediculus amount of money. most people talk about % of increes, I do multipuls of increes.
People who say I can't do somthing, or somthing can't be done, I find are saying much more about them self than reality.
The world was flat when my viking anstors were out sailing over the edge.If the world economy can be taken over by the bankers, It can be taken back by us. The builders of our nation Knew that. When you understand that money dosen't come from trees, it is printed out of thin air and we have to pay it back with our life energy as long as we beleve it is somthing real.When you realize it is just a game and the bankers laugh at us all as we work ,live and ,die for somthing they made up. When the truth of the matter becomes clear to you, your thinking on what can be done will change.Untill then you will be a slave to the game that they made up. I have been bedt free for most of my life. I teach people how to make money in the market. Some of the people who I work with are looking for a way to handel the debt they have so I am looking with them.If this cms is not the deal, it soon will be somthing like it. I also would like to here from the people who have used the service for better or worse.
Well Howdy. You don't. But If I wanted to I could find out who
Well Howdy. You don't. But If I wanted to I could find out who posts on this site or anywhere on any webpage. My friend has a low tech US government defense anti-viral and anti-spyware program running on his computer. All you do is put an IP address in and that thing will find your exact address and your provider anywhere in the US and find a city or sometimes street in other countries. This thing is truly scary. Big Brother really is watching you. He won't tell me where he got it from and you will never see this program in any retail store.
But one thing is for sure they all seem to use the same tactics all over blog sites. Just check them out for yourself. They NEVER explain or TRULY defend their programs. They ALL resort to posting false testimonials on this site. Answering their own questions and blogs as if it is someone else then they insult you and finally some like to steal your posting name and use it to confuse people. It's like they follow a script or something.
But if it's not him it doesn't really matter. It's still a CMS mope and CMS is falling rapidly. I already dismantled the CMS theory on this thread piece by piece. When these mopes only pick and choose what to debate and ignore the obvious facts, that's how you know the mopes. Also I had fun so I can't complain.
expertlaw dot com / library / consumer / credit_repair.html e
expertlaw dot com / library / consumer / credit_repair.html
expert law has all the answers and as much of an ass i find tom he is correct... i was just about to go thru this system until i started doing massive research and i have one question i see no one has ever asked on here and it is the most silliest but in my eyes if you can do the whole change the contract and it is so legal here is my question...
THEN WHY WOULDNT THEY JUST CHANGE THE CONTRACT TO SAY SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF "BY SIGNING THIS CHECK YOU AGREE THAT ALL CONTRACTS BETWEEN THUS PARTIES ARE HEREBY VOIDED"?? hmmmmm... sounds better than court and fees and letters and more freakin money... if the debt reflief way is legal so shall it be this way too then right??? hell, if thats the case then when i write my next check for payment on cc im going to put that on there and then we are done.... legal??? :roll:
Evidence anyone?
Does anyone have any actual evidence in one direction or the other? All I hear anywhere I look is Yes this works, I'm in the process, or No it's a scam. No evidence to support either claim.
I'm searching my butt off trying to find any FACTS good or bad. :?:
my last post should be all the evidence needed by a law firms we
my last post should be all the evidence needed by a law firms website they state it is a SCAM.. go to the link i listed above a read my dear friend
Thanks repo_this for calling me an ass. That's EXACTLY the pers
Thanks repo_this for calling me an ass. That's EXACTLY the persona I'm going for here. Sometimes you have to become the beast to fight the beast. And I'm very effective too. Thank you bro. Good post on you original post of changing the contract. Never thought about it that way but you are so right.
And Wilbur just look up debt elimination on google or use the link repo_this posted. It's all over the net.
lol tom your welcome... thats right... the next payment i s
lol tom your welcome... thats right... the next payment i send them im going to send them a revised contract basically saying that under the new terms that if they accept that payment then the previous contract will null and void, and the balance is to be coonsidered in full and if they violate the new contract by send any corospondance other than a your balance is paid in full they must turn over the entire business to me. LMAO thats as corny as those guys saying hey we will send a new contract saying no more late fees or interest or bad credit marks... if they could do that why not just send a new contract saying if you accept this payment you are to consider the balance paid in full... any genious should realize that...
and for all those saying ''it worked for me'' or 'this actually works'' wouldnt you just be so freakin mad if i got them to do my contract if it was that easy? if it worked for you oh so well where is your proof?? i already supplied proof its a scam by what more than just a few lawyers say so... nor is there any evidence in any law references of such...
get a grip people and remember the oldest saying there is....IF ITS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS!!!!
i have a $15k US BANK credit card and i would just love to see it go away considering i cannot at all pay the bill... there is no way i am throwing my money away on something thats not a gaurantee, now i WOULD if they would gaurantee 100% elimination of this card without any involvement from me and I only pay when the service has been rendered and not before... all i see coming is a HUGE dissappointment
im telling you i got alot of information about contract law and no where in there does it state accepting a check is viable agreement, actually states that would a form of trickery and that voids the contract..
here is a part of one site i use called expertlaw:
Warning Signs of a Bad Credit Repair Company
Do not use any credit repair company that doesn't follow industry standards or regulations.
Do not use a credit repair company that offers to "wipe out bankruptcies", to remove accurate negative information from your credit history, or to obtain credit for you regardless of your credit history.
Do not use a credit repair company that promises to exploit "secret" or "little known" loopholes in the system to remove information from your credit history.
Do not use a credit repair company unless it provides a written disclosure of your rights in relation to your credit history before asking you to sign a contract. The contract should include all the terms and conditions of payment, a detailed description of the services to be provided, including any guarantees of performance and an estimate of how long it will take to perform the contract. The agreement should also include a right to cancel lasting at least three days, in case you have second thoughts.
Do not use a credit repair company that attempts to charge money before it has performed the credit repair services.
Do not use a credit repair company that discourages you from directly contacting the major credit bureaus. IS IT A SCAM???
