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Synerprise Harrassment, need advice

Date: Sat, 07/05/2008 - 17:11

Submitted by anonymous
on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 17:11

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 8

Synerprise Harrassment, need advice

I'm a disabled Vietnam Vet. I'm 100% and permanently disabled. I have severe heart and lung disease. It's serious enough that the leading Cardiology Dept in the country, Barns - Jewish in St. Louis, told my wife and I that I could drop dead at any moment without warning. My wife is also disabled due to a stroke. Synerprise is hounding me for a student loan. I filled out th deferment form, as did my doctor, and we both signed it and returned the form to Synerprise right away.A week later I received the same exact form and they wanted me to do it all over again. In fact they said I may need to do it three more times before it would be accepted. In the words of my doctors, " What part of completely and permanantly disabled do they not understand? He refused to do it again because he was insulted they wanted to put him through it needlesly. I can't blame him honestly.Though I haven't been able to work for a number of years, Synerprise even went as far as to send me a letter stating that they confirmed I was working and were going to garnish my wages. They did take our stimulus check. They are even threatening to garnish my VA disability check, my only income. Hello! If I'm not disabled how can I be receiving a disability pension? Our medical bills are astronomical, $65,000 just for my bypass. We barely make ends meet and own absolutely nothing but the clothes on our backs. both of my lungs have collapsed twice and I have a mass in my left lung. I've already suffered several heart attacks, the last a massive one and had a triple bypass in 05 at 53 years old. I really don't need the lies and harassment. What are my options?

That's better.....

Now then, Biggerrider, was this a federally-backed student loan through DOE, or private? If it's a government loan, you may have better luck dealing directly with DOE. Given the rest of what you posted, you may also get results by contacting the office of the Student Loan Ombudsman. Also consider talking to somebody over at the VA about this mess. BTW, your disability cannot be garnished, as far as I know. Let us know what those folks have to say, and we'll help you however we can.

And while I've got you here, thanks for your service to our country.


Submitted by unclewulf on Sun, 07/06/2008 - 19:22

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )


BTW, your disability cannot be garnished, as far as I know.

Oh yes is can be...any government payment including SS and SSDI can be garnished. are in default. I hope you have not filled out a deferment form as deferment is not applicable to defaults. What you probably filled out was a Permanent Disability loan cancellation form. It is very difficult to qualify for loan cancellation as the guidelines are much tougher than SSDI. First thing they will look at is whether or not the disability pre-dated the loan. The form itself can be very tricky....if everything filled out completely, it will be discarded. Nothing can be left blank and all information must be included. If you doctor refuses to fill out another form, you can expect the collection efforts to continue. The CA is only doing what they are told to do....they submit the forms and if not complete, they are told to send them out again. They have no say in the decision.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 05:19

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

The forms were filled out completely. That wasn't the problem. They simply don't want to admit I'm disabled. As to my disability, if there's any question, Three cardiology teams, at 3 diferant hospitals, determined that I could drop dead at any moment without warning and not a thing anyone can do about it. Don't get much more serious than that. No, I didn't become disabled till after the loan. My disability stems from exsposure to Agent pink, pure dioxin, as oposed to Agent Orange, dioxin mixed with jet fuel. It took a few years for things to start showing up, but when they did it was a snow ball effect. Every organ in my body has been afected. They can have as strict a rule for disability as they like, but short of being dead, I'm meet the guidelines. Heck, I'd be happy if they'd send me to a doc of their choice, though I doubt they'd believe him either.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 08:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I live in Kansas City ,
Synerprise DOES NOT deal in student loans , they are medical only, My girlfriend used to work there , She left there to go back to college .
You must be confusing them with another collection agency.
She only dealt with medical only .
Take Care



Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 07:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )