Northland Group send me a collection letter. Should I send a DV?
Date: Tue, 07/15/2008 - 10:45
Northland Group send me a collection letter. Should I send a DV?
Interest for debt collectors is capped at 8% IF they have a judg
Interest for debt collectors is capped at 8% IF they have a judgment against you, but, if Capitol One still owns this debt and Northland Group is just representing them, then look at your contract and see what interest rate & fees are on your contract.
Thanks Shazzers, your always such a big help on this board! Bu
Thanks Shazzers, your always such a big help on this board! But if I don't have a copy of my contract because it was so long ago, do you know how I can get a copy? Maybe thru a DV letter?
northland group complaints
Northland Group Complaints:
Northland group are scammers. Check what your state statute of limitations is on old debts. This company is know to practice these illegal collections of old debts. Ask them for verification of your signature. Good Luck
northland group complaints
Send them A DV letter asking for a full and complete accounting as well as a copy of the signed contract (this is to prove that they can legally collect the interest they are claiming.) Also make sure they are fully licensed and bonded (whatever your state dictates).
Also send this certified and when you get the card back, dispute with the CRAs so when they validate on the reports they violate law and you have more leverage with them. Its rather nice to pay an account from the check the CA sends you when you win a lawsuit for them violating the law..because despite what they btell you, even if they finally validate fully (most never can) you can still get them for the violations since even if the debt IS yours, you still are entitled to the moneies from the violations.
northland group complaints
according to the debt cures book in Ohio the statutes of limitations is up on that debt after 4 years. As long as you haven't admitted to owing on it to the collection agency. So next time they contact you tell them the Statutes of limitations is up and not to contact you again.
northland group complaints
Guest: We are not Northland group. We are a forum dedicated to informing consumers of their rights.
There is a federal statute that forbids collection agencies from
There is a federal statute that forbids collection agencies from harrassing you during the period that transpires between when you send a request for detailed description of the specific "purchases" and the time that they comply with this information.
Does anyone know this specific statute number? I missplaced my original research.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousaccording to the debt cures
Originally Posted by Anonymous according to the debt cures book in Ohio the statutes of limitations is up on that debt after 4 years. As long as you haven't admitted to owing on it to the collection agency. So next time they contact you tell them the Statutes of limitations is up and not to contact you again. |
You should be able to send them a letter to stop sending you any communication regarding this account based on the Statute of limitations. What they are trying to do is collect old debt, even though it may have already been charged off from Capital One and it is no longer on your credit report.
At present, they are not doing anything wrong to hound you for the debt. Simply because the debt cannot be sued upon in court does not mean that they can't try to get you to voluntarily pay. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, however, the collection agency must stop contacting you if you provide them with written notice demanding the same. You can simply say:
"Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692c(c), I hereby demand that you cease all communication to me about my account [number ________] with [creditor]."
The collection agency is allowed to contact you one additional time to confirm receipt of your demand and instruct you on what the creditor plans to do next, which, may be nothing, if this no longer appears on your credit report. Hope this helps. Good luck.
NGI seems to be a scam, I just got a letter from them asking me
NGI seems to be a scam, I just got a letter from them asking me for $12,673 for a Capitol one account that is "suprise" not on my credit report. They are nice enough to reduce my debit to $5700 due to tax season ( gee thanks) Its possible it was discharged in a b/k or a debit consolidation, but its long gone and this is the second letter...I received one last year from Capitol llc. I was receiving calls and when I answered the phone It would be a very cheesy answer machine. When I called I got the same machine, I called everyday for a couple weeks and never spoke to a human or had my calls returned. Interesting, So I wrote them a letter saying I call BS! after veiwing my credit report I was happy to see NOTHING about a Cap.One account with that account number on it, or that I owed any debit that was not current. Im going to send my second letter and by the way, I see they have viewed my report in March. They should have seen that there is nothing on there they can come after ME for.
[QUOTE=Anonymous;677507]You should be able to send them a letter
[QUOTE=Anonymous;677507]You should be able to send them a letter to stop sending you any communication regarding this account based on the Statute of limitations. What they are trying to do is collect old debt, even though it may have already been charged off from Capital One and it is no longer on your credit report.
At present, they are not doing anything wrong to hound you for the debt. Simply because the debt cannot be sued upon in court does not mean that they can't try to get you to voluntarily pay. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, however, the collection agency must stop contacting you if you provide them with written notice demanding the same. You can simply say:
"Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692c(c), I hereby demand that you cease all communication to me about my account [number ________] with [creditor]."
