Integrity Debt Solutions, Brad Daley & CMS – part of a big scam
Date: Sat, 08/02/2008 - 12:38
Integrity Debt Solutions, Brad Daley & CMS – part of a big scam
Integrity Debt Solutions & brad daley & cms
Isnt Integrity debt solutions the reincarnation of NAES which got sued out of existance??
Doyle Bruekner and brad daley & cms scam
Doyle Bruekner wears many FRAUD hats: Dynamic Solutions Network 2) ADE Network 3)Liability Management Group 4) Integrity Debt Option Group 5) Integrity debt solutions 6) Global Domains Internation "huge MLM SCAM"
Be careful!
Integrity debt solutions is your standard afiliate marketing conjob. Go to most of the Integrity Debt Solutions affiliate sites and they still market Brad Daley & CMS which is a total FRAUD. They market a bunch of programs that don't work, but they figure the more crap they can distact you with the higher probability of a sale.
I don't know anything about this Doyle guy.......however I do know that Integrity debt solutions is promoting or was promoting CMS Court Mediation Services with a guy named Brad Daley out of Alabama who is being investigated for UPL unlicensed practice of law...............when my girlfriend told me about the novation theory I thought it sounded screwy. Anyway my girlfrind now ex is being sued by the CC company.....she is going to sue CMS and Integrity Debt Solutions!
Brad Daley & CMS, Integrity Debt Solutions suck
I looked at Integrity debt solutions, and they appear to be completely legitimate. They look like a debt settlement company that offers a variety of solutions. I don't see how Integrity Debt Solutions is in the wrong here.
GuestSupport is right!
It's amazing how many idiots will get on a forum and talk crap about a company that they have never worked with. I have referred over 30 clients from my mortgage business to the Brad Daley & CMS plan over the last 2 years and none of them have complained. They think Brad Daley is a Godsend. Let me break it down for you. They use contract law to assume your debts by submitting a new contract to the credit card company with a consideration check stating that if the company cashes the check then they accept the new terms (standard contract law people: offer, consideration, acceptance, and performance). The debt is then legally moved out of the individuals name and CMS then owns the debt where it goes about offsetting the debt within 6 - 9 months.
Pohlmon1963, you should understand that if your girlfriend waited until her account was in collections (Attorney wanting to sue), before signing up with CMS then no one can stop the lawsuit. You are going to feel like a real jerk when CMS helps her win the lawsuit after posted inaccurate info on here. The entire goal of Brad Daley & CMS is to legally move the accounts out of your name, BEFORE they end up in a lawsuit situation. Then the CC companies have to come after them, not you.
It is so amazing that CMS has ZERO client complaints on their BBB report for the last 10 years. Absolutely amazing.
Brad Daley & CMS
Hey Trey1987.
You really need to get your facts straight instead of posting inaccurate crap. The CMS debt relief process was created by David Grossack out of Massachusetts. He researched and developed the legal documents for CMS for almost 12 months. Let's see what the press has to say about this supposed "non-attorney moron".
Mass. Lawyers Weekly
Boston Herald , Dec. 29,1999
Hmm. It seems that not only is he an attorney, but he's also a damn good one. Go check out his site and verify everything if you wish. His website is Grossack dot com.
It is so amazing how many cowardly idiots like you get on forums to talk crap about people and companies that they really know nothing about. Do you know anyone who has been scammed by CMS? I doubt it very much. I know Brad personally and let me tell you he has never scammed anyone. He created CMS because of the guilt he felt for all the years before where he was in fact a debt collector himself. He is a Christian man hoping to get into heaven by helping others.