Have any of you tried the service or know of anyone who has? I have done alot of research and I have been unable to find anyone who has posted a complaint anywhere on the entire World Wide Web. If this is a scam don't you think at least one person would report this scam and share to the world about their experience? So stop all your talking and put your money where your mouth is. Thats what I am going to do. I am a real homeowner with real life issues. I have recently lost my employment in Nov of 08 and have not made a payment for the last 2 months. I have been denied a loan modification and any further assistance. All I have asked for is some time to find employment and modify the loan so we can afford to stay in our home. Times have been tough. Everything costs more now than it did a year ago and its tough to find any work that will pay like it did a year ago. I know of many other families in my community going through the same thing. So I have done my due diligence and I have listened to the recorded conference calls and I understand what it is that Last Solutions does and I will put up the money to see if they can do what they say. Then I will report this... good or bad to every forum that has this discussion so others in my situation will be properly informed, instead of rambling on and on without proof of anything. I don't see why you are attacking Last Solutions without sufficient evidence of any sort. What if they can help us? What then have you done to pursuade others who have read this post and decided not to give Last Solutions a chance and ended up losing their home? What then? Again I will post my experience with Last Solutions soon and I will provide an update each step of the way so you all will be informed properly.
If anyone wants to ask questions during this process... feel free to email me... at lark_avenue
Well I decided to wait and participate in the Tuesday night 8PM conference before sending in the $1995.00. It was very lengthy but if anyone is interested in this program, I highly recommend that you participate in this conference call or call in and listen to a recorded call from previous. I have some good news and some bad news to report.
- After the conference call, I am more informed on how this program works and feel confident that I know what it is YourLastSolution is doing to "FREEZE" my mortgage.
- The Q and A was very informative and it did answer the many questions I had such as... if my mortgage is "frozen" what happens if my taxes and my insurance is escrowed... or what if I have a 2nd mortgage... or if I have a loan... etc. It was all answered in the Q and A...
Conference call on Tuesday January 20th, 2009.
- I was disappointed that there was no one that could provide a testimonial on the call. I wanted an unbias opinion, the only testimony was from the people associated with YourLastSolution. I must admit that did raise a flag for me, I was highly disappointed.
- During the Q and A there was an appointed person from YourLastSolution that read the "Questions" from his computer. I didn't understand why the questions couldn't be from the people themselves. I had a question and wanted it answered but there was not an option for me to ask it. It seemed as if my phone was muted. Luckily for me my questions were asked by someone else, but I fail to understand how that person was able to ask the question and I was not. Very weird, another flag.
- Before Tuesday I listened to the recorded Conference call by calling 402-426-6969 and used the access code 60044358#. This is made available 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Funny thing is that when I called in on Tuesday using 402-237-2020 access 014528#. It was very strange to me that it sounded like the recording... the reason I say this is because there is a point in the call where the appointed person who reads our Q and A has problems with his computer. And when the narrator asks him to begin asking the questions there is a delay as if the narrator was not sure if he was on the call and calls out his name again. This happened both times on the recorded call as well as the proposed "LIVE" call. Then when he starts reading the Questions he has trouble with is computer and states that there is an issue with is computer. Again this happened both times on the recorded call as well as the proposed "LIVE" call. Now I must admit that during the 1st call I made which was a recorded conference call, I fell asleep during the Q and A portion with the phone in my hand (the call was over 2 hours long) so I wasn't sure if the questions were the same or not, but pretty much the entire call was EXACT... BIG BIG FLAG!!!
SO after what I have found, I was starting to rethink my decision to send in the $1995.00. After all that is alot of money, but I have already committed to this not only here in the forum but in 1 other public forum and 2 private forums. So as a good investigator I cannot let everyone down who is waiting for my report so I will go through with this and send in the money. Now I really hope this works because if it doesn't, I WILL lose my home and MY WIFE will KILL me. Well I hope the LORD will help me through this tough time and I hope that YourLastSolution will come through for all of our sakes. Because I know many many people that this program can help and if not at least maybe I helped alot of you to save your money looking for other solutions.
- Check in on my next update. I will make the payment tomorrow and update when there is new NEWS!
God Bless everyone...
there are as many bad comments as there is good on this, ino i h
there are as many bad comments as there is good on this, ino i havent done it because it seems to risky as i have heard bad from people who went thru it as well as good.. seems to me if there is so much bad not worth the risk... just like taking your car to a mechanic.. would you take a car to a mechanic you have heard 50/50 good/bad?? i wouldnt...
all the sites i did research on about wiether to trust or not ALL SAY THE SAME THING..... DO NOT ACCEPT SERVICES FROM THEM IF THEY WANT PAYMENT BEFORE SERVICES... thats along same lines.... you ganno pay a mechanic for a repair before he even digs into your car?? especially if he not going to gaurantee the work?? what happens if it dont? if it was so easy for them to do and they make it happen every time why no gaurantee?? i ask an attorney last night who is a friend of the family and he does contract law and he say dont do it, that you cannot make a bank accept a new contract by them cashing your check...
and as for you lark_avenue.... no one here has mentioned last chance or freezing a mortgage... we are all talking about these credit card debt relief programs... and i have they right to bash a company who wants thousands of dollars for a service they cannot gaurantee will work but claims it works everytime... if it did work everytime then it should be gauranteed
repo_this your last sentence statement is AGAIN another very goo
repo_this your last sentence statement is AGAIN another very good point. And I think Lark is just distraction sent in. I can't find anything on this site talking about what he is talking about. I don't know maybe I missed it.
Bankruptcy?......Play the lottery?.....Stick it to the man!!!
Remember he who has the gold pays for the rules!
I would seriously recommend using the age old practices of bankruptcy,hire local representation that has a relationship in the district you will be filing in and let his relationship with the judge expedite the process.
The same people that preyed on you before bankruptcy will give you a chance to hang yourself all over again,they need your debt and their greed will push them towards you with astonishing speed!!
But if you like to gamble take the chance,its only money and chances are somebody is gonna get it from you anyway! and as long as you protect your assets up front whats the worst that can happen right? you can let everything start falling down around you and then declare bankruptcy, who knows sunshine you may be a real smartie and the false sense of security may last for six or seven years before the lawsuits and garnishments start comin in the mail,the banks are gonna get your tax money and when their healthy they can afford to sue you again!
For god sakes please get legal council and dont rely on heresay,get local legal council not some out of state guy you cant sit down with face to face, the local bar association is a good place to start looking for representation and if for any reason you should have a problem with your lawyer they will offer legitimate legal recourse.
Dont wait and wish get pro active before your debt is sold or assigned because you need to show up in court to answer any claim and its not in your best interest to do this without representation.