The collection agency is allowed to contact you one additional time to confirm receipt of your demand and instruct you on what the creditor plans to do next, which, may be nothing, if this no longer appears on your credit report. Hope this helps. Good luck.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately, the poster you were responding too was incorrect. SOL in OH is 15 years not 4.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousNGI seems to be a scam, I ju
Originally Posted by Anonymous NGI seems to be a scam, I just got a letter from them asking me for $12,673 for a Capitol one account that is "suprise" not on my credit report. They are nice enough to reduce my debit to $5700 due to tax season ( gee thanks) Its possible it was discharged in a b/k or a debit consolidation, but its long gone and this is the second letter...I received one last year from Capitol llc. I was receiving calls and when I answered the phone It would be a very cheesy answer machine. When I called I got the same machine, I called everyday for a couple weeks and never spoke to a human or had my calls returned. Interesting, So I wrote them a letter saying I call BS! after veiwing my credit report I was happy to see NOTHING about a Cap.One account with that account number on it, or that I owed any debit that was not current. Im going to send my second letter and by the way, I see they have viewed my report in March. They should have seen that there is nothing on there they can come after ME for. |
If this debt was discharged thru BK, then you have grounds for suit for them violating the permanent stay of bankruptcy.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousaccording to the debt cures
Originally Posted by Anonymous according to the debt cures book in Ohio the statutes of limitations is up on that debt after 4 years. As long as you haven't admitted to owing on it to the collection agency. So next time they contact you tell them the Statutes of limitations is up and not to contact you again. |
Wish I'd seen this a year ago. Yet another example of what a piece of trash Trudeau's book is.
[QUOTE=Anonymous;333879]Hello, I have a question regarding a let
[QUOTE=Anonymous;333879]Hello, I have a question regarding a letter I received from Northland Group, informing me they have been assigned to collect on an old Capital One card. The card was charged off at $550.00 about four years ago. The letter states I owe $1,043.49. Here is my question, the letter states, "Because of interest that may vary from day to day, the balance due on the day you pay may be greater" I live in Ohio, does anyone know if collection agencies can charge that much interest? Thanks in advance for any clarity on this.[/QUOTE]
If the amount was signed (charged off) off 4 years ago the you should owe nothing check state laws ....
This company Northland Ggroup sent me a letter stating I owe Cap
This company Northland Ggroup sent me a letter stating I owe Cap One over $6k and asking me to settle for half the amount. I checked my credit report and thought this was on my bankruptcy but it wasn't. It actually shows the same amount in my credit report as it does the letter I received from them. My credit report also states the account was as a "charge off, account closed by credit grantor." Not to mention, I live in TX and the SOL is 4 years, but when does the 4 years start?
The last payment was 11/05 and the first sign of major deliquincey was 6/06.
What are my next steps? Should I ignore these guys?
You have to check with your bankruptcy lawyer, just because your
You have to check with your bankruptcy lawyer, just because your credit report show one thing it may not be correct. If you think this was in your bankruptcy check your paperwork and/or lawyer FIRST. Credit reports are notorious for being wrong and not updated correctly. I had to fix my own report-accounts that were in bankruptcy were not listed as such on my report a year later. I HAD to force them to fix it to reflect the bankruptcy. Many Dbs will buy bankrupt accounts and try to trick/force people to pay it, claiming "oh it wasnt in your bankruptcy". MAKE SURE first!!
Next, if the last payment was 11/05 then the clock started at your next missed payment so it is past Texas SOL-12/05 plus 4 years is 12/09, your 6 months passed it.
Received a letter from Northland Group about a past due account
Received a letter from Northland Group about a past due account on a Capital One card. I am pretty certain that I have never had a Capital One card, and have certainly never owed that amount of money on a credit card. I ran my credit report, and there is nothing on the accounts section for a Capital One card or Northland Group. I did see however that Capital One ran my credit in March of this year. I of course did not authorize them to do so. I have disputed this credit check as a fraudulent inquiry. Should I call the company, or just let it be? I am pretty sure this is completely bogus. And if for some reason this is a card that I opened years ago, and the statute of limitations are up, can they report this to my credit after all of this time?
I would definately not ignore it. Capital One is an agressive s
I would definately not ignore it. Capital One is an agressive suer and they obviously have you in their system somehow. You need to get to the bottom of it...start by calling capital one.
hi, i just received a letter from northland group today and i wa
hi, i just received a letter from northland group today and i was making payment to aarow financial group and now i received a letter from northland group inc that i have an amount of 11,000 and they want to settle it for 2,200. I called and ask them why is my account with you guys and I was making payment with the other agencies and they told me that they work together with aarow financial and they want to settled this amount with me. So, I set up a payment sceduled with them and they want me to pay in 3 months...I want to know if this is the right way to go at. I have no knowledge of all this collection stuff and I'm trying to get some information online to help me understand more but the more I read some of the comment the more I feel hopeless and confused and lost. Please help me make the right choice.