I have personally referred family members over to him with great success. Brad has never claimed to be an attorney. He is a court mediator (guess what CMS stands for genius?). The "sh*&" you supposedly heard about him was that a state Bar association tried to sue him for supposedly practicing law without a license. Guess what? They dropped the suit last week because they had nothing to charge him on. He never claimed to be an attorney and they never had a case against him. No client complaints and no laws violated. So at this point you can do one of a couple things: Admit that you really know nothing about Mr. Daley or CMS. Admit that you have never met anyone who actually used his service and was "scammed". Admit that you openly degrade other individuals and businesses online where you can cowardly hide behind a computer and spread fabricated hearsay. Or, you can make up some more crap. Either way I truly hope that Karma does exist. I look forward to the day when legislation is passed to make people accountable for the malicious lies they so easily spread on the internet today.
Hey Alison should we treat you as a neutral observer or is CMS padding your pockets with cash? I suggest that someone should address the claims that Trey made about CMS one by one and let the masses decide! Also Alison you should take logic 101 and discover that because something has not been legally determined to be a fraud does not then further suggest that it is without need to brush up on your rhetorical texts!
Brad Daley & CMS are scums
You have added nothing of value to this conversation. You are not supporting or defending anything said here. In fact, if you took a minute to actually read what I have said more carefully, there would be no need for me to repeat it here.
I do not work for Brad Daley & CMS. They are not padding my pockets. I am a friend of Brad Daley who knows how much he truly cares about helping others. He has never scammed anyone and I have a right to defend what I know to be true. I did address every part of what Trey said. His statement was,
"Hey Alison the word is that CMS and Brad Daley are in deep sh'' because their novation process was totally flawed and implemented by a non-attorney moron like Brad Daley!!"
Well I have just proven that the guy who he said is a non-attorney moron is actually one of the best attorneys in the country. David Grossack in Mass. Go to grossack dot com.
He said that the novation process was flawed. Also not true. Mr. Grossack was held on retainer for 12 months researching the proper contract law and case studies to develop their program.
And lastly, the "sh''" he heard was addressed above and also you will see that it is not true. The state bar dropped the bogus lawsuit last week.
As for your personal attacks, I have taken logic 101 and 102. I have a double Bachelor's degree in business finance and management. The fact is that the CMS process IS without fraud. It has been researched and developed by one of the top contract law attorneys in the country. Your flawed logic is as follows: Since I don't understand something then there's a good chance that it involves fraud. Also, I don't have to be a neutral party as long as I am telling the truth. Anyone who would not defend a friend is not much of a person, IMHO.
Allison, my concern is that the agent I have spoken to will not give me any names of anyone that has gone through this process. If I went through and this was successful, I would be willing to tell anyone. What is the reason that they are unwilling to give any references?
Brad Daley & CMS
The CMS debt relief process was created by David Grossack out of Massachusetts. He researched and developed the legal documents for CMS for almost 12 months. Let's see what the press has to say about this supposed "non-attorney moron".
Hey Alison lawyers come up with lots of theoretical BS.......the serious question here "Is Dave Grossack in any way affiliated or connected to CMS"
My guess is NO WAY Dave Grossack is risking his law license and reputation by being directlt associated with Brad Daley and his scam. Correct me if I am wrong.
BBB Rating
BBB has no record of Integrity debt relief Group either by name or web site address. IDRG has no address or phone numbers on their web site. These are red flags. Can anyone give me any of this info?
Brad Daley & CMS beware
Allison - I'm actually looking into the program as I type and human nature, due to all the negativity people write, makes me aprehensive. Does Brad offer any kind of guarantee for what he does and it would be really good if he did not want to charge me the $2500 up ront but rather only if his program yields results for my case. What do you think? And how should I get to a point where I'm sure it's the right thing to do?
Oh and for the others on this thread, if I decide to go with thi
Oh and for the others on this thread, if I decide to go with this program I will happily report back to you if it works or not, along with my contact info if you'd like to talk to me personally. Just not sure if I'm ready to be the guinea pig yet, lol
Oh and for the other users on here. If I do decide to use his pr
Oh and for the other users on here. If I do decide to use his program I will keep you all posted on the progress or lack there of. Heck, I'll even give you my contact info if you want to speak personally.