Sorry to ramble but i hope you will listen the law is clear and the banks have written most of it so dont gamble make the right choice. by the way novation is a fancy term for an assumable loan. installment contracts clearly state they are not assumable (read your cardholder agreement)and if you want to look up novations other property its called subrogation which basically states terms used for mortgages or other asset backed securitys unlike credit cards which are unsecured,doubtful any judge will give quarter as the law is clear,so clearly you will have trouble when its profitable to call in your debt.
wouldn't a bank have to do a credit check before they let someon
wouldn't a bank have to do a credit check before they let someone else just assume a debt?
Your Last Solution... my ongoing investigation
I'll be the guinea pig!!!
Have any of you tried the service or know of anyone who has? I have done alot of research and I have been unable to find anyone who has posted a complaint anywhere on the entire World Wide Web. If this is a scam don't you think at least one person would report this scam and share to the world about their experience? So stop all your talking and put your money where your mouth is. Thats what I am going to do. I am a real homeowner with real life issues. I have recently lost my employment in Nov of 08 and have not made a payment for the last 2 months. I have been denied a loan modification and any further assistance. All I have asked for is some time to find employment and modify the loan so we can afford to stay in our home. Times have been tough. Everything costs more now than it did a year ago and its tough to find any work that will pay like it did a year ago. I know of many other families in my community going through the same thing. So I have done my due diligence and I have listened to the recorded conference calls and I understand what it is that Last Solutions does and I will put up the money to see if they can do what they say. Then I will report this... good or bad to every forum that has this discussion so others in my situation will be properly informed, instead of rambling on and on without proof of anything. I don't see why you are attacking Last Solutions without sufficient evidence of any sort. What if they can help us? What then have you done to pursuade others who have read this post and decided not to give Last Solutions a chance and ended up losing their home? What then? Again I will post my experience with Last Solutions soon and I will provide an update each step of the way so you all will be informed properly.
If anyone wants to ask questions during this process... feel free to email me... at lark_avenue
Well I decided to wait and participate in the Tuesday night 8PM conference before sending in the $1995.00. It was very lengthy but if anyone is interested in this program, I highly recommend that you participate in this conference call or call in and listen to a recorded call from previous. I have some good news and some bad news to report.
- After the conference call, I am more informed on how this program works and feel confident that I know what it is YourLastSolution is doing to "FREEZE" my mortgage.
- The Q and A was very informative and it did answer the many questions I had such as... if my mortgage is "frozen" what happens if my taxes and my insurance is escrowed... or what if I have a 2nd mortgage... or if I have a loan... etc. It was all answered in the Q and A...
Conference call on Tuesday January 20th, 2009.
- I was disappointed that there was no one that could provide a testimonial on the call. I wanted an unbias opinion, the only testimony was from the people associated with YourLastSolution. I must admit that did raise a flag for me, I was highly disappointed.
- During the Q and A there was an appointed person from YourLastSolution that read the "Questions" from his computer. I didn't understand why the questions couldn't be from the people themselves. I had a question and wanted it answered but there was not an option for me to ask it. It seemed as if my phone was muted. Luckily for me my questions were asked by someone else, but I fail to understand how that person was able to ask the question and I was not. Very weird, another flag.
- Before Tuesday I listened to the recorded Conference call by calling 402-426-6969 and used the access code 60044358#. This is made available 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Funny thing is that when I called in on Tuesday using 402-237-2020 access 014528#. It was very strange to me that it sounded like the recording... the reason I say this is because there is a point in the call where the appointed person who reads our Q and A has problems with his computer. And when the narrator asks him to begin asking the questions there is a delay as if the narrator was not sure if he was on the call and calls out his name again. This happened both times on the recorded call as well as the proposed "LIVE" call. Then when he starts reading the Questions he has trouble with is computer and states that there is an issue with is computer. Again this happened both times on the recorded call as well as the proposed "LIVE" call. Now I must admit that during the 1st call I made which was a recorded conference call, I fell asleep during the Q and A portion with the phone in my hand (the call was over 2 hours long) so I wasn't sure if the questions were the same or not, but pretty much the entire call was EXACT... BIG BIG FLAG!!!
SO after what I have found, I was starting to rethink my decision to send in the $1995.00. After all that is alot of money, but I have already committed to this not only here in the forum but in 1 other public forum and 2 private forums. So as a good investigator I cannot let everyone down who is waiting for my report so I will go through with this and send in the money. Now I really hope this works because if it doesn't, I WILL lose my home and MY WIFE will KILL me. Well I hope the LORD will help me through this tough time and I hope that YourLastSolution will come through for all of our sakes. Because I know many many people that this program can help and if not at least maybe I helped alot of you to save your money looking for other solutions.
- Check in on my next update. I will make the payment tomorrow and update when there is new NEWS!
God Bless everyone...
UPDATE 1-27-2009
Last Thursday I received an email from David Brandolino from YourLastSolution and a call asking if I was going to move forward and send in my payment. I informed him that I wanted to participate in the conference call before sending in the payment. I raised my concern with him about the Flags that I encountered and he reassured me that the calls may seem very similar as the questions will too because it is the same information and questions that are always shared and asked. He offered to provide some contacts of recent and current customers for testimonials and I accepted.
On Friday I sent in my $1995.00 cashiers check along with the completed Long Program form in, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. I sent David an email to notify that payment has been sent.
Monday I received an email with 2 names and phone numbers. I called the first number and left a VM to return my call. I got in contact with the 2nd person at work, and she was able to give me 5 minutes of her time.
My 1st question... As a customer of YourLastSolution, how satisfied are you with their service, did they do everything for you as they promised? (now the answer I received was not what I wanted to hear, but it was exactly what I was looking for).
Her Answer... (not word for word but this is what was said) "I was very happy at 1st but now my house is being sold as a Sheriff Sale! I have tried calling and emailing YourLastSolution and have not recieved a response... at first the response was quick and the program was working, now my house is involved in a Sheriff Sale and I cannot get anyone to return my call or emails to help get my house out of this mess.
ME>>> Who are you trying to get a hold of David Brandolino?
HER>>> No (she mentions another name but I forgot), he is an affiliate and is not returning my call. I have to let you go, I am at work right now but if you call me back in an hour I can go into further detail.
ME>>> Just one more quick question please... Does this program really work?