Thank you
I checked my credit report and I got the numbers for the collect
I checked my credit report and I got the numbers for the collection agencies that has my account. I have a balance of 10,400 from a car loan and I told them I want to pay this amount in full but I only way is to make partial payment of 100 or more it depends on my savings but I just received a letter from northland group inc stating that I owe 11,500 on the same account I was making payment of. So I called the northland I ask them why are they handling my account with aarow financial and they said they work together with aarow financial agencies. I've planned to pay this with aarow financial agencies but I'm not sure why the other collection agency is handling my account. I call to make a payment sceduled and they want me to pay in 3 months. I want to know if I'm making a right choice or this is a scam. I have no knowledge of all these and please I need your help of what to do. I want to pay the amount they offer me as a settlement for 2854 but I'm confused and stressed. Please help!
The clock starts from the first diliquincy date, which is usuall
The clock starts from the first diliquincy date, which is usually the month after your last payment when you should have paid but didn't. But even if you go by there date the SOL is still over
Ignor the letter, or just send a letter back asking to see proof
Ignor the letter, or just send a letter back asking to see proof of the debt owed, such as your application with signature. Once you submit letter they will not contact you again, they collect on old's bs and most likely it's not even on your credit report
Northland Group is contracted by other collection groups that ha
Northland Group is contracted by other collection groups that have been unable to get payment on old debts. They are limited by the info they get from the original creditor. Garbage in, Garbage out. They don't own the debt, they get paid a percentage by the original creditor for whatever they collect.
bullsh*t.i just answered a thread about them concerning montgome
bullsh*t.i just answered a thread about them concerning montgomery ward' know the store chain that closed in late 2000,or early 2001.nice try humanoid,but this is a JDB of certain debts.
letter of 8/30/2012 act.3553
I only ever had one Providan account & it was settled in full in December 2008 when I refinanced my condo. I have sent proff of this 6 to 8 monts ago with no response. I refuse to be extorted for money I do not owe!
Hi. Do you have a question for our forum or are you just shar
Do you have a question for our forum or are you just sharing your experience with this collector?
Have they contacted you regarding a debt you believe was paid? Do you have a paid in full letter? If so, respond in writing that the debt has been paid in full and that they should cease and desist further contact with you regarding this debt. Include a copy of your paid in full letter and be sure to send the letter via certified mail with a return receipt requested so you will have proof they received your letter.
Northland Group
As with any collection agency. You write them a letter asking for verification that you had a debt and you want a copy of your signature to accompany in the letter. If they can't provide it you do not have to pay th bill. Also you must reply although it is a charge off. That has nothing to do with you owing the debt. The creditor charged it off their receivables not your debt. They sold it to an agency.
YOu can make payment arrangements if you intend to pay or you can write the above letter
include in the letter not to contact you by phone by letter only. And also ask for the amount you were given credit and the balance you owed according to citibank. Otherwise you will pay double. Or just ignore them and never pay. the latter could be abboying. Yu could change your home phone number and make sure it is not listed.
I got no money
I am out of work and I got no money and I know that Bill Collectors don't care about us.
Northland Group
they sent me a letter, then said I needed to provide proof that I don't owe the debt - when I said "what debt?, I need proof of whatever it is THEY are claiming I owe!" and the guy said "when you are ready to discuss this debt, you can call us back" -
he didnt attend
We received a letter from them for a debt from a school my husband never even attended. I was hoping they had the wrong guy, now I wonder if its just random...
I need help
I received a letter from Northland dated February 7th 20013, the letter stated I could settle a debt that had fallen off my credit report two years ago. I live in California and had a collections account with Pinnacle collection that was representing Circuit City for a debt that is approx $4,300. The debt fell off my credit report after seven years. Northlland's letter stated they are now representing Pinnacle for the $4,300. Wether legal or not can they place it back on my credit report? or sue me?
Dear Northland...
Dear Northland...
I hereby demand you cease and desist any and all contact with me and anyone associated with me. The debt you are collecting on is way out of the statutue of limitations and thus is time barred.
Govern yourself accordingly.
recieved a letter the other day said i owed 2200,00 from 22 years ago? what wants me to pay 800.00 on this debt. think not. the letter also said that i would not be sued or reported to a creditor...what is this? should i just blow this off? think i should but dont know.