Lawyer now stands behind CMS
DAVID GROSSACK - the lawyer who apparently helped "develop" this program now puts his name behind it as well.
This is the message I received about it: "The attorney that help Brad develop this process is NOW up front and vocal about being our in house counsel. His website is grossack(dot)com. To confirm, call his office and ask if he is our in house counsel."
Well it looks like I'm going to take the plunge. Will keep you all updated as to how it goes.
Removed, personal attacks against TOS rules, Shazzers Thanks
Removed, personal attacks against TOS rules, Shazzers
Thanks for the PROPER info Allison :)
how about this,,if you have NEVER had any affiliation with CMS,
how about this,,if you have NEVER had any affiliation with CMS, stay of this post unless you are inquiring about the actual service. If you have ZERO facts, stay off it. Thats y BLOGS sucks, because you have all the people on here who think they "know" when they have no idea...
What makes you an expert Meebo? Just curious as to what your cre
What makes you an expert Meebo? Just curious as to what your credentials are. :)
Integrity Debt Solutions Scam
I have been in the program since July/08. I'm telling you that I'm doing this on blind faith; I figure what have I got to lose? My worst case scenario would be in this doesn't work I will have to try to file chapter 7; I have no assets anyway. I have made very poor business decisions alng the way to get myself in this situation; I'm truly hoping that CMS Works! So far; everything has been going to plan; just as they said it will; I will keep you all posted.
Has anyone actually used CMS before?
I just graduated and have over 40,000 in student loans to get rid of. I was browsing for a loan consolidation group and came across the simple CMS webpage. It lacked a lot of information, but the 12 minute audio had a lot to say.
Has anyone actually used CMS before? I decided to research them a little bit more and can only find websites and news articles that applaud them, until I reached this forum. However, besides what people say here I cannot find any negative information.
What I am wondering is - if CMS completely assumes your debt, then it is no longer your problem anyway right? So, if your creditors get ticked off it isn't on you, it is on CMS????
I have just never heard of this type of process before, so of course it sends red flags, but that doesn't mean it isn't legitimate and won't work..... If you have tried CMS, please respond.
I am interested in CMS and am looking into it
So far I have responded to an email and got a document outlining the process. I called to get some questions answered and am proceeding slowly. Right now I am listening to the audios on this site ... w w w . eliminatedebtamerica dot com
CMS and Brad Daley
Go to scamdotcom, the thread was started in search of anybody who had heard of Brad Daley, basically someone looking for answers. The thread eventually turned into a debate between those who are skeptics and those who are in process with CMS. There are actually some posts my those who indicate they have successfully gone through the program. Lots of info and speculation.
Another medium for info is achieveradiodotcom. Listen to the program "Cashflow". There is a live show everyday and all programs have been archived. The program host is an agent for CMS. This will change your perception on the financial system I guarantee. All shows are beneficial but 9/22/08 archived show is a great listen for those contemplating proceeding with CMS.
There is also some archived shows from the republic broadcasting network where "Cashflow" originated before moving to Achieve Radio. Brad Daley was a special guest on a couple of those archives. He explains the process more and give a little more historical info.
Hope this helps, and yes I am in the program since May 08. All has occurred like described.
I've been looking into bebt relief, and am not pleased with what I find out there. It seems that your typical program builds thousands of dollars in fees into your payment, with no moneys going toward your debt until the third month. After that only 66% of your monthly payment goes toward your debt for the next 15 months. That to me is a ripoff, when they can't guarantee to reduce the amount owed to the cc companies. Integrity debt solutions seems to be the way to go if they are going to assume your debt and you don't have to continue to make payments, (for the next 30 to 48 mo.).
I have begun the process of collecting information about the services of CMS and Anthony Luttrell in Alabama. We are in a serious financial mess and the last thing we need is to compound it. If any of you have completed the process with success, we would like to hear from you. In an attempt to create some awareness to help save our daughter's life, please visit our video:
We are not "panhandling", just reaching out to people.
