A Year Into My Program
Date: Tue, 07/08/2008 - 21:05
A Year Into My Program
Its been hard, I've skipped a few lunches, had to sell a few things...but I was stupid enough to accumulate the debt in the first place, I should suffer a little to get out of it.
getting out of debt CAN BE DONE, but it takes time-sacrifice and patience.
Best of luck to you all out there!
I am glad to hear about your success and you should pat yourself
I am glad to hear about your success and you should pat yourself on the back. Good job, well done.
Thanks Lady! I couldn't have done it in the beginning without e
Thanks Lady! I couldn't have done it in the beginning without everyone here. Even in my darkest, scariest moments you all were so reassuring. I'm just tackling everything one issue at a time. Its a lot easier that way.
Lawn, how wonderful for you!!! I just am starting my journey, I
Lawn, how wonderful for you!!! I just am starting my journey, I can only hope a year from now I can too brag about success!! Coninued Success to you!!
You can do it lmale!!! I have other debts that I am now startin
You can do it lmale!!! I have other debts that I am now starting to tackle since this one is getting better. Just keep at it & you'll do it.
Don't forget that we are all here to help you!!
Lawn!! How good to hear from you, and congrats on your success.
Lawn!! How good to hear from you, and congrats on your success. A bigger congrats on your little baby! I have often wondered about you and when you were suppossed to give birth! Thanks for sharing your success story, all of us need to hear positive can come of this! Take care of yourself and the little one!..karen :D
Thanks! Around November, I found I couldn't sit at the computer
Thanks! Around November, I found I couldn't sit at the computer at home because I had terrible sciatica. Was better off on the couch. Now things are settling down & the baby is going to bed at a decent hour (so far!).
Thanks Karen!!!