HER>>> It does work, I know it is working for others I know and they haven't paid a mortgage for the past 2 going on 3 years. But for some reason it is not working for me, I don't know what it is but I have a special case even they (YourLastSolution) said they don't know what it is. I really have to go, call me back in an hour and we can discuss.
I wasn't able to call her back today... but I will call her again tomorrow to get more information. After this discussion, I thought about calling my bank to cancel the Cashiers Check but after some thought I decided to stay the course. WHY?... because what other alternative do I have... after all she did say it worked for others she knows. 2-3 years of not paying a mortgage??? How ridiculous is that, it would definately help my family tremendously. Now I know that it is not right to take advantage of the program but desparate times call for desparate measures and I dont know of anyone who couldnt use 2-3 years to help them get back on track.
OK but her house is in a Sheriff Sale and she could lose her house. I dont know what a Sheriff Sale is but it sounds like the Sheriff wants to sell her house for whatever reason. I dont want to end up like that so I will need to speak to her tomorrow and find out more about this and see what YourLastSolution is doing to help her. But the key here was that she said that she is a "special case" meaning there is something not normal with her mortgage or her lender. I will get more info and find out.
P.S. I am getting a huge amount of emails to my email address... alot are unnecessary since you can easily post your questions in this forum to get the help and answers you need. Some emails are very valid but others should be posted here so the community can help. I am not an expert, if you have a question specifically for me then ask away but if it is program related ask it here in this forum.
To be honest, I started this out thinking I need help and why not help others at the same time by posting my experiences with this program for the benefit of anyone in my situation. But it has become a full time job answering emails, calling for testimonials, updating forums, sending out emails for advice and you know what? I don???t mind it a bit. I feel very satisfied in doing my part to help others; this is my service to the community. I am learning a lot about the mortgage industry, the side of it that no one even knew existed or understands. The best part is I am feeling more confident in this program with each call and testimonial. Here is what I learned today.
I was able to get a hold of Debbie (I informed her about the forum and she didn???t mind that I share her name) again today. We continued where we left off yesterday. Again she informed me that she didn???t have much time so I started immediately. Again the following is not word for word but the content is what I remember how the conversation took place.
Lark (my real name is Truc Nguyen just in case anyone was wondering) >>> Yesterday you mentioned you couldn???t get a hold of someone to help you get some answers about the Sheriff Sale. Could you share that name with me?
Debbie>>> his name is Max Andover
Lark>>> is he the affiliate who is supposed to help you with your case?
Debbie>>> No, he is the owner.
Lark>>> Shouldn???t you try contacting your affiliate? Aren???t they the ones who will help you get the answers you need?
Debbie>>> I cannot get a hold of anyone. No one is returning my calls.
Lark>>> I have been in direct communication with David and Robert Brandolino the past few days. Everytime I send an email or call they pick right up, maybe you should try one of them.
Debbie>>>You know I haven???t had a lot of time for it. I am trying to keep my house, I have to work. It???s a big headache.
Lark>>>Let me do this for you. I will contact one of them for you and see if I can get an update for you and I promise you I will return a call and get you an update or have someone call you with one. I don???t expect the owner will return calls as quickly as maybe David or Robert.
Debbie>>>Thank you.
Lark>>>It???s good that we are helping each other out. Glad I can help. You also mentioned that you know of others that this program has helped. Is it someone you know personally or just testimonials form YourLastSolution?
Debbie>>>I know them personally. One of my friends hasn???t paid a mortgage close to 3 years and I know others over 2 years. I am the only one who seems to be having this issue.
Lark>>>Well I am sure there is a good reason for it and we will get to the bottom of this. So I still have to ask. Would you recommend this program to anyone.
Lark>>>What do you mean. Why not? You know of couples that it has worked for.
Debbie>>>Well, I only recommend it if you have the time. You have to get the program started early. Do not wait too long because the longer you wait the more complicated it gets and you could be facing a Sheriff Sale. I have to go but please update me if you can.
Lark>>>I will, and thank you again Debbie for your time.
Immediately after the conversation I emailed David Brandolino and he replied immediately. I updated him on Debbie???s situation and I expect an answer back shortly. I will share this once I receive the update.
Then I called another contact that David provided. Her name is Melissa. Melissa has not paid a mortgage payment since August 2006. The reason she hasn't paid a payment is because her mortgage company has not provided her a modification loan in this time. She just recently received a call from her mortgage company regarding a loan modification after over 2 1/2 years. She wants to keep her home of 20 years and doesn't want to move and it looks like she will get it to keep it with a loan modification that she deserves. She strongly suggested that anyone who is looking at this program get started before receiving an NOS (Notice of Sale). She highly recommends the program to start on or before receiving an NOD (Notice of Default). This she says will give YourLastSolution enough time to prepare all of the paperwork and get the ball rolling before the judge has a chance to rule on a Sheriff Sale.
Needless to say Melissa is extremely satisfied with her experience with YourLastSolution.
After speaking with Melissa I felt very comfortable and confident in the program. As I am writing this I received an email from Robert with my 1st and 2nd mailings with instructions on when to send each letter. I have not read each letter but I will and provide an update of the general contents of each letter intended for my mortgage company.
Looks to be getting better, I think we may have a good alternative to bankruptcy for keeping our homes.
I am going thru CMS Brad Daley...
I have been going thru this since last year in April. Everything has been going according to plan and I'm in the final stages of it. I believe this program really does work. It just takes at least a year to go thru completely and some people can't wait that long. But it's not so bad. And I believe full heartedly that this program does work.
Does it work?
Here's the thing--if it smells like fraud it usually is. With 120k of college debt, no one wants to believe this whole thing is true more than me. But how can I confirm it is? I was a sucker to pay so much to go to college (for work that now doesn't even exist.) I'm no sucker now. How can they prove they are a legitimate business? Give me EVIDENCE, and I'll give them my business.
I have just received and sent out the 1st and 2nd mailings on Wednesday and in another 20 days I will send out the 2nd set of mailings. The whole point of this investigation is to give the program a chance to work and prove itself as a useful tool for those of us who are in need of alternative assistance -OR- to prove it wrong and provide "REAL ADVICE" not assumptions to others.