Thank you,
Does CMS remove debt
Ive read these debates concerning court mediation services and Brad Daley. I was going to join the program today but seen these doubts, has anyone successfully gone thru the program and eliminated their debts? I would appreciate email address to contact them.
Does CMS remove debt
Ive read these debates concerning court mediation services and Brad Daley. I was going to join the program today but seen these doubts, has anyone successfully gone thru the program and eliminated their debts? I would appreciate email address to contact them.
Dave Grossack works for CMS
The attorney Dave Grossack is working for CMS if you email his office they will confirm this. CMS is now charging $500 more for the program to pay his fees.
The statement above: "They use contract law to assume your debt
The statement above: "They use contract law to assume your debts by submitting a new contract to the credit card company with a consideration check stating that if the company cashes the check then they accept the new terms (standard contract law people: offer, consideration, acceptance, and performance). The debt is then legally moved out of the individuals name and CMS then owns the debt where it goes about offsetting the debt within 6 - 9 months."
If anyone pulls out their cardmember agreement, or asks their credit card company to send them a copy. You will find that there is very specific writing in each agreement that states pretty much at no time can you send any sort of thing to them - like a check with PAID IN FULL on the memo line, or a letter "if you cash this check you agree to....." The cardmember agreement, which you agree to by using the card -if you look at the back of your card, very clearly protects all banks/credit card companies from having their agreement modified by this type of practice.
The fact that the poster states this is what they do as part of their "helping" of people - pretty much states it is a scam because if anyone here calls their credit card company - I can 100% GUARANTEE you that the rep can send you a copy of the agreement and probably even highlight the portion explaining that you have no right to hold them to anything just based on them cashing a check.
Study contract law. NOONE can forbid or prevent you from making
Study contract law. NOONE can forbid or prevent you from making an offer to contract with another. The card agreement does state that you may not assign, transfer blah blah blah ....... under that current agreement. But if you make an offer, with consideration and they accept it under full capacity (I am assuming they hire those of capable mind) and continue to perform on the new agreement you do nonetheless have a binding contract.
I find it comical that we have allowed the credit card company to change the terms and conditions as they like with really no feasible means of rejecting them. What are the options - continue to hold/ use the account (accept) or pay the account balance in full (not accpet). Your right that is fair, as you said above JUST call them, they will tell you.
Their manipulative, predatory, malicious and unethical practices have allowed this society to get so deep into debt they only have the option of accepting the terms, they can't pay off the balance.
I tell you what, if any credit card company calls CMS , I can 100% guarantee you that CMS can send them a copy of the new agreement and probably even highlight the portion explaining the terms and condition they actually did accept and perform on AND they did have the right to counter but did not.
In my case, they cash my original cheque with the offer(acceptance/ consideration), have continued to cash the cheques for the AGREED minimum payments and have changed the correspondence address from mine to CMS, (performance). All because they don't like the new terms does not mean when they act under contract law they are absolved from have their actions count as acceptance. They are not above the law or you, they have successfully made people believe through the power of marketing and habit that you don't have any rights.
A credit card company cannot take the rights that exist in this society. How can you say, the CC company has the right to ignore the law.
All law is contract and all contracts are law.
Brad Daley-CMS
Has anyone had success with this program? If so, would you be willing to provide contact information to let others call you to talk about your experience?
Interested Party: There is no absolute guarantee. Look at it this way, if you hire a lawyer to defend you in a court case, will he give you a guarantee that you will win your case? He won't, but there is an implicit guarantee that he will do his best to win your case for you. Same with a doctor, they will not guarantee that your heart surgery will be successful. In fact, you will have to sign papers that say if you die on the operating table, he is not at fault. But that doctor will do his very best to give you a successful surgery. CMS has had thousands of clients, and thus far a 100% success rate, but they can't predict the future, and there is no guarantee that they can help you - although chances are very high they will.
