I'm late on rent.. so scared, don't have any idea what to do
Date: Tue, 07/08/2008 - 12:19
I'm late on rent.. so scared, don't have any idea what to do
Well we are in the rental business with our first set of tenants
Well we are in the rental business with our first set of tenants. In looking at this from a landlord's point of view I would appreciate a phone call on when to expect the rent as our renters have never, ever paid their rent on the first 5 days of the month but have always included the $10.00 late fee. My husband did call them once because it was the 10th of the month and was told the check was in the mail. The girl got a money order that was dated on the 16th of the month but also included the late fee.
He politely explained to them that our house payment on the rental property was due on the first of the month and that he can't be late with it and hoped that they understood.
They asked him permission to get a puppy after they moved in which he let them do without an additional pet deposit. I think that if you are up front and honest with your landlord then he shouldn't be that angry with you. It sounds like you have been a good tenant and have been responsible up to this point. Hopefully he will be understanding. Are you currently in a lease or on a month to month lease?
Did you get the dog before you rented the property or after, how long have you rented from him? Tenants have more advantages than landlord's, unfortunately for landlord's that is not good but is good for you as a tenant. If you have any questions call your local legal aid society and ask them if you are still unsure. But to be honest I would appreciate a phone call from my tenant knowing when to expect the rent.
I hope that this advice has been helpful. Other's will be along shortly to advise further.
It was helpful - thanks so, so much! I am going to call and offe
It was helpful - thanks so, so much! I am going to call and offer at least a partial payment now. I got the dog after I moved in and it was agreeed on before I signed the lease (it is actually mentioned in the lease that I am allowed a pet.) We went over everything than he saw my dog (not even a puppy, I adopted a house-broken dog from a shelter and told him again the day before I got it) and didn't seem too thrilled. I really am a good tenant.. hopefully this will work. Thanks!
Well he should be thankful that the dog was housebroken as our t
Well he should be thankful that the dog was housebroken as our tenant's puppy isn't :twisted: I am glad that you are going to contact him and let him know your plans.
thanks again for everyone's help, i just paniced :) it's gonna b
thanks again for everyone's help, i just paniced :) it's gonna be okay though.. thanks
I'm so glad everything worked out for you. We were in this situ
I'm so glad everything worked out for you. We were in this situation recently, and didn't know what to do.
Hello, thanks again for everyone's help. i talked to my landlord
Hello, thanks again for everyone's help. i talked to my landlord (awhile back, when i first posted this) and explained the situation. i actually have not paid it yet but gave him a post-dated check dated the day of my payday (i trust him not to cash it prior). i'm sure it's not the best way to do it but what can i do? i'm nowhere near out of the clear.. the rent is taken care of but after it's paid, i have to pay him two weeks later for other stuff. right now i'm about $800 behind for my other montly regular bills. i tried to seek help but it's just a tough time right now. i am finding ways to earn money. i sold some jewerly to pay my electric bill, for example but right now i am trying to raise $70 to cover a check i wrote for groceries (also so my utility bill doesn't bounce.) it's hard and it's scary how easy it is to fall behind. i am nowhere near the clear but i did find a temporary part-time job starting in august. that will help, it just kills me to fall behind when it takes so long to catch up..
It sucks...there is always something isnt there? =( I was in tha
It sucks...there is always something isnt there? =( I was in that same situation back in January... but since i had always been good and upfront with the landlord with any problems i had going on with money...when i told him i coiuldnt make this month, he let the late fee slide, and told me that he knew i was good for it, so to get it to him whenever i could that month... So it does help to be upfront at all times...dont run from problems, i am a strong believer it makes things ten times worse!! =) Glad it all worked out for you! Good luck being behind on your bills...hope that works out!
Hello, it did work out for the most part, thanks :) I cannot go
Hello, it did work out for the most part, thanks :) I cannot go crazy this Christmas - if i stay within budget, i will be good.