Now I understand that there are many solutions out there, but I... WE... alot of us do not qualify because we currently do not have INCOME... BECAUSE we are UNEMPLOYED... WE ARE LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT and in the meantime we are trying to keep our household in tact! SO LETS STOP making assumptions... I am not a lawyer, you are not, and YourLastSolutions don't claim to be... but it looks as if though they have tested this program with results... so you guys can argue all day long but until I send out the final letters and complete the program and give it a chance to work. We simply won't know, now will we. All we have now is testimonials and their word for it. Well I am going to give you my word for it, 1st hand experience with the LONG PROGRAM. Lets give it a chance to work 1st, then you can argue all you want.
Again what I do know is I have already spoken to a handful of people who used the "LONG PROGRAM" and it has worked for them so that is why I am giving it a chance. So why waste your time now and make foolish accusations about anything. Because what if it ends up being a great alternative for everyone facing UNEMPLOYMENT? There are alot of us out there right now, and if you have kept up with the current events, there will be many, many more joining us shortly and the Government has no interest in helping us, they are busy filling the pockets of the slimeballs on Wall Street, CEOs, and bankers with Billions upon Billions of bailouts when they should have used that to concentrate on providing relief for the PEOPLE and creating jobs. Serioulsy how many jobs could have been created with the Trillions of dollars wasted in bailing out the slimeballs?
Look what has happened in the last 30 years. In the 80s the US was hands down the most powerful nation in the world, militarily and economically. We produced and exported goods to every nation. Then Wall Street stepped in and lobbied, greased the hands of dirty politians... jobs and incentives to start producing goods overseas filled their greedy little hands and we end up with the highest unemployment rate today... look at the rest of the world... where CHINA now produces all the goods... INDIA provides all the services... and the US we look like a bunch of idiots that allowed these slimeballs take advantage of us and our children's future. Now the economy is a big mess, and what do they do to try to fix this? GIVE THE SLIMEBALLS Trillions of TAXPAYERS MONEY... our MONEY... the money we pay taxes for which is supposed to help build infrastruture and jobs!!! But where is that money going? Definately not us... it's going to the same people who destroyed us, destroyed our economy... their GREED is undeniable. They don't play by the rules, but we are forced to... so if we can use their rules that they made... if we can use it in our favor to buy us some time, a little relief. Then who are you or anyone is going to deny us, those in need of a little relief? That little bit of relief is nothing compared to the Trillions that they are raping us for.
So... stop... and let the program have a chance to work and see if we can get some relief while our country is going down the drain. Because with a little relief we can at least save our family and household long enough until we can buy some time to rethink, retrain and get re-employed and hunker down for the worst economic meltdown in HISTORY. So... stop and help if you can, otherwise you are doing no one any good. Unless you're one of those slimeballs and you just want to stop any relief to anyone other than your ELITEST friends.
CMS(court mediation services) - Brad Baley
I believe most companies out there offering debt relief or debt eliminatin programs are scam.
There is one good research site called
Check this site and see what their client is saying about CMS or Brad Baley.
Please check links that I have found regarding debt relief or elimination scam.
I think best way to resolve your debt situation is either go thru free debt counseling company to work out your debt over time period or if you are already in too much in debt that your income just can not support then file bankruptcy chapter 7 thru your local bankrupcy attorney or file your self if you can not afford the high attorney's fee along with filing fee instead of getting scam by many debt relief programs or services out there.
If you are going to do the bankrupcy procedure your self then please research thoroghly about this procedure before you begin.
I wish you the best on your financial future.
CMS(court mediation services) - Brad Baley
I believe most companies out there offering debt relief or debt eliminatin programs are scam.
There is one good research site called
Check this site and see what their client is saying about CMS or Brad Baley.
Please check links that I have found regarding debt relief or elimination scam.
I think best way to resolve your debt situation is either go thru free debt counseling company to work out your debt over time period or if you are already in too much in debt that your income just can not support then file bankruptcy chapter 7 thru your local bankrupcy attorney or file your self if you can not afford the high attorney's fee along with filing fee instead of getting scam by many debt relief programs or services out there.
If you are going to do the bankrupcy procedure your self then please research thoroghly about this procedure before you begin.
I wish you the best on your financial future.
CMS(court mediation services) - Brad Baley
I believe most companies out there offering debt relief or debt eliminatin programs are scam.
There is one good research site called
Check this site and see what their client is saying about CMS or Brad Baley.
Please check links that I have found regarding debt relief or elimination scam.
I think best way to resolve your debt situation is either go thru free debt counseling company to work out your debt over time period or if you are already in too much in debt that your income just can not support then file bankruptcy chapter 7 thru your local bankrupcy attorney or file your self if you can not afford the high attorney's fee along with filing fee instead of getting scam by many debt relief programs or services out there.
If you are going to do the bankrupcy procedure your self then please research thoroghly about this procedure before you begin.
I wish you the best on your financial future.
Delete Lark Posts Please
To whomever the administrator of this post is. I am Lark_Avenue, also Lark0045 and Lark0046 and Lark0047. I need to delete these posts from this forum. I couldn't do so as I have tried to login but I realized that these posts in this forum are based on Quick Replies and therefore cannot be deleted unless done by the administrator.
Final Update...
I apologize to everyone that was waiting for my updates. I will have to stop reporting my experience with the program here. I need to delete every post in this forum. It seems that legal actions may and can be brought against me and my family if I continue to report without investigating properly. I am not a reporter and I don't pretend to be, so just to play it safe... I will end it here. If you are interested in my experience I can update you via email at
Good Luck Everyone and God Bless,
P.S. If you cannot delete my previous posts... do not pay them any attention as I am not a REPORTER and I did not INVESTIGATE PROPERLY.
Thank you for understanding!
CMS/COURT MEDIATION SERVICES/Integrity Debt relief (group)
I am researching CMS and Integrity Debt relief in order to dig myself out of hole that I unexpectantly got in. Nevertheless, I have been researching to find a legitimate debt relief service. I must say that your responses concerning the subject are profound and very informative. In short, your responses help me to educate myself on the subject even more and I just want to say thank you. You sound like you have been either through the process and/or you have legal experience or both. Nevertheless, any suggestions for someone who is trying to get out of debt responsibly and legally? I would assume you refer to CMS. I haven???t found any legitimate ones yet because they are interwoven with BRAD DALEY
OR other aurguments that say BRAD DALEY is legit along with what appear to be legal in addition to what I believe to be the originator of the CMS system - David Grossack. I got this from Alison from her 11 Aug 2008 15:08 response Thanks to you to Alison.