Integrity Debt Relief Group - Court Mediation Services
I didn't know for sure at first, but I figured I had nothing to lose by requesting a free consultation. I asked a lot of questions and even had them send documents to my attorney. End of the story is, it works. I paid my enrollment fee, filled out the paperwork, and now the debt is no longer in my name and I don't even get mail from the credit card companies anymore.
You can holler scam all you want, but at least do your homework first. I'd suggest taking the next step, speaking with them, and making a decision based on facts rather than internet gossip. Anyone with an opinion can type it up with apparent authority.
Legitimate Program
I have been in the CMS program for 6 months and am very pleased with Brad Daley. I had $81,000 in CC debt on 8 cards because of many factors, some my fault some not. Everything is going according to plan and will be glad to come back 6 months from now to report complete success once that takes place. I have spoken with Brad on the phone and can tell he doesn't just provide a service but his heart and soul is involved and he really cares. His support staff is very helpful and attentive also.
As for anyone wanting them to reveal client names for reference, he likely cannot legally do that and just think--would you want your name and number given to possibly thousands of people?
Much success to your search for a debt free future!
I believe I am nearly there :D
Hey Charles, I was just reading your post and I am currently trying this program and something you said has caught my attention. You said that you have spoken to Brad and staff. I have been in this program since June and today is the lst time that I have tried to call them since enrolling. I get either a no answer or busy signal. Was it hard for you to contact them by phone? So far I can agree with you everything seems to be working as planned for me too!
Talked to Brad
Hi jen-e,
I have had regular contact with Terry by email. Sometimes it takes a day or two but he always responds. Once it did take a little more time for an email response. I noticed they started using an auto responder to let us know it takes 2-4 days for a reply depending on the type of question.
I talked to Brad on the phone. One Friday about a month ago I had a question and got only an automated phone message and didn't wish to leave a message. Later I changed my mind and called to leave a message and guess who answered the phone? Thats right Brad himself. We had a really good conversation and he answered all my questions. I felt that much more confident after that.
I am looking forward eagerly to see this through to the end.
Hi jen-e again,
I just want to mention our paperwork says Monday through Wednesday and Fridays 10AM - 4PM for calls and of course email anytime.
And of course we would never want to reveal the number or address here. You already know that but just in case :D
I would imagine it is hard to get through at times. My original contact Eileen C said I could still call her if I wanted to even after I became Brad's client.
i have regular contact with terry as well, but i never spoke to anyone on the phone. well today i tried to contact brad regarding a letter that came in the mail prior to a phone call i received monday morning and i have tried to contact them by email and still no response, which i know it normally takes 2 days or so for a response. so i then tried to call. i let the phone ring like forever with no voicemail to leave a message at lunch. so after lunch i have been trying and the line has been busy since lunch. so i was getting a lil nervous until i read your post. i will keep trying to call and i did send another email today. i agree with you on looking forward to see this through. so far everything has gone as planned like they said. i will post as well to let everyone know how it turns out. thank you for helping charles :)
thanks charles you are a great help! makes me feel better about
thanks charles you are a great help! makes me feel better about this whole thing.
BBB info and reference
I just got this reply from Jeff. . .
Actually - you want to look up Court Mediation Services - they are the ones doing the debt assumption. Go the site and enter their name under Alabama - and you'll see there are no complaints.
We are working on some testimonials - I am technically not at liberty to be giving out phone numbers (of course everyone asks this) - but I do have one gal that I can send you to - her name is April, (xxx) xxx-xxxx and she is on EST. Just tell her you talked to me.
2 Questions
Is Integrity debt relief, Integrity debt solutions, and CMS all the same organization?
Does this technique work on a credit card account that is closed?
"Is Integrity debt relief, Integrity debt solutions, and CMS all the same organization? Does this technique work on a credit card account that is closed?"
Hi Quincy,
The first one is questionable, the second one is a CMS agent site but is not the most up to date. is the site that I signed up with and it has some great info on it about CMS and Brad Daley
Call Eileen and ask her your questions or fill out the form and it I remember right she will call you.
Almost 7 months in and lov'in it!