I asked this question to you to and Alison since it appears that you both know more about the subject than all the responses I have read in the last 5 hours pertaining to the subject of CMS and Debt relief. I am trying to educate myself to avoid being taken by what ???may??? be a scam if I fail to hook up with the wrong resource with the same name or similar service. Right now I caught up with a swap of information surrounding the subject. Like negative links like:
Is it legal then where can I go and find out for myself the how legal it is? And what agency can we go to get this service without being taken advantage of ? Again thanks to you both for anymore help on the subject.
Jazzyk/aka jazzyman
Funny commercial on top. Has me laughing. Still at it eh. Fir
Funny commercial on top. Has me laughing. Still at it eh. First the BS distraction and then this. LOL. They really think people are that stupid. IT'S NOT LEGAL. Plus if you read your credit card app. and rules it states that this will NOT work. It's standard rhetoric on credit card rules now.
This will never end I see. Oh well, they will die soon only to emerge with another scheme.
I am posting this in a new thread too as this one has gotten quite long. I believe it is important for people doing searches to be able to get right to the meat rather than wading through what turned into a pom-pom and shilling session on this thread of over 700 posts with nowhere near enough cold water thrown on it to wake people up (though some have tried).
CMS is just another program in a long string of programs touted as a means to eliminate your debt through some loophole or process. The people who operate and promote this and, other programs, are preying on consumers who are stressed out and at the end of their financial rope. The successful mark is not thinking clearly and is often willing to cling to hope that is expertly delivered by sales reps. Think for a moment where you were at mentally when you filled out some form on the net for a consult and got a call introducing you to CMS. Frazzled is where. You would have to be to lend any credibility to some stranger calling you with a sympathetic sounding but slick pitch that when boiled down to its basic essence is as simple as ???send me money and you will never have to pay your debt again???. To be certain there would have to be some emotionally appealing filler thrown in. I am sure some current event ???banks are the bad guys, just watch the news??? dialogue too. These are experienced people who will hit every nerve possible. They are nice sounding and patient for you to make a decision. They have to be. If they go for the money on the first call with a program like this you would have totally backed away. What they know is that times are tough for you and the prospect of not having to pay your debt back will start to sink in. In short order, for many of you, that carrot, the thought of not having to struggle anymore, for a mere few thousand dollars, paid to the order of slick sales person and Brad Daly, will begin to cloud your judgment. Critical thinking having been eliminated you will begin to convince yourself this will work. That???s all they have to do. Let you stew on the concept, loose off a little reality and you sell yourself. It???s successful enough to keep um at it from program to program.
From what I have been able to glean, CMS has only had recognizable interaction with consumers for something like the last 18 months. Claims of having been at this for 5+ years are a bit dubious in that there is nothing available to substantiate this. It is perhaps likely that Brad has had experience working with consumers on debt related issues that long or, maybe one could speculate that he has done his novation/assignment/torturous interference longer than 18 months. Whatever the case, Brad Daly and his CMS process existed in near obscurity until recently and only found momentum, I would posit, when a ready body of sales reps came on the scene to promote it. There has been some intense regulatory and civil action in the debt relief area in the last couple years and as is the norm, these sales people will float from one elimination scam to the next after the one they promote predictably falls apart or the cops put and end to it. It is likely Brad found traction this way.
Novation is nothing new to the world of debt elimination techniques. It was first offered to the public as one of the many methods of ???send me money and never pay your debt again??? by John Gliha in the late nineties. John even gave up on it. There is good case law on the process in California (perhaps as a result of John???s efforts) and elsewhere I am sure. Brad has gotten creative and thrown an assignment of debt into the mix along with terms that are sure to be breached and is hanging your future on his contract theory. It is an intriguing twist, I will admit. Many theories can be intriguing. Legal theories can be compelling. Bring this theory to an attorney with a dabbling of contract experience and they will likely speak to this intrigue. Take this intrigue to any level of critical thought and it will fall flat. Take the whole process in its entirety and it will be seen for what it is, Fraud.
I understand there is an attorney working for Brad on this. This is one attorney and, he is being paid by Brad which establishes bias. He has to pay the bills and put food on the table and Brad is helping him do that. Nonetheless this fact is bandied about to lend credibility to this scam, er, process. If you truly wish to establish whether this program is the fantasy it truly is, bring it to an attorney with a successful consumer practice for review. Why a consumer attorney? They are not bank or collection industry sympathizers and look for opportunities to go toe to toe with them. In most cases they have already needled through these unsecured contracts the creditors use and many can recite them by rote. There should prove a ready pool of them willing to debunk the latest elimination/monetary protestation scam as they also are called upon to clean up the mess the consumers find themselves in when the scammers are gone.
There have been other attorneys that function in debt elimination and have been shown to have been very wrong in their theorem and approaches. If you are seriously doing research pull up a search on Hess Kennedy, Consumer Law Center, Campos Chartered et al. Here is a recent example of a firm placed in receivership, an attorney disbarred and action taken by several states AG as well as civil action by banks. Here, things went very wrong but not before it ran its course for a couple years and affected over 6000 consumers nationwide. A very unique aspect of this case is that there are aggressive claw-back measures being pursued by those in a position to do so where the promoters are being pressed to return the monies and commissions they were paid (in some cases, to the tune of millions). Look for more of these claw-back measures and the establishment of complicity in the future.
How about Robert Lock and CCDN (Credit Collection Defense Network)? If memory serves Lock associated with the afore mentioned John Gliha who published ???Winning the collection Game??? in the mid nineties and later moved onto novation and I think a brief stint with arbitration claims that went badly. Lock and his promoters are all across the net for your reading pleasure. He and some of the people and businesses connected to him are merrily entrenched in the defense of a class action suit brought in Illinois. If they don???t settle the case it will likely prove to go badly for them. I am sure though, they were confident of their position on things just like Laura Hess above. They are after all attorneys, with all of the credibility that brought to the victims who decided to join the programs.
The point here is that an attorney does not necessarily lend credibility in the absolute. Perhaps Brad???s attorney is willing to risk his bar card with this theory. He may indeed. Someone may feel the need to respond to this and throw attorney credentials or write ups in defense of this scam but save it. Promoters of Lock have been doing that for years.
I do not think it a good use of time to bring out lack of complaints to the BBB and all that bunk. It???s a diversion to make existing and future marks feel good about their decision. Just like the current banking turmoil is used as a diversion. Or, fractional reserve banking, GAAP, banks cannot lend their own money etc??? which have been used in years past and still today. This is all just a diversion used to lull you into the carrot trance I spoke of earlier, until enough time passes for the prospect of never paying your debt again, sinks in. SNAP OUT OF IT! WAKE UP!
The scam promoter will try to meet all of your objections with many assurances. One of those objections raised by a mark is how this affects their credit. The scam has to address this. Most people have spent their entire adult life conditioned to fret about it as it affects so many aspects of their lives. The answer is credit repair. Now we???re talking. This will all start to sink in quite nicely. Send money to Brad and the promoter and never pay my debt again and they are promising that my credit will be cleaned to boot and in a mere year or so. I will be back on my feet in no time and getting credit again. If you cannot see where this is going, you are not thinking clearly.
Brad is figuring parts of this out as he goes. This is evidenced by the fact that he was doing credit repair and suddenly he is not. Any self respecting debt guru knows how aggressive regulators are about going after credit repair companies. Not Brad. Suddenly though, he is now outsourcing all of his customers to Alexin for credit repair because he just figured out that he is violating the Credit Repair Organization Act. Posters on this site have suggested that Brad is paying Alexin to perform the credit repair that he promises you. Is this arms length away from him in enough a manner that he is protected from violation of the Act? Using a strict interpretation of it, not likely. Is Alexin, his choice to source you off to, performing their part in strict adherence to compliance? Find out. If not, why not and why would a guy telling you everything is legit that he???s doing, not care enough to check out if who he is schlepping you off to is legit. If he just figured that out, I wonder how long it will take him to figure out that he may be violating the debt pooling laws in WV or perhaps debt adjuster laws in several states. He is after all offering to adjust your debt??? to nothing. This is only the light stuff. It gets heavier as we approach how he may be violating both state and federal UDAP laws (Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices). Search it up. Take google for a spin. Learn what it is I am talking about here and while you???re at it encourage Brad and his attorney to do the same. It gets still heavier but, more of that in a moment.
These things progress from what appears to be a solid plan in the beginning but then devolve into changes that repeat time after time. Early participants had all the straight talk and nothing appeared to diverge. As all the predictable aspects of having defaulted on a debt take shape with an increasing number of consumers signed into the elimination scam, things start to change. They already are with Brad. He figured out the credit repair angle as discussed. Most expert debt elimination scammers know not to dabble with government backed debt like student loans. Not Brad. Look for that to stop being offered soon too. Claims of nobody having been sued will then lead to only very few get sued. The ACA and ABA have some pretty talented well paid legal talent. A new twist on an old scam may take a few extra months to strategize their legal approach when suing CMS customers. When these suits begin they will do so in earnest and the approach they take will be broadcast to their member attorneys around the country. They will treat these cases with aggression due to the scam nature of them all. When the CMS promoters start preaching and peddling asset protection, BEWARE, the scam has run its course and will quickly deteriorate from there.
Now, let???s get real and look at CMS in its entirety. You get contacted by a promoter and are sold on this process and send them money. They keep their cut and send the rest to Brad who then sends his new tortuously interfering contract which, you have been told up front by the promoter, means you do not have to pay that debt back. Brad and CMS own the debt and he is going to use this new contract he sends so that he won???t have to pay the debt back either. He is going to eliminate it. Everyone in this little triangle knows this up front and willingly chooses to participate. You, the promoter, and Brad have planned this out in advance. What I have just described to you is a conspiracy to commit fraud followed by the act of committing fraud. Let that sink in. The nice and sympathetic sounding man or woman who contacted you who is offering you an option to get out of debt, who???s true and only goal is for you to pay them money is blatantly inviting you to conspire to commit FRAUD! Throw in the claims and expectations that your credit will be repaired so that you can get credit shortly after committing fraud and this picture is crystal clear. These people are selling you an opportunity to commit a crime. This thing does not pass the smell test from 100 yards away for anyone applying logic to it.
It gets worse. Those of you going for the whole government backed student loan angle on the scam are conspiring to commit fraud against the United States government! Brad has probably not factored this one in. He will. Look for student loans to be removed from the fraud offering.
I talked about intriguing theories earlier. I just came up with one. Due to the recent banking turmoil the government was forced to take senior bond positions in many national banks. One could theorize that Brad and his promoters and customers have conspired to commit fraud against the U.S. without the student loan angle. See, I told you, many theories have intrigue.
For those of you reading this that are already involved, it is not as simple as ???ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances???. You are justifying fraud with excuses. Naturally the excuses sound good to you. The scam sales person may have already planted some excuses in your head. ???This is the only chance I have to avoid bankruptcy???, ???The banks won???t work with me so this is what they deserve???, ???I don???t have the money to pay so what else am I to do???, ???it???s a gamble, but if it works?????? Folks this is not some side bet at a p oker table. This is, pure and simple, you being complicit to fraud.
Let???s move on to exposure. What is the likelihood, since this has been running for a verifiable 18 months, state regulators are already aware of it? Pretty good. How about the feds? Very good. Do you know how this stuff is treated by banks? Be assured that each one of the accounts that have been through CMS are in a neat little file at each institution for future use. These files and/or reports of their existence have assuredly already been sent off to the financial crimes and criminal fraud divisions of regulatory bodies like the OTS, FBI, FTC, Treasury and DOJ. These offices know now or, will soon know, all of you who are participating. Federal regulators are now, and have been for months actively engaged in operation ???clean sweep??? as it has been dubbed, with an extreme focus on the bad players and scammers in the debt relief industry. CMS is well within its crosshairs. Customers, promoters, and certainly Brad have exposed themselves to this scrutiny. Not good, not at all. Brad and the promoters will get what they have coming. You as a customer should immediately demand your money back, no matter the duration of your involvement. This will help show you were a victim. If the people you sent your money to are such stand up folks they would give you your money back right? If you told them you have doubts and shared with them this post they would refund you, right? Not likely. These people you trusted are not here to help you. They spent their cut of the money you sent already. Ask brad for the money back that he got. He likely won???t have it either and will probably say that he has performed as contracted so you are not entitled to your funds back. While it may not help to convince him to return your money, don???t hesitate to point out that he contracted with you to commit what you now know is fraud which leads to an inherent problem with that contract he is relying on. They will come off all soothing and say the guy who wrote this (me) works for the banks or collectors or runs some other scam that competes with Brad or other such garbage to calm you down and get you back on the carrot. They will say these and other things and, be wrong.
As you become more aware that you have been scammed into fraud, or that someone is trying to get you to engage in fraud, contact state and federal authorities and provide them with any details they request of you.
Anyone contacted by Brad or his reps having now read this who have been considering paying to enter this scam, send them this post and listen to their responses which will hopefully now sound ridiculous to you.
There will be posts to follow this one made by different types of people. The ones that will attempt to refute any of what I have spelled out clearly hear will be from the promoters (carrot pushers) and, perhaps from Brad Daly (the carrot king) or, sadly from current customers who swallowed all the carrots fed to them. Read these posts but, look at them for what they are, carrot puke. They will be posted in furtherance of a fraud.
If you are currently involved with this program or thinking about joining and have this circular logic/excuse running through your head ???I don???t/didn???t have any other options??? or ???I don???t have the money to keep paying these debts so I took or, will take, the chance that this works???, STOP! You have to step away from the carrot or the fallacy that you have/can send these people money and never have to think about these debts again. Because what you are really saying is ???I had no choice or other options and had to knowingly and willfully conspire to commit fraud???.
Your decision has or will boil down to nothing but this reality.
The fact is this is a very long post to the point were i couldnt
The fact is this is a very long post to the point were i couldnt read all of it. I have personally have never used this program but in my opinion its a bit shady. Im not saying that it wouldnt work or that it would. But if i was reading this post when i was in debt, I probably would have stayed clear and this is why. There are just as many good posts as bad posts. you got a 50/50 chance of sucess and that makes me absolutely nervous.
And as to a post i keep seeing about debt management/settlement companies being scams is absolutely not true. There are good and legit ones out there you just must take the time to find them. They are a business out to make money period. so do the banks and so forth. Why have a business you dont make money at? there would be no point.
I dont mind paying someone for a service that they provide as long as thier fees are resonable and they do what they say. There is no shame in reaching out for help if you need it. But i dont feel that this particular company would be right for me personally. I would not be willing to put my finances in a 50/50% chance.
WOW...that was VERY long but so true. Good job there.
WOW...that was VERY long but so true. Good job there.
Found this on the BBB:
The BBB is experiencing a high volume of calls and inquiries for this company. Inquirer's are asking the BBB to "define the method of Novation, used as a process of debt relief services." "Novation", the method used by this company is unknown to the Better Business Bureau. We have sought information from a number of different independent sources and have been unable, to fully understand the service as offered, at this time. In our efforts to assist both the company and consumers, we are including in this report information which was voluntarily provided to us by the company on January the 26th 2009. The information describes the process in it's "New Client Agreement", included below.
Section titled: "Rights and Responsibilities of Consultant" Consultant agrees to utilize his best efforts to undertake a process known as "Novation" on certain contractual obligations of the Client. This process is considered controversial and uncertain in many regards, and there can be absolutely no guarantees of a successful outcome. It is understood the purpose of this novation is to transfer responsibility for debts to CMS and to reduce the clients debt as much as possible without bankruptcy proceedings. It is understood that this process does not eliminate legal liability on the debt on the part of the debtor, but adds CMS as a party in interest to these claims as a matter of convenience so that CMS may undertake services on the client's behalf., and to establish potential defenses and challenges to credit card collection action.
It is further acknowledged by the client that no representations or warranties are made concerning the effect this process will have on the clients credit score, and that the credit score is likely to deteriorate from this process.
1. "Novation", the method used by this company is unknown to the Better Business Bureau. We have sought information from a number of different independent sources and have been unable, to fully understand the service as offered, at this time.
That's because it's crap and pure theory mumbo jumbo.
2. This process is considered controversial and uncertain in many regards, and there can be absolutely no guarantees of a successful outcome.
Then if it fails do I get my money back?....NO Why would I use you if there are no guarantees of a successful outcome? That would be stupid on my part.
3. It is understood that this process does not eliminate legal liability on the debt on the part of the debtor.
I thought transferring the debt to you means it's yours now, not mine? They are telling you up front that their process is BOGUS.
4. It is further acknowledged by the client that no representations or warranties are made concerning the effect this process will have on the clients credit score, and that the credit score is likely to deteriorate from this process.
Ummmmm....What? What are you talking about? Why would my score go down? Why would I be sued? I transferred responsibility of the debt to you remember? (But they told you legally this can't happen) They will come after you, not me......right? WRONG They are double talking here. Telling you one thing and writing in fine print another.
You are PAYING them to tell you STRAIGHT OUT that they CAN'T DO what they say they DO along with NO guarantee. In one little paragraph they say that. Anyone seeing that.
Fraudulent Poster
I would like everyone that reads this post to take note and extreme care when reading CMS bashing posts. Whomever posted the above thread from Babyblue06 is a fraud. I know because I am the real Babyblue06. See here's the deal. Back in December I registered with with this username and ever since I and many other CMS clients have been battling back and forth with nay-sayers about the truth of the program. I know it works because I have been through the program. This exact post was written by Ponderer just a few weeks back (check it out at Just copy and paste the address into your browser, it is post #709. Someone thought it would be cute and try to put my name on it. Just for the record, I think it is a dumb post with no real evidence used to scare potential clients away from CMS where they would be forced to give in to the credit collectors that keep posting the BS (like above). If you are interested in CMS and want to talk to someone who has been through the program go to and send me a PM. I will answer as soon as possible. Until then, be cautious of what you believe due to reading on the internet. I know the best way for me to get to the bottom of things, was to talk (literally person to person over the phone or face to face) to people that have been through whatever you are researching about. CMS is real and Brad Daley is real.
And SOMEHOW you got wind of someone stealing your name from a CO
And SOMEHOW you got wind of someone stealing your name from a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT site and posting in THIS forum with it? So you decide to register with this site and post a comment when you could have easily posted as a guest. Also using the SAME tactics as the scam artists by saying they are rivals of CMS? Hmmmmmmm.............
What a BIG coincidence there. Wouldn't everyone agree?
I tell's amazing. LOL
No....I am the real Babyblue06! LOL Such BS from CMS is hi
No....I am the real Babyblue06!
Such BS from CMS is hilarious
CMS is real and Brad Daley is real |
Yup...a